姓 名: 王田禾
所在大學: 武漢理工大學
所在城市: 湖北 武漢
所在院系: 材料科學與工程學院
王田禾 性別: 男 出生年月: 1956-5-1 職稱: Senior 學科專業: 材料學 工作單位: 英國Sheiffield大學 畢業院校: PhD. 研究方向: Physics and Chemistry of glassGlass-ceramicsAdvanced Glass 科研項目: 資料不詳 獲獎成果: 資料不詳 其他信息: Fellow, American Ceramics SocietyFellow, Society of Glass Technology Career Details: Mar. 1975-Jan. 1978: Working as a technician in a sheet glass factory in Qinhuagndao, China. Feb. 1978-Feb. 1982: S tudying for a Ph.D at the Universiity of Sheffield, UK. O ct. 1985-Jan. 1989: Working as a research assistant at the University of Sheffield, UK. Mar. 1989-May 1990: Working as a project manager at Huayou Technical Design Insitute, Beijing, Chian. June 1990-Sept. 1995: Senior scientist then technical manager at Ceramic Developments Ltd, Corby, UK. Oct. 1995-Mar 1996:: Far-East technical sales manager, Diersified Ceramic Products Latd, Vesuveus International Corpration, Newmiln, UK April 1996-March 2001: Senior Project manager at the University of Sheffield. April 2001-Now; Technilcal Manager, HP Tchnical Ceramics Ltd, Sheffield, Uk。