2004-2008 德國馬克斯-普朗克植物育種研究所,博士後
2001-2004 德國馬克斯-普朗克植物育種研究所學習,獲博士學位
1999-2000 英國John Innes Centre訪問學習,獲碩士學位
1985-1987 華中農業大學植物遺傳育種專業學習,研究生
1981-1985 江西農業大學學習,獲學士學位
植物細胞通過抗病免疫受體介導對病原菌的識別並激活抗病反應,目前抗病蛋白激活以及下游的信號組份和信號轉導機制還有待進一步的認識。利用麥類作物(大、小麥)和病原真菌(如白粉菌, Blumeria graminis)互作研究體系,採用分子生物學、分子遺傳學以及生物化學方法研究作物抗病蛋白(NLR, NB-LRR)對重要病害的抗病機制,包括抗病蛋白的激活及其下游的信號轉導組份、轉錄因子和轉錄調控機制。我們已經證明多個大麥MLA抗病蛋白激活後在細胞核中與不同類型的轉錄因子互作,通過磷酸化、泛素化、乙醯化等蛋白翻譯後修飾調控轉錄因子的活性或穩定性,介導對白粉菌的抗性。進一步將闡明信號轉導途徑、建立抗病調控網路和鑑定關鍵下游靶標基因。
白粉菌基因組編碼多達500個左右的分泌候選效應蛋白(Candidate secreted effector proteins, CSEPs),研究真菌效應蛋白功能有助於了解病原真菌抑制寄主抗性和闡明跨界作用的分子機制。我們已經鑑定到多個抑制或誘導植物細胞死亡的CSEPs,鑑定到一些重要的寄主靶標,深入研究靶標的生化功能、以及CSEPs與寄主靶標互作網路的分析意義重大。
1. Wang T, Chang C, Gu C, Tang S, Xie Q, Shen Q-H* (2016). An E3 ligase affects the NLR receptor stability and immunity to powdery mildew. Plant Physiology 172(4): 2504-2515
2. Zhu Y, Li Y, Fei F, Wang Z, Wang W, Cao A, Liu Y, Han S, Xing L, Wang H, Chen W, Tang S, Huang X, Shen Q-H, Xie Q, Wang X * (2015). E3 ubiquitin ligase gene CMPG1–V from Haynaldia villosa L. contributes to powdery mildew resistance in common wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.). Plant Journal 84(1): 154-168
3. Liu J, Cheng X, Liu D, Xu W, Wise R, Shen Q-H* (2014). The miR9863 Family Regulates Distinct Mla Alleles in Barley to Attenuate NLR Receptor-Triggered Disease Resistance and Cell-Death Signaling. PLoS Genetics. 10(12): e1004755
4. Li M, Ma X, Chiang Y, Yadeta K, Ding P, Dong L, Zhao Y, Li X, Yu Y, Zhang L, Shen Q-H, Xia B, Coaker G, Liu D, Zhou J-M * (2014). Proline Isomerization of the Immune Receptor-Interacting Protein RIN4 by a Cyclophilin Inhibits Effector-Triggered Immunity in Arabidopsis. Cell Host & Microbe 16(4):473-483
5. Chang C, Yu D, Jiao J, Jing S, Schulze-Lefert P, Shen Q-H* (2013). Barley MLA Immune Receptors Directly Interfere with Antagonistically Acting Transcription Factors to Initiate Disease Resistance Signaling. Plant Cell 25: 1158-1173
6. Chang C, Zhang L, Shen Q-H* (2013). Partitioning, repressing and derepressing: dynamic regulations in MLA immune receptor triggered defense signaling. Frontiers in Plant Science 4. 10.3389/fpls.2013.00396
7. Ling H-Q *, Zhao S, Liu D, Wang J, Sun H, …, Shen Q-H, Xue P, …, Zhang K, Zhang X, Luo M-C, Dvorak J, Tong Y, Wang J, Yang H, Li Z *, Wang D *, Zhang A *, Wang J * (2013). Draft genome of the wheat A-genome progenitor Triticum urartu. Nature 496: 87-90
8. Du Y, Zhao J, Chen T, Liu Q, Zhang H, Wang Y, Hong Y, Xiao F, Zhang L, Shen Q-H, Liu Y * (2013). Type I J-Domain NbMIP1 Proteins Are Required for Both Tobacco Mosaic Virus Infection and Plant Innate Immunity. PLoS Pathogens9: e1003659
9. Bai S, Liu J, Chang C, Zhang L, Maekawa T, Wang Q, Xiao W, Liu Y, Chai J, Takken FLW, Schulze-Lefert P, Shen Q-H* (2012). Structure-Function Analysis of Barley NLR Immune Receptor MLA10 Reveals Its Cell Compartment Specific Activity in Cell Death and Disease Resistance. PLoS Pathogens 8: e1002752
10. Maekawa T, Cheng W, Spiridon LaurentiuN, Töller A, Lukasik E, Saijo Y, Liu P, Shen Q-H, Micluta MariusA, Somssich ImreE, Takken FrankLW, Petrescu A-J, Chai J, Schulze-Lefert P * (2011). Coiled-Coil Domain-Dependent Homodimerization of Intracellular Barley Immune Receptors Definesa Minimal Functional Module for Triggering Cell Death. Cell Host & Microbe9: 187-199
11. Wang G-F, Wei X, Fan R, Zhou H, Wang X, Yu C, Dong L, Dong Z, Wang X, Kang Z, Ling H, Shen Q-H, Wang D, Zhang X *(2011). Molecular analysis of common wheat genes encoding three types of cytosolic heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90): functional involvement of cytosolic Hsp90s in the control of wheat seedling growth and disease resistance. New Phytologist191:418-431
12. Yu C, Li Y, Li B, Liu X, Hao L, Chen J, Qian W, Li S, Wang G, Bai S, Ye H, Qin H, Shen Q-H, Chen L, Zhang A, Wang D *(2010). Molecular analysis of phosphomannomutase (PMM) genes reveals a unique PMM duplication event in diverse Triticeae species and the main PMM isozymes in bread wheat tissues. BMC Plant Biology 10:214
13. Shen Q-H, Saijo Y, Mauch S, Biskup C, Bieri S, Keller B, Seki H, Ülker B, Somssich IE, Schulze-Lefert P * (2007). Nuclear Activity of MLA Immune Receptors Links Isolate-Specific and Basal Disease-Resistance Responses. Science 315: 1098-1103
14. Shen Q-H, Schulze-Lefert P * (2007). Rumble in the nuclear jungle: compartmentalization, trafficking, and nuclear action of plant immune receptors. EMBO J. 26: 4293-4301
15. Shen, Q-H, Saijo Y., Mauch S., Tintor, N., Biskup C., Ülker B., Somssich I.E., Robatzek R. and Schulze-Lefert P * (2007). Signal Integration in the Plant Immune. Book Chapter in: Biology of Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Volume 6. Editors: Matteo Lorito, Sheri Woo and Felice Scala.
16. Bieri S, Mauch S, Shen Q-H, Peart J, Devoto A, Casais C, Ceron F, Schulze S, Steinbiß H-H, Shirasu K, Schulze-Lefert P *(2004). RAR1 Positively Controls Steady State Levels of Barley MLA Resistance Proteins and Enables Sufficient MLA6 Accumulation for Effective Resistance. Plant Cell 16:3480-3495
17. Rodrigues P, Garrood JM, Shen Q-H, Smith PH, Boyd LA *(2004). The genetics of non-host disease resistance in wheat to barley yellow rust. Theor Appl Genet109:425-432
18. Shen Q-H, Zhou F, Bieri S, Haizel T, Shirasu K, Schulze-Lefert P * (2003). Recognition Specificity and RAR1/SGT1 Dependence in Barley Mla Disease Resistance Genes to the Powdery Mildew Fungus. Plant Cell15: 732-744