望著路途亮與黑也高興 Oh
誰在注目 凝望你嗎
如畫 那樣美麗無瑕
I remember like it was yesterday you
And me chase the stress away
I wish I could see you one more time
So I could tell you what was on my mind
Feelings I had, I was to shy to say want to
Make sure you wouldn't cry today
I know it's getting colder,
You can lean on my shoulder
It's going to be fine and
I promise it isn't over
Been gone too long this emotional
Trip goes on and on
I hope you'll be strong not alone
Anymore cos you have this song
留樹蔭下 來共舞嗎
時光 這樣美麗無瑕
Yeah, I'm addicted to your laughter
You are the only one to fill these
Pages and these chapters
We can share our dreams gir
I'll let you know my plans
Just look into my eyes,
The best day of my life
Is when you and me are holding hands.
Let me dance tonight to me turn on the searchlight
The signal of freedom will be embroidered on the sky
Oh dance with me tonight And fill the darkness with the light
Cause you're my only cure
For this young and troubled mind I am redefined
流連城市 人來人往 為了理想起舞吧
狂雷暴雨 亦要擁抱好嗎
無憾地笑 無憾地跳 夜晚看星在發光
像滿天 熱舞中的花 向我們盛放
流連城市 人來人往 為了理想起舞吧
狂雷暴雨 亦要擁抱好嗎
無憾地笑 無憾地跳 夜晚看星在發光
像滿天 熱舞中的花 向我們盛放
香港導演黃修平繼電影《貝克漢遇上奧雲》、《魔術男》後,以中西合璧的街舞、跑酷和太極為主題,拍成充滿勇氣和活力的春青電影《狂舞派》,由顏卓靈、Babyjohn(蔡瀚億)、Lokman(楊樂文)、Janice(范穎兒)、Tommy Guns等香港新進演員和頂尖跳舞高手演出,黃貫中客串演出。片中精彩舞蹈由Shing Mak編排,A-Day成員戴偉和阿佛擔當配樂。