
林矯矯,博士,中國農業科學院上海獸醫研究所研究員。主要從事日本血吸蟲功能基因組學和蛋白質組學、血吸蟲與宿主相互作用機制、家畜血吸蟲病免疫預防、診斷和綜合防治等研究。先後主持國家“973”課題、“863”計畫、國家科技支撐計畫、公益性行業(農業)科研專項、國家自然科學基金等國家和省部級科研項目36項。 獲省部級科研成果10項(其中7項為第一完成人,2項為第二完成人),國家發明專利證書16個,實用專利證書3個,農業部新獸藥證書1項,農業轉基因生物安全證書4項,計算機軟體著作登記證書2項。主編和參編科技著作17部。在《Mol. Cell. Proteomics》等國內外學術期刊上發表科研論文325篇,其中被SCI收錄的90篇。被評為上海市領軍人才、農業部有突出貢獻的中青年專家和中國農業科學院學科帶頭人。享受政府特殊津貼。
1982.2-1987.8:中國農業科學院上海家畜寄生蟲病研究所 ,從事家畜日本血吸蟲病免疫預防、診斷、流行病學研究;
1987.9-1988.12:美國賓夕法尼亞大學醫學院 ,訪問學者,從事寄生蟲免疫學研究;
1989.1-1992.4:中國農業科學院上海家畜寄生蟲病研究所 ,從事家畜日本血吸蟲病免疫預防、診斷、流行病學研究;
1992.5-1993.7:英國倫敦大學衛生和熱帶醫學院 ,訪問學者,從事寄生蟲分子生物學研究;
1994.8-1997.7:美國哥倫比亞大學醫學院,Research fellow, 從事腫瘤分子生物學研究;
Hong, Y., Peng, J.B., Jiang, W.B., Fu, Z.Q., Liu, J.M., Shi, Y.J., Li, X.R*, Lin, J.J. *. Proteomic Analysis of Schistosoma japonicum Schistosomulum Proteins that are Differentially Expressed Among Hosts Differing in Their Susceptibility to the Infection. Mol Cell Proteomics, 2011, 10(8): M110006098
Zhang, M., Hong, Y., Han, Y., Han, H., Peng, J., Qiu, C., Yang, J., Lu, K., Fu, Z. *, Lin, J*., Proteomic Analysis of Tegument-Exposed Proteins of Female and Male Schistosoma japonicum Worms. J Proteome Res,2013,12(11), 5260-70
Zhang, Min,Fu, Zhiqiang,Li, Changjian,Han, Yanhui,Cao, Xiaodan,Han, Hongxiao,Liu, Yantao,Lu,Ke,Hong, Yang*,Lin, Jiaojiao*,Screening Diagnostic Candidates for Schistosomiasis from Tegument Proteins of Adult Schistosoma japonicum Using an Immunoproteomic Approach.,PLoS Negl Trop Dis,2015,9(2):e0003454-e0003454
Hongxiao Han, Jinbiao Peng, Yanhui Han, Min Zhang, Yang Hong, Zhiqiang Fu, Jianmei Yang,Jianping Tao*, Jiaojiao Lin*,Differential Expression of microRNAs in the Non-Permissive Schistosome Host Microtus fortis underSchistosome Infection,PLoS One, 2013, 8(12): e85080.
Yanian Xiong, Min Zhang, Yang Hong, Meimei Wei, Dezhou Ai, Peipei Meng, Yanhui Han, Zhiqiang Fu, Yaojun Shi, Jianmei Yang, Jiaojiao Lin*. Characterization Analysis of Schistosoma japonicum Plasma Membrane Repair Relative Gene Myoferlin. PLoS One, 2013, 8 (6): e66396.
Jianmei Yang, Yang Hong, Chunxiu Yuan, Zhiqiang Fu, Yaojun Shi, Min Zhang, Liuhong Shen, Yanhui Han, Chuangang Zhu, Hao Li, Ke Lu, Jinming Liu, Xingang Feng, Jiaojiao Lin*. Microarray Analysis of Gene Expression Profiles of Schistosoma japonicum Derived from Less-Susceptible Host Water Buffalo and Susceptible Host Goat. PLoS One, 2013, 8 (8): e70367.
Hongxiao Han, Jinbiao Peng, Yang Hong, Min Zhang, Yanhui Han, Zhiqiang Fu, Yaojun Shi, Jinjun Xu, Jianping Tao*, Jiaojiao Lin*. Comparison of the differential expression miRNAs in Wistar rats before and 10 days after S. japonicum infection. Parasit Vectors, 2013, 6(1): 120.
C. Qiu, S. Liu*, Y. Hong, Z. Fu, M. Wei, D. Ai, J. Lin*. Molecular characterization of thyroid hormone receptor beta from Schistosoma japonicum and assessment of its potential as a vaccine candidate antigen against schistosomiasis in BALB/c mice. Parasit Vectors, 2012, 5: 172.
J. Yang, X. Feng, Z. Fu, C. Yuan, Y. Hong, Y. Shi, M. Zhang, J. Liu, H. Li, K. Lu, J. Lin*, Ultrastructural Observation and Gene Expression Profiling of Schistosoma japonicum Derived from Two Natural Reservoir Hosts, Water Buffalo and Yellow Cattle. PLoS One, 2012, 7 (10): e47660.
Peng, J.B., Gobert, G. N., Hong, Y., Jiang, W.B., Han, H.X., McManus, D.P., Wang, X.Z., Liu, J.M., Fu, Z.Q., Shi, Y.J., Lin, J.J*.. Apoptosis Governs the Elimination of Schistosoma japonicum from the Non-Permissive Host Microtus fortis. PLoS One, 2011, 6(6): e21109.
Peng, J.B., Han, H.X., Gobert, G. N., Hong, Y., Jiang, W.B., Wang, X.Z., Fu, Z.Q., Liu, J.M., Shi, Y.J., Lin, J.J*.. Differential gene expression in Schistosoma japonicum schistosomula from Wistar rats and BALB/c mice. Parasit Vectors, 2011, 4(1): 155.
Jiang Weibin, Hong Yang, Peng Jinbiao, Fu Zhiqiang, Feng Xingang, Liu Jinming, Shi Yaojun, Lin Jiaojiao*. Study on differences in the pathology, T cell subsets and gene expression in susceptible and non-susceptible hosts infected with Schistosoma japonicum, PLoS One, 2010, 5(10): e13494
1.Hong, Y., Peng, J.B., Jiang, W.B., Fu, Z.Q., Liu, J.M., Shi, Y.J., Li, X.R*, Lin, J.J. *. Proteomic Analysis of Schistosoma japonicum Schistosomulum Proteins that are Differentially Expressed Among Hosts Differing in Their Susceptibility to the Infection. Mol Cell Proteomics, 2011, 10(8): M110006098
2.Zhang, M., Hong, Y., Han, Y., Han, H., Peng, J., Qiu, C., Yang, J., Lu, K., Fu, Z. *, Lin, J*., Proteomic Analysis of Tegument-Exposed Proteins of Female and Male Schistosoma japonicum Worms. J Proteome Res,2013,12(11), 5260-70
3.Zhang, Min,Fu, Zhiqiang,Li, Changjian,Han, Yanhui,Cao, Xiaodan,Han, Hongxiao,Liu, Yantao,Lu,Ke,Hong, Yang*,Lin, Jiaojiao*,Screening Diagnostic Candidates for Schistosomiasis from Tegument Proteins of Adult Schistosoma japonicum Using an Immunoproteomic Approach.,PLoS Negl Trop Dis,2015,9(2):e0003454-e0003454
4.Hongxiao Han, Jinbiao Peng, Yanhui Han, Min Zhang, Yang Hong, Zhiqiang Fu, Jianmei Yang,Jianping Tao*, Jiaojiao Lin*,Differential Expression of microRNAs in the Non-Permissive Schistosome Host Microtus fortis underSchistosome Infection,PLoS One, 2013, 8(12): e85080.
5.Yanian Xiong, Min Zhang, Yang Hong, Meimei Wei, Dezhou Ai, Peipei Meng, Yanhui Han, Zhiqiang Fu, Yaojun Shi, Jianmei Yang, Jiaojiao Lin*. Characterization Analysis of Schistosoma japonicum Plasma Membrane Repair Relative Gene Myoferlin. PLoS One, 2013, 8 (6): e66396.
6.Jianmei Yang, Yang Hong, Chunxiu Yuan, Zhiqiang Fu, Yaojun Shi, Min Zhang, Liuhong Shen, Yanhui Han, Chuangang Zhu, Hao Li, Ke Lu, Jinming Liu, Xingang Feng, Jiaojiao Lin*. Microarray Analysis of Gene Expression Profiles of Schistosoma japonicum Derived from Less-Susceptible Host Water Buffalo and Susceptible Host Goat. PLoS One, 2013, 8 (8): e70367.
7.Hongxiao Han, Jinbiao Peng, Yang Hong, Min Zhang, Yanhui Han, Zhiqiang Fu, Yaojun Shi, Jinjun Xu, Jianping Tao*, Jiaojiao Lin*. Comparison of the differential expression miRNAs in Wistar rats before and 10 days after S. japonicum infection. Parasit Vectors, 2013, 6(1): 120.
8.C. Qiu, S. Liu*, Y. Hong, Z. Fu, M. Wei, D. Ai, J. Lin*. Molecular characterization of thyroid hormone receptor beta from Schistosoma japonicum and assessment of its potential as a vaccine candidate antigen against schistosomiasis in BALB/c mice. Parasit Vectors, 2012, 5: 172.
9.J. Yang, X. Feng, Z. Fu, C. Yuan, Y. Hong, Y. Shi, M. Zhang, J. Liu, H. Li, K. Lu, J. Lin*, Ultrastructural Observation and Gene Expression Profiling of Schistosoma japonicum Derived from Two Natural Reservoir Hosts, Water Buffalo and Yellow Cattle. PLoS One, 2012, 7 (10): e47660.
10.Peng, J.B., Gobert, G. N., Hong, Y., Jiang, W.B., Han, H.X., McManus, D.P., Wang, X.Z., Liu, J.M., Fu, Z.Q., Shi, Y.J., Lin, J.J*.. Apoptosis Governs the Elimination of Schistosoma japonicum from the Non-Permissive Host Microtus fortis. PLoS One, 2011, 6(6): e21109.
11.Peng, J.B., Han, H.X., Gobert, G. N., Hong, Y., Jiang, W.B., Wang, X.Z., Fu, Z.Q., Liu, J.M., Shi, Y.J., Lin, J.J*.. Differential gene expression in Schistosoma japonicum schistosomula from Wistar rats and BALB/c mice. Parasit Vectors, 2011, 4(1): 155.
12.Jiang Weibin, Hong Yang, Peng Jinbiao, Fu Zhiqiang, Feng Xingang, Liu Jinming, Shi Yaojun, Lin Jiaojiao*. Study on differences in the pathology, T cell subsets and gene expression in susceptible and non-susceptible hosts infected with Schistosoma japonicum, PLoS One, 2010, 5(10): e13494
根據《農業部重點實驗室管理辦法》的有關規定,經研究,農業部同意聘任林敏等228位專家為農業部重點實驗室主任,讓我們來盤點一下這些專家。 |