
留學生 教育學院:漢語言。
College of Foreign Students Education :Chinese Language
文學 院:人文科學試驗班、漢語言文學、對外漢語
College of Liberal Studies: Humanities, Chinese Linguistics and Literature, Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
歷史學 院:歷史學、世界歷史、考古學專業等。
College of History : History Studies, World History, Archaeology, etc.
哲學 學院:哲學基地班、比較哲學國際班、國學試驗班、宗教學、心理學。
School of Philosophy : Philosophy, Comparative Philosophy, Class of Chinese Traditional Learning, Religious Studies, Psychology.
藝術學 系:戲劇影視文學。
Department of Arts:Drama and Film-television Literature.
外國語言文學 學院:英語、俄語、德語、法語、日語。
College of Foreign Language and Literature: English Language, Russian Language, German Language, French Language, Japanese Language.
新聞與傳播 學院:新聞學、廣播電視新聞學、廣告學、播音與主持藝術。
School of Journalism and Communication: Journalism, Broadcasting Journalism, Advertising,Broadcasting and Hosting.
信息管理 學院:圖書館學、信息管理與信息系統、檔案學、編輯出版學、電子商務。
School of Information Management: Library Science, Information Management and System, Archives, Editing and Publishing Science, E-Commerce.
經濟與管理 學院:經濟學基地班、數理經濟試驗班、數理金融試驗班、國際經濟與貿易(中文授課/英文授課)、金融學、金融工程、財政學、保險學、工商管理、人力資源管理、物流管理、市場行銷、會計學(含註冊會計師專門化方向)、財務管理、旅遊管理、工程管理、物業管理。
Economics and Management School:Economics, Mathematical Economics,Mathematical, Finance, International Economy and Trade(Chinese Medium / English Medium), Finance, Finance Engineering, Cameralistics, Insurance Studies, Business Administration, Human Resources Management, Logistic Management, Marketing, Accounting, Financial Management, Tourism Management, Project Management, Property Management.
法學 院:法學。
College of Law : Law.
社會學 系:社會學、社會工作。
Department of Sociology: Sociology,Social Work.
政治與公共管理 學院:政治學與行政學、外交學、思想政治教育、行政管理、公共事業管理、勞動與社會保障。
School of Political Science and Public Management:Political Science and Public Administration, Diplomacy, Ideological and Political Education, Public Administration, Public Affairs Management, Labour and Social Security.
數學 與統計學院:數學基地班、數學與套用數學、信息與計算科學、統計學。
School of Mathematics and Statistics:Mathematics,Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Information and Calculational Science, Statistics.
物理科學與技術 學院:物理學、套用物理學、材料物理、電子科學與技術。
College of Physics and Technology: Physics, Applied Physics, Material Physics, Electronic Engineering.
化學與分子科學 學院:化學、套用化學、材料科學與技術。
College of Chemistry and Molecular Science: Chemistry, Applied Chemistry, Material Science and Technology.
生命科學 學院:生物學、生命科學與技術。
College of Life Science : Biology, Life Science and Technology.
資源與環境科學 學院:地理科學、地理信息系統、環境科學、環境工程、土地資源管理、資源環境與城鄉規劃管理。
College of Resources and Environmental Science: Geography Science, Geographical Information System, Environmental Science, Environmental Engineering, Land Resources Management, Resource Environmental and Urban-Rural Planning and Management.
水利水電 學院:水利水電工程、水文與水資源工程、港口海岸及治河工程、農業水利工程。
College of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering: Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering, Harbors, Coast and River Engineering, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering.
電氣工程 學院:電氣工程與自動化。
College of Electrical Engineering : Electrical Engineering and Automation.
動力與機械 學 院:核工程與核技術專業、能源動力系統及自動化、機械設計製造及其自動化、自動化、水質科學與技術、金屬材料工程、材料成型及控制工程。
School of Power and Mechanical Engineering: Nuclear Engineering and Nuclear Technology, Energy and Power Systems, Machine Design and Manufacturing,Automation, Water Quality and Technology, Metallic Material Engineering, Material Processing and Control.
城市建設 學院:建築學(五年制)、城市規劃(五年制)、工業設計、藝術設計。
School of Urban Studies : Architecture (5 years), City Planning (5 years), Industrial Design, Artistic Design.
土木建築工程 學院:土木工程、工程力學、給水排水科學與工程。
School of Civil Engineering: Civil Engineering, Water Supply and Sewage Engineering, Engineering Mechanics.
計算機 學院:計算機科學與技術、信息安全、仿真科學與技術、物聯網工程。
School of Computer: Computer Science and Technology, Information Security, Simulation Science and Technology, The Internet of Things Engineering.
電子信息 學院:通信工程、電子信息工程、電子信息科學與技術、電波傳播與天線、光信息科學與技術、測控技術與儀器。
College of Electronic Information:Communication Engineering, Electronic Information Engineering, Electronic Information Science and Technology, Wave Propagation and Antenna, Optical Information Science and Technology, Measurement and Control Technology and Instrument.
遙感信息工程 學院:遙感科學與技術。
School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering:Remote Sensing Science and Technology.
測繪 學院:地球物理學、測繪工程。
School of Geodesy and Geomatics: Geophysics, Surveying and Mapping Engineering.
College of International Software: Software Engineering(Chinese Medium/English Medium), Spatial Information and Digital Technology(Chinese Medium/English Medium), Internet of Things Engineering.
印刷與包裝 系:包裝工程、印刷工程。
Printing and Packaging Department :Packaging Engineering, Printing Engineering.
醫學 院:臨床醫學(中文授課學制五年;英文授課學制六年)、口腔醫學(五年)、醫學檢驗(五年)、預防醫學(中文授課和英文授課均為五年)、護理學、藥學。
College of Medicine :Clinical Medicine(Chinese Medium:5 years; English Medium:6 years), Stomatology(5 years) ,Medical Examination(5 years), Preventive Medicine(Chinese Medium:5 years; English Medium:5 years)), Nursing, Pharmacy.
留學生 教育學院:對外漢語教學(兩年)、漢語國際教育(兩年)。
College of Foreign Students Education: Teaching Chinese as a Second Language(2 years), Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages(2 years).
102 外國語言文學 學院:英語語言文學、俄語語言文學、法語語言文學(兩年)、德語語言文學、日語語言文學、外國語言學及套用語言學、學科教學(英語)(兩年)、英語筆譯(兩年)、英語口譯(兩年)。
College of Foreign Language and Literature:English Linguistics and Literature, Russian Linguistics and Literature, French Linguistics and Literature(two years), German Linguistics and Literature, Japanese Linguistics and Literature, Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in Foreign Language, Teaching English to Chinese Speakers(2 years), English Translation(2 years), English Interpretation(2 years).
103 新聞與傳播 學院:新聞學、傳播學、數字媒介、廣告與網路傳播(兩年)。
School of Journalism and Communication:Journalism, Mass Communication, Digital Media, Advertising and Network Media(2 years).
104 信息管理 學院:管理科學與工程、電子商務、圖書館學、情報學、檔案學、出版發行學、信息資源管理、出版(兩年)、項目管理(兩年)、工程管理(兩年)、圖書情報(兩年)。
School of Information Management:Science of Management and Engineering,E-Commerce, Library Science, Information Science, Archives,Publishing Science, Information Resources Management, Publishing(2 years), Program Management(2 years), Project Management(2 years), Library and Information(2 years), .
105 經濟與管理 學院:政治經濟學、經濟思想史、經濟史、西方經濟學、世界經濟、人口資源與環境經濟學、國民經濟學、區域經濟學、財政學、金融學、產業經濟學、國際貿易學、數量經濟學、勞動經濟學、金融工程、保險學、房地產經濟學、管理科學與工程、會計學、企業管理、旅遊管理、技術經濟及管理、市場行銷管理、人力資源管理、物流管理、工商管理碩士MBA(中文授課在職三年/英文授課在職兩年半)、金融(兩年)、稅務(兩年)、國際商務(兩年)、保險(兩年)、資產評估(兩年)、審計(兩年)、項目管理(兩年)、物流工程(兩年)、工商管理(兩年)、會計(兩年)、旅遊管理專業碩士(兩年)、工程管理(兩年)。
Economics and Management School: Political Economics, History of Economic Thinking, History of Economics, Western Economics, World Economy, Economics of Population Resources and Environment, National Economy Studies, Regional Economics, Public Finance Science, Finance Science, Industrial Economics, International Trade, Mathematical Economics, Labor Economics, Finance Engineering, Insurance Science, Real Estate Economics, Management Science and Engineering, Accounting Science, Enterprise Management, Tourism Management, Technology Economy and Management, Marketing Management, Human Resources Management, Logistic Management,Master of Business Administration (Chinese Medium 3years/English Medium, 2.5years), Finance(2 years), Taxation(2 years), International Business(2 years), Insurance, Asset Evaluation(2 years), Audition(2 years), Program Management(2 years), Logistics Engineering(2 years), Business Administration(2 years), Accounting(2 years), Tourism(2 years), Project Management(2 years).
106 法學 院:法學理論、法律史、憲法學與行政法學、刑法學、民商法學、訴訟法學、經濟法學、環境與資源保護法學、國際法學(中文授課三年/英文授課兩年)、法律(非法學)、法律(法學)。
College of Law:Law Theories, Law History, Constitutional Law and Executive Law, Criminal Law, Civil and Commercial Law, Procedural Law, Economic Law, Science of Environment and Natural Resources Protection Law, International Law(Chinese Medium/English MediumMedium), Master of Law, Judicial Science.
110 WTO 學院 :世界貿易組織法
WTOCollege: World Trade Union Law
111 文學 院:文藝學、語言學與套用語言學、漢語言文字學、中國古典文獻學、中國古代文學、中國現當代文學、比較文學與世界文學、國學與漢學、寫作理論與實踐、對外漢語教學、古籍整理與保護、學科教學(語文)(兩年)、漢語國際教育(兩年)。
College of Liberal Studies:Literary and Artistic Studies, Linguistics and Applied Linguistics,Chinese Philology, Chinese Traditional Philology and Textual Criticism, Chinese Ancient literature, Chinese Modern and Contemporary literature, Comparative Literature and World Literature, Chinese Traditional Studies and Sinology, Writing Theory and Practice, Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Collation and Protection of Ancient Books, Teaching Chinese to Chinese Speakers(2 years), Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages(2 years).
112 歷史學 院:考古學、中國史、世界史、文物與博物館(兩年)。
College of History:Archaeology, Chinese History, World History, Cultural relics and Museology(2 years).
113 哲學 學院:馬克思主義哲學、中國哲學、外國哲學、倫理學、美學、宗教學、科學技術哲學、國學、基礎心理學。
Schoolof Philosophy: Marxist Philosophy, Chinese Philosophy, Foreign Philosophy, Ethics, Aesthetics, Religious Studies, Philosophy of Science and Technology, Sinology, Basic Psychology.
114 藝術學 系:藝術學理論、藝術(兩年)。
Department of Arts: Art Theory, Art(2 years).
115 政治與公共管理 學院:政治學理論、中外政治制度、國際政治、國際關係、行政管理、社會醫學與衛生事業管理、社會保障、土地資源管理、公共經濟管理、公共管理(兩年)。
School of Political Science and Public Management:Political Theory, Chinese and Foreign Political Systems, International Politics, International Relations, Administration Management, Social Health and Administration of Heath career, Social Security, Land Resources Management, Public Economic Management, Public Administration(2 years).
116 教育科學 學院:教育學原理、課程與教學論、高等教育學、教育經濟與管理、教育管理(兩年)、計算機技術(兩年)。
College of Education Science: Educational Principle, Curriculum and Teaching Methodology, Higher Education Studies, Educational Economics and Management, Educational Administration(2 years), Computer Technology(2 years).
117 社會學 系:社會學、人類學、民俗學、社會工作(兩年)。
Department of Sociology:Sociology, Anthropology, Folkloristics, Social Work(2 years).
201 數學與統計 學院:基礎數學、計算數學、機率論與數理統計、套用數學、統計學、套用統計(兩年)。
School of Mathematics and Statistics:Pure Mathematics, Computational mathematics, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Applied Statistics(2 years).
202 物理科學與技術 學院:理論物理、粒子物理與原子核物理、凝聚態物理、光學、醫學物理、納米科學與技術、生物物理學、材料物理與化學、物理電子學、微電子學與固體電子學、材料工程(兩年)、電子與通信工程(兩年)、積體電路工程(兩年)。
College of Physics and Technology: Theoretical Physics, Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Optics, Medical Physics,Nanoscale Science and Technology, Biophysics, Material Physics and Chemistry, Physical Electronics, Microelectronics and Solid Electronics, Material Engineering(2 years), Electronics and Communication Engineering(2 years), Integrated Circuit Engineering(2 years).
203 化學與分子科學 學院:納米科學與技術、無機化學、分析化學、有機化學、物理化學、高分子化學與物理、化學生物學、材料物理與化學、材料學、化學工藝、套用化學、化學工程(兩年)。
College of Chemistry and Molecular Science: Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry and Physics, Chemical Biology, Material Physics and Chemistry, Material Chemistry, Chemistry Techniques, Applied Chemistry, Chemical Engineering(2 years).
204 生命科學 學院:植物學、動物學、微生物學、遺傳學、發育生物學、細胞生物學、生物化學與分子生物學、生物物理學、生態學、生物工程(兩年)。
College of Life Science: Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Genetics, Developmental Biology, Cytobiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biophysics, Ecology, Bioengineering(2 years).
205 資源與環境科學 院:自然地理學、人文地理學、地圖學與地理信息系統、環境科學、地圖製圖學與地理信息工程、環境工程、土地資源管理、測繪工程(兩年)、環境工程專業碩士(兩年)、公共管理(兩年)。
College of Resources and Environmental Science:Physical Geography, Human Geography, Cartography and Geographical Information System, Environmental Science, Cartography and Geographical Information Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Land Resources Management, Surveying and Mapping Engineering(2 years), Applied Environmental Engineering(2 years), Public Administration(2 years).
206 水利水電 學院(水資源與水電工程科學國家重點實驗室):科學技術史、流體力學、系統工程、水文學及水資源、水力學及河流動力學、水工結構工程、水利水電工程、港口海岸及近海工程、水利水電工程施工與管理、水信息學、水務工程及管理、水利工程(兩年)、工程管理(兩年)。
College of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering (State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science): History of Science and Technology, Fluid Mechanics, Systems Engineering, Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering, Hydraulics and River Dynamics, Hydraulic Structure Engineering, Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, Harbors, Coast and Offshore Engineering,Construction and Management of Hydraulic Engineering, Hydroinformatics, Waterworks and Management, Hydraulic Engineering(2 years), Water Project Management(2 years).
207 電氣工程 學院:測試計量技術及儀器、電力系統及其自動化、高電壓與絕緣技術、電力電子與電力傳動、電工理論與新技術、脈衝功率與等離子技術、電氣工程(兩年)。
College of Electrical Engineering:Measurement Technology and Instruments, Power System and Its Automation, High Voltage and Insulation Technology, Power Electronics and Driving System, Electrical Theory and New Technology, Pulsed Power and Plasma, Electrical Engineering(2 years).
208 動力與機械 學院:機械製造及其自動化、機械電子工程、機械設計及理論、車輛工程、材料學、材料加工工程、熱能工程、動力機械及工程、流體機械及工程、控制理論與控制工程、化學工藝、套用化學、機械工程(兩年)、動力工程(兩年)、控制工程(兩年)、工業工程(兩年)、工程管理(兩年)。
School of Power and Mechanical Engineering: Machine Manufacturing and Its Automation, Electromechanical Engineering, Machine Design and Theory, Vehicle Engineering, Material Science, Material Processing Engineering, Thermal Energy Engineering, Power Machinery and Engineering, Fluid Machinery and Engineering, Control Theory and Control Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Applied Chemistry, Mechanical Engineering(2 years), Power Engineering(2 years), Control Engineering(2 years), Industrial Engineering(2 years), Engineering Management(2 years).
209 城市設計 學院:虛擬現實與仿真工程、建築學、城鄉規劃學、風景園林學、藝術學理論、設計學、建築學專業學位、城市規劃(兩年)。
School of Urban Design:Virtual Reality and Emulation Engineering, Architecture Science, Urban and Rural Planning, Landscape Architecture, Artistic Theory, Design Science, Architecture, Urban Planning(2 years).
210 土木建築工程 學院:固體力學、工程力學、岩土工程、結構工程、市政工程、防災減災工程及防護工程、橋樑與隧道工程、工程管理、道路與鐵道工程等、建築與土木工程(兩年)、項目管理(兩年)、工程管理(兩年)。
School of Civil Engineering:Solid Mechanics, Engineering Mechanics, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Municipal Engineering, Disaster Prevention and Reduction Engineering, Protective Engineering, Bridge and Tunnel Engineering, Engineering Management, Highway and Railway Engineering, Construction and Civil Engineering(2 years), Construction Management(2 years), Engineering Management(2 years).
211 計算機 學院:通信與信息系統、模式識別與智慧型系統、計算機系統結構、計算機軟體與理論、計算機套用技術、信息安全、數字影視技術、安防應急信息技術、軟體工程、電子與通信工程(兩年)、計算機技術(兩年)。
School of Computer Science:Communication and Information System, Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System, Computer System Architecture,Computer Software and Theory, Applied Computer Technology, Information Security, Digital Technology of the Movie and the Video, Security and Emergency Information Technology, Software Engineering, Electronic and Communication Engineering(2 years), Computer Technology(2 years).
College of Electronic Information: Radio Physics, Space Physics, Space Exploration and Information Processing Technology, Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology, Optical Engineering, Precision Instruments and Machinery, Measuring and Technologies and Instruments, Physic Electronics, Electrical Circuits and Systems, Communication and Information System, Signal and Information Processing, Detecting Technology and Automated Equipment, Instrumentation Engineering(2 years), Electronics and Communication Engineering(Chinese/English Medium, 2 years), Integrated Circuit Engineering(2 years).
School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering: Cartography and Geographical Information System, Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Surveying and Mapping Engineering(2 years).
School of Geodesy and Geomatics:Solid Geophysics, Geodesy and Survey Engineering, Urban Space Information Technology, Surveying and Mapping Engineering(2 years).
InternationalSoftware School: Digital Media, Services Science, Software Engineering (Chinese Medium/English Medium, 2 years).
Schoolof Printingand Packaging:Graphic Communication Engineering, Light Industry Technology and Engineering, Pulp and Paper Engineering, Packaging and Environment Engineering, Light Industry Technology and Engineering (2 years).
School of Basic Medical Science:Physiology, Microbiology, Genetics, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Pharmacology, Anthropotomy, Histology and Embryology, Immunology, Aetiological Biology, Pathology and Pathophysiology, Basic Science of Stomatology.
The First Affiliated Hospital(Remin Hospital of Wuhan University): Pharmaceutics, Internal Medicine, Paediatrics, Geriatrics, Neurology, Psychiatry and Mental Health, Dermatology and Venereology, Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Clinical Laboratory Science, Surgery, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Oncology, Anesthesiology, Emergency Medicine, Clinical Science of Stomatology, Clinical Discipline of Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine, Biomedicine Engineering, Nursing, Chinese Pharmacy.
The Second Affiliated Hospital(Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University):Pathology and Pathophysiology, Internal Medicine, Paediatrics, Geriatrics, Neurology, Dermatology and Venereology, Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Clinical Laboratory Science, Surgery, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Oncology, Rehabilitation Medicine and Physiatry, Anesthesiology, Emergency Medicine, Clinical Science of Stomatology, Clinical Discipline of Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine, Nursing.
School of Stomatology: Basic Stomatology(Oral anatomy and physiology, Oral Histology and Pathology, Dental Material, Oral Biology), Clinical Stomatology(Endodontics, Periodontics, Oral Medicine, Pedodontics, Preventive Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Prosthodontics, Orthodontics, Implantodontics), Stomatology(Endodontics, Periodontics, Oral Medicine, Pedodontics, Preventive Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Prosthodontics, Orthodontics, Oral Radiology, Implantodontics).
Schoolof Public Health:Statistics (2 years), Epidemiology and Health Statistics (2 years), Occupational and Environmental Health (2 years), Nutrition and Food Hygiene (2 years), Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health, Hygiene Toxicology (2 years), Social Medicine and Health Management (2 years), Public Health (2 years).
College of Pharmacy:Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmceutics, Pharmacognocy, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Microbiology and Biochemistry Pharmacy, Pharmacology, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Pharmaceutical Engineering(2 years), Master of Chinese Medicine(2 years).
307 HOPE護理學院:護理學、護理(兩年)。
Schoolof Nursing: Nursing, Master of Nursing (2 years).
GPSEngineering Research Center: Electrocircuit System, Navigation, Guidance and Control, Geodesy and Surveying Engineering.
State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering In Surveying, Mapping And Remote Sensing: Cartography and Geographical Information System, Communication and Information System, Applied Computer Technology, Geodesy and Survey Engineering, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Cartography and Geographical Information Engineering, Computer Science(2 years), Surveying and Mapping Engineering(2 years).
ChineseAntarctic Centerof Surveying and Mapping:Solid Geophysics, Geodesy and Surveying Engineering, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Cartography and Geographic Information Engineering.
Institute of International Studies: International Law (Economic Globalization and Chinese Reform and Opening, World Civilization and Chinese Peaceful Development, Chinese Peaceful Development and International Law, French Culture and International Relations, National Strategy and Diplomatic Policy, Japan Studies).
Research Center of Traditional Chinese Cultural Studies:Chinese Philosophy, Chinese Ancient Literature, Chinese History of Culture.
ChinaInstitute of Central China Development: World Economy, Regional Economics, Finance.
China Institute of Border Studies:International Law(Frontier Control, Frontier Trade etc.).
College of Foreign Language and Literature: Chinese Linguistics and Literature, Russian Linguistics and Literature, French Linguistics and Literature.
103 新聞與傳播學院:新聞學、傳播學、廣告學、跨文化傳播學、媒介經營與管理、數字媒介。
School of Journalism and Communication: Journalism, Mass Communication, Advertising, Intercultural Communication, Media Management and Administration, Digital Media.
104 信息管理學院:管理科學與工程、電子商務、圖書館學、情報學、檔案學、出版發行學、
School of Information Management: Science of Management and Engineering, E-Commerce, Library Science, Information Science, Archives, Publishing Science, Information Resources Management.
105 經濟與管理學院:政治經濟學、經濟思想史、經濟史、西方經濟學、世界經濟、人口資源與環境經濟學、區域經濟學、財政學、金融學、產業經濟學、國際貿易學、勞動經濟學、數量經濟學、金融工程、保險學、統計學、管理科學與工程、會計學、企業管理、技術經濟及管理、市場行銷管理。
Economics and Management School: Political Economics, History of Economic Thinking, Economic History, Western Economics, World Economy, Economics of Population, Resources and Environment, Regional Economics, Public Finance, Finance, Industrial Economics, Labor Economics, International Trade, Mathematical Economics,Finance Engineering, Insurance, Statistics, Management Science and Engineering, Accounting, Enterprise Management, Technology Economy and Management, Marketing Management.
106 法學院:法學理論、憲法學與行政法學、刑法學、民商法學、訴訟法學、經濟法學、環境與資源保護法學、國際法學、體育法學。
College of Law: Law Theories, Constitutional Law and Executive Law, Criminal Law, Civil and Commercial Law, Procedural Law, Economic Law, Science of Environment and Natural Resources Protection Law, International Law, Sports Law.
111 文學院:文藝學、語言學與套用語言學、漢語言文字學、中國古典文獻學、中國古代文學、中國現當代文學、比較文學與世界文學、中國文學批評史。
College of Liberal Studies:Literary and Artistic Studies, Linguistics and Applied Linguistics,Chinese Philology, Chinese Traditional Philology and Textual Criticism, Chinese Ancient literature, Chinese Modern and Contemporary literature, Comparative Literature and World Literature, History of Chinese Literary Criticism.
112 歷史學院:考古學、中國史、世界史。
College of History :Archaeology, Chinese History, World History.
113 哲學 學院:馬克思主義哲學、中國哲學、外國哲學、邏輯學、倫理學、美學、宗教學、科學技術哲學、國學。
School of Philosophy: Marxist Philosophy, Chinese Philosophy, Foreign Philosophy, Logic, Ethics, Aesthetics, Religious Studies, Philosophy of Science and Technology, Sinology.
114 藝術學 系:戲劇影視文學。
Department of Arts:Literature of Theatre, Film & Television
115 政治與公 共管理 學院:政治學理論、中外政治制度、國際關係、行政管理、社會醫學與衛生事業管理、社會保障、公共經濟管理。
School of Political Science and Public Management:Political Theory, Chinese and Foreign Political Systems, International Relations, Public Administration, Social Health and Administration of Heath career, Social Security, Public Economic Management.
116 教育科學學院:教育經濟與管理。
College of Education Science: Educational Economics and Management.
117 社會學系:社會學。
Department of Sociology:Sociology.
118 馬克思主義學院:科學社會主義與國際共產主義運動、中共黨史、馬克思主義基本原理、馬克思主義發展史、馬克思主義中國化研究、思想政治教育。
School of Marxism:Scientific Socialism and International Communist Movement, History of the Chinese Communist Party, Basic Principle of Marxism, the History of Marxism, Study on Chinese Marxism, Ideological and Political Education.
201 數學與統計學院:基礎數學、計算數學、機率論與數理統計、套用數學、運籌學與控制論、統計學。
School of Mathematics and Statistics:Pure Mathematics, Computational mathematics, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Applied Mathematics, Operations research and Cybernetics, Statistics.
202 物理科學與技術學院:理論物理、粒子物理與原子核物理、凝聚態物理、光學、計算物理學、納米科學與技術、材料物理與化學、微電子學與固體電子學。
College of Physics and Technology: Theoretical Physics, Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Optics,Computational Physics, Nanoscale Science and Technology, Material Physics and Chemistry, Microelectronics and Solid Electronics.
203 化學與分子科學學院:無機化學、分析化學、有機化學、物理化學、高分子化學與物理、化學生物學、套用化學、材料物理與化學、材料學。
College of Chemistry and Molecular Science: Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry and Physics, Chemical Biology, Applied Chemistry, Material Physics and Chemistry, Material Chemistry.
204 生命科學學院:植物學、動物學、微生物學、遺傳學、發育生物學、細胞生物學、生物化學與分子生物學、生態學、生物醫藥工程。
College of Life Science: Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Genetics, Developmental Biology, Cytobiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Ecology, Biomedical Engineering.
205 資源與環境科學院:人文地理學、地圖學與地理信息系統、地圖製圖學與地理信息工程、環境科學、環境工程、土地資源管理。
College of Resources and Environmental Science:Human Geography, Cartography and Geographical Information System, Cartography and Geographical Information Engineering, Environmental Science, Environmental Engineering, Land Resources Management.
206 水利水電學院(水資源與水電工程科學國家重點實驗室):流體力學、系統工程、水文學及水資源、水力學及河流動力學、水工結構工程、水利水電工程、港口海岸及近海工程、水利水電工程施工與管理、水信息學、水務工程及管理。
College of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering (State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science): Fluid Mechanics, Systems Engineering, Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering, Hydraulics and River Dynamics, Hydraulic Structure Engineering, Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, Harbors, Coast and Offshore Engineering,Construction and Management of Hydraulic Engineering, Hydroinformatics, Waterworks and Management.
207 電氣工程 學院:電力系統及其自動化、高電壓與絕緣技術、電力電子與電力傳動、電工理論與新技術、脈衝功率與等離子技術、電力建設與運營。
College of Electrical Engineering:Power System and Its Automation, High Voltage and Insulation Technology , Power Electronics and Driving System, Electrical Theory and New Technology, Pulsed Power and Plasma, Construction, Operation and Management for Power Systems.
208 動力與機械 學院:機械電子工程、機械設計及理論、材料學、材料加工工程、熱能工程、流體機械及工程、電力建設與運營。
School of Power and Mechanical Engineering: Machatronics Engineering, Machine Design and Theory, Material Science, Materials Processing Engineering, Fluid Machinery and Engineering, Thermal Engineering, Construction, Operation and Management for Power Systems.
209 城市設計 學院:建築學、城鄉規劃學、風景園林學、城市系統工程。
School of Urban Design:Architecture, Urban and Rural Designing, Landscape Architecture, Urban Systems Engineering.
210 土木建築工程 學院:固體力學、工程力學、岩土工程、結構工程、市政工程、防災減災工程及防護工程。
School of Civil Engineering :Solid Mechanics, Engineering Mechanics, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Municipal Engineering, Disaster Prevention and Reduction Engineering, Protective Engineering.
211 計算機 學院:通信與信息系統、計算機系統結構、計算機軟體與理論、計算機套用技術、信息安全、軟體工程。
School of Computer Science:Communication and Information System, Computer System Architecture,Computer Software and Theory, Applied Computer Technology, Information Security, Software Engineering.
212 電子信息 學院:無線電物理、空間物理學、空間探測與信息處理技術、通信與信息系統、信號與信息處理。
College of Electronic Information: Radio Physics, Space Physics, Space Exploration and Information Processing Technology, Communication and Information System, Signal and Information Processing.
213 遙感信息工程 學院:攝影測量與遙感、地圖製圖學與地理信息工程。
Schoolof RemoteSensing and Information Engineering: Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Cartography and Geographic Information Engineering, etc.
214 測繪 學院:固體地球物理學、大地測量學與測量工程。
School of Geodesy and Geomatics: Solid Geophysics, Geodesy and Survey Engineering.
216 國際軟體學院:數字媒介、服務科學。
International Software School: Digital Media, Services Science.
217 印刷與包裝系 :材料加工工程、圖像傳播工程。
School of Printing and Packaging: Materials Processing Engineering, Graphic Communication Engineering.
301 基礎醫學院:生理學、遺傳學、生物化學與分子生物學、人體解剖與組織胚胎學、免疫學、病原生物學、病理學與病理生理學。(中文授課/英文授課)
School of Basic Medical Science: Physiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Anthropotomy, Histology and Embryology, Immunology, Aetiological Biology, Pathology and Pathophysiology.(Chinese Medium/English Medium)
302 第一臨床學院(武漢大學人民醫院):內科學、神經病學、精神病與精神衛生學、皮膚病與性病學、臨床檢驗診斷學、外科學、婦產科學、眼科學、耳鼻咽喉科學、麻醉學。
The First Affiliated Hospital ( Remin Hospital of Wuhan University ): Internal Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry and Mental Health, Dermatology and Venereology, Clinical Laboratory Science, Surgery, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Anesthesiology.
303 第二臨床學院 ( 武漢大學中南醫院 ) :內科學、兒科學、神經病學、影像醫學與核醫學、臨床檢驗診斷學、外科學、婦產科學、腫瘤學、康復醫學與理療學、麻醉學、急診醫學。
The Second Affiliated Hospital ( Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University ) :Internal Medicine, Paediatrics, Neurology, Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Clinical Laboratory Science, Surgery, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Oncology, Rehabilitation Medicine and Physiatry, Anesthesiology, Emergency Medicine.
304 口腔醫學 院:牙體牙髓病學、牙周病學、口腔頜面外科學、口腔修復學。
School of Stomatology : Endodontics, Periodontics, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Prosthodontics.
305 公共衛生 學院:勞動衛生與環境衛生學、社會醫學與衛生事業管理。
School of Public Health: Occupational and Environmental Health, Social Medicine and Health Management.
306 藥學 院:生物化學與分子生物學。
College of Pharmacy: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
618 衛星導航定位技術 研究中心:通信與信息系統、大地測量學與測量工程。
GPS Engineering Research Center: Communication and Information System, Geodesy and Surveying Engineering.
619 測繪遙感信息工程 國家重點實驗室:地圖學與地理信息系統、通信與信息系統、大地測量學與測量工程、攝影測量與遙感、地圖製圖學與地理信息工程。
State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering In Surveying, Mapping And Remote Sensing: Cartography and Geographical Information System, Communication and Information System, Geodesy and Survey Engineering, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Cartography and Geographical Information Engineering.
620 國家南極測繪研究中心 :固體地球物理學、大地測量學與測量工程、攝影測量與遙感、地圖製圖學與地理信息工程。
Chinese Antarctic Center of Surveying and Mapping:Solid Geophysics, Geodesy and Surveying Engineering, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Cartography and Geographic Information Engineering.
629 國際問題研究院:國際法學。
Institute of International Studies: International Law.
631 中國傳統文化 研究中心:中國哲學、中國史。
Research Center of Traditional Chinese Cultural Studies:Chinese Philosophy, Chinese History.
632 中國 中部發展研究院:區域經濟學、金融學、憲法學與行政法學。
China Institute of Central China Development: Regional Economics, Finance, Constitutional Law and Executive Law.
633 中國 邊界研究院:國際法學。
China Institute of Border Studies:International Law.
640 財政金融 研究中心:財政學
Research Center of Finance: Public Finance