1. 電漿噴塗工藝與塗層材料組成、結構、性能間關係的研究
2. 非氧化物塗層的製備工藝及其性能研究
3. 電漿噴塗塗層在苛刻環境下的服役行為研究
1. 骨植入體生物活性塗層材料研究及套用,上海市科學技術進步二等獎,2009年
2. 高強度低鬆弛預應力混凝土用盤條開發研究,江蘇省科技進步獎二等獎,2006年
[1] Y. Niu, X. Fei, H. Wang, X. Zheng, C. Ding, Microstructure Characteristics and Oxidation Behavior of Molybdenum Disilicide Coatings Prepared by Low Pressure Plasma Spraying, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology
[2] Yaran Niu, Xuebin Zheng, Xuanyong Liu, Heng Ji, Chuanxian Ding, Influence of Powder Size on Characteristics of Air Plasma Sprayed Silicon Coatings, Ceramics International
[3] Yaran Niu, Xuebin Zheng, Chuanxian Ding, Hong Li, Cui Hu, Musu Ren, Jinliang Sun, Microstructure Characteristics of Silicon Carbide Coatings Fabricated on C/C Composites by Plasma Spraying Technology, Ceramics International
[4] Yaran Niu, Deyang Hu, Heng Ji, Liping Huang, Xuebin Zheng, Effect of bond coatings on properties of vacuum plasma sprayed tungsten coatings on copper alloy substrate, Fusion Engineering and Design
[5] Y. Niu, S. Suzuki, X. Zheng, C. Ding, J. Chen, W. Wang, Y. Oya, K. Okuno, ChemicalStates and Deuterium Retention Behavior of Vacuum Plasma Sprayed Tungsten Coatings, Journal of Nuclear Materials
[6] Yaran Niu, Xuebin Zheng, Heng Ji, Lingjun Qi, Chuanxian Ding, Junling Chen, Guangnan Luo, Microstructure and thermal property of tungsten coatings prepared by vacuum plasma spraying technology, Fusion Engineering and Design
[7] Yaran Niu, Xuanyong Liu, Xuebin Zheng, Heng Ji, Chuanxian Ding, Microstructure and Properties characterization of silicon coatings prepared by vacuum plasma spraying technology, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology
[8] Yaran Niu, Xuanyong Liu, Chuanxian Ding. Vacuum-plasma-sprayed silicon coatings for biomedical application, Materials Science and Engineering C
[9] 牛亞然, 鄭學斌, 丁傳賢, 電漿噴塗高溫抗氧化塗層製備與表征, 熱噴塗技術, 3卷 (3期)