

楊眉,女,博士,碩士研究生導師。 至今在國內外期刊及會議上發表論文三十餘篇,其中SCI收錄文章十餘篇。









主持國家自然科學基金項目(31000425 ):配體功能化超分子納米給藥系統及其腫瘤協同治療機制研究;2011.1-2013.12。

主持重慶市自然科學基金項目(CSTC, 2010BB5226):超分子納米給藥系統及其腫瘤主動靶向性研究;2010.10-2013.10。






Yang M., Xie R., Wang J.Y., Ju X.J., Yang L., Chu L.Y. Gating characteristics of thermo-responsive and molecular-recognizable membranes based on poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide) and β-cyclodextrin. Journal of Membrane Science, 2010, 355(1-2): 142-150.

Yang M., Chu L.Y., Wang H.D., Xie R., Song H., Niu C.H. A novel thermo-responsive membrane for chiral resolution. Advanced Functional Materials, 2008, 18(4): 652-663.

Yang M., Chu L.Y., Xie R., Wang C. Molecular Recognition induced phase-transition of two thermo-responsive polymers with pendent β-cyclodextrin groups. Macromolecular Chemistry & Physics, 2008, 209(2): 204-211.

Yang M., Chu L.Y., Li Y., Chen W.M., et al. Thermo-responsive gating characteristics of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-grafted membranes. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2006, 29(5): 631-636.

Qu J.B., Chu L.Y., Yang M., Xie R., Hu L., Chen W.M. A pH-responsive gating membrane system with pumping effects for improved controlled-release.Advanced Functional Materials, 2006, 16(14): 1865-1872.

Hu L., Chu L.Y., Yang M., Wang H.D., Niu C.H. Preparation and characterization of novel cationic pH-responsive poly(N,N'-dimethylamino ethyl methacrylate) microgels. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2007, 311(1): 110-117.

Chen Y.C., Xie R., Yang M., Li P.F., Zhu X.L., Chu L.Y. Gating characteristics of thermo-responsive membranes with grafted linear and crosslinked poly(N-isopropy lacrylamide) gates. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2009, 32(4): 622-631.

Hu L., Chu L.Y., Yang M., Yu J., Wang H.D. A composite thermo-responsive membrane system for improved controlled-release. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2007, 30(4): 523-529.

Xie R., Zhang S.B., Wang H.D., Yang M., Li P.F., Zhu X.L., Chu L.Y. Temperature-dependent molecular-recognizable membranes based on poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) and β-cyclodextrin. Journal of Membrane Science, 2009, 326(2): 618-626.

Li P.F., Wang W., Xie R., Yang M., Ju X.J., Chu L.Y. Lower critical solution temperatures of thermo-responsive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) copolymers with racemate or single enantiomer groups. Polymer International, 2009, 58(2): 202-208.

Li P.F., Xie R., Jiang J.C., Meng T., Yang M., Ju X.J., Yang L., Chu L.Y. Thermo-responsive gating membranes with controllable length and density of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) chains grafted by ATRP method. Journal of Membrane Science, 2009, 337(1-2): 310-317.

Wang H.D., Xie R., Niu C.H., Song H., Yang M., Liu S., Chu L.Y. Chitosan chiral ligand exchange membranes for sorption resolution of amino acids.Chemical Engineering Science, 2009, 64(7): 1462-1473.

Wang H.D., Chu L.Y., Yu X.Q., Xie R., Yang M., Xu D., Zhang J., Hu L. Thermosensitive affinity behavior of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) hydrogels with β-cyclodextrin moieties. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2007, 46(5): 1511-1518.

Wang H.D., Chu L.Y., Song H., Yang J.P., Xie R., Yang M. Preparation and enantiomer separation characteristics of chitosan/β-cyclodextrin composite membranes. Journal of Membrane Science, 2007, 297(1-2): 262-270.

楊眉, 褚良銀, 曲劍波等. 水凝膠在藥物控釋及pH感應型給藥系統中的套用. 中國新醫藥, 2004, 3(10): 61-63.

曲劍波, 楊眉, 褚良銀等. 電漿誘導接枝聚合法製備pH感應開關膜. 高分子材料科學與工程, 2005, 21(2): 93-97.

朱小麗, 謝銳, 楊眉, 褚良銀. 乙醇濃度及溫度回響型智慧型高分子的製備及其性能. 化工進展, 2008, 27(6): 917-921.

胡林, 褚良銀, 陳文梅, 楊眉. 溫度感應複合型控制釋放膜系統的性能研究. 過濾與分離, 2006, 16(2): 1-4.

汪偉, 李鵬飛, 謝銳, 巨曉潔, 楊眉, 褚良銀. 分子識別型溫敏智慧型高分子的製備與性能. 高分子材料科學與工程, 2009, 25(12): 145-148.


Yang M., Xie R., Wang J.Y., Ju X.J., Yang L., Chu L.Y. Thermo-responsive and Molecular-recognizable Gating Membranes. The Cross-Strain Membrane Science & Technology Conference 2009, October 7, 2009, Chungli, Taiwan.

Yang M., Xie R., Wang J.Y., Ju X.J., Yang L., Chu L.Y. Novel thermo-responsive and molecular-recognizable membranes with triple gating characteristics. The 5th Joint China/Japan Chemical Engineering Symposium (CJCES), July 21-24, 2009, Xi’an, China.

Yang M., Chu L.Y., Xie R., Wang C. Molecular-recognition characteristics of thermo-responsive polymers with pendent beta-cyclodextrin groups. The 4th Joint China/Japan Chemical Engineering Symposium (CJCES), December 19-21, 2007, Chengdu, Sichuan, China: NM-P-17.

Yang M., Chu L.Y., Wang H.D., Xie R., Song H., Niu C.H. Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-based Smart Membranes for Chiral Separation. The 5th International Conference on Separation Science and Technology, October 14-16, 2007, Beijing, China: KN06.

Yang M., Chu L.Y., Wang H.D., Xie R., Song H. A novel thermo-responsive membrane for chiral resolution. The 4th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society 2007, August 16-18, 2007, Taipei, China: P23-24.

Chen Y.C., Xie R., Yang M., Li P.F., Chu L.Y. Thermo-responsive membranes with grafted linear and crosslinked poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) gates. The 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE8), August 23-27, 2009, Montréal, Quebec, Canada.

Xie R., Chu L.Y., Tong G.R, Yang M., Wang H.D. Preparation of thermo-responsive and molecular-recognizable poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-glycidyl methacrylate/ cyclodextrin)-g- polyethylene terephthalate membranes. The 3rd Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society 2006, August 23-25, 2006, Beijing, China: P3-21.

楊眉, 謝銳, 王海東, 褚良銀. 溫度回響型手性拆分膜的分離性能研究. 第十屆全國非均相分離學術交流會論文集, 蘇州, 8月4-7日, 2010: 98-102.

楊眉, 王繼雲, 謝銳, 褚良銀. 分子識別型雙向開關膜的製備與性能研究. 第五屆全國化學工程與生物化工年會論文集, 西安, 10月28-31日, 2008: H029.

楊眉, 褚良銀, 王春, 謝銳. 分子識別型溫敏高分子的相變行為研究. 第四屆全國化學工程與生物化工年會論文集, 杭州, 11月26-29日, 2007: F180.

楊眉, 褚良銀, 陳文梅, 謝銳, 童桂容, 王海東. 具有接枝懸掛環糊精空腔的溫敏膜的製備與表征. 第三屆全國化學工程與生物化工年會論文集, 廣西, 11月10-14日, 2006: Q013.

楊眉, 褚良銀, 李艷等. 基材膜的物理化學性質對開關膜製備及其溫敏特性的影響. 第二屆全國化學工程與生物化工年會論文集, 北京, 11月4-7日, 2005: Q023.

楊眉, 褚良銀, 陳文梅等. 尼龍6接枝聚N-異丙基丙稀醯胺微孔膜的製備及其溫敏特性. 第五屆全國膜與膜過程學術報告會論文集, 長春, 8月9-12日, 2005: H09.



