

林敏,中國農業科學院生物技術研究所所長,研究員、博士生導師。 2016年6月12日,農業部向社會公示了第五屆農業轉基因生物安全委員會委員名單,林敏為國家農業轉基因生物安全委員成員。


















(2)從極端環境如新疆戈壁灘、核爆炸中心區沙漠土壤取樣,建立了微生物生態基因組文庫並開始進行了元基因組測序,鑑定了多株耐輻射微生物屬新種,開展了耐輻射新種D. gobiensis I-0全基因組、轉錄組和蛋白組分析以及極端抗性機制的研究工作。獲得一系列具有潛在抗逆能力如耐鹽/抗旱的功能基因。耐輻射總體調控基因irrE在大腸桿菌中的表達增強細胞的耐輻射能力和提高細胞抗氧化能力,將irrE基因導入菸草、油菜中,明顯提高了植物耐鹽抗旱性能。


申請與抗草甘膦基因和耐鹽抗旱基因相關的國內專利二十餘項,國際PCT專利4項,其中獲國內專利4項, 美國專利1項。培養碩士研究生12名,指導博士研究生15名。


在PNAS, PLoS ONE,AEM, IJSEM, Microbiology,BMC Genomics等國際刊物上發表SCI論文40餘篇,主編專著3部。

1)Li S, Yan Y, Zhou Z, Yu H, Zhan Y, Zhang W, Chen M, Lu W, Ping S, Lin M. 2010. Single amino acid residue changes in subsite -1 of levansucrase from Zymomonas mobilis 10232 strongly influence the enzyme activities and products. Mol Biol Rep. DOI 10.1007/s11033-010-,0379,5

2)Li, D., Y. Yan, S. Ping, M. Chen, W. Zhang, L. Li, W. Lin, L. Geng, W. Liu, W. Lu, and M. Lin. 2010. Genome-wide investigation and functional characterization of the beta-ketoadipate pathway in the nitrogen-fixing and root-associated bacterium Pseudomonas stutzeri A1501. BMC Microbiol 10:36

3)Yan, Y., S. Ping, J. Peng, Y. Han, L. Li, J. Yang, Y. Dou, Y. Li, H. Fan, Y. Fan, D. Li, Y. Zhan, M. Chen, W. Lu, W. Zhang, Q. Cheng, Q. Jin, and M. Lin. 2010. Global transcriptional analysis of nitrogen fixation and ammonium repression in root-associated Pseudomonas stutzeri A1501. BMC Genomics 11:11

4)Zhang, W., H. H. Zhu, M. Yuan, Q. Yao, R. Tang, M. Lin, S. Z. Yang, Z. K. Li, and M. Chen. 2010. Microbacterium radiodurans sp. nov., a UV radiation-resistant bacterium isolated from soil. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 60:2665-70

5)Zhao, Z., X. Ma, L. Li, W. Zhang, S. Ping, M. Q. Xu, and M. Lin. 2010. Protein cyclization enhanced thermostability and exopeptidase-resistance of green fluorescent protein. J Microbiol Biotechnol 20:460-6

6)Ma, R., Y. Zhang, H. Hong, W. Lu, M. Lin, M. Chen, and W. Zhang. 2010. Improved Osmotic Tolerance and Ethanol Production of Ethanologenic Escherichia coli by IrrE, a Global Regulator of Radiation-Resistance of Deinococcus radiodurans. Curr Microbiol

7)Peng, Z., Y. Yan, Y. Xu, M. Takeo, H. Yu, Z. Zhao, Y. Zhan, W. Zhang, M. Lin, and M. Chen. 2010. Improvement of an E. coli bioreporter for monitoring trace amounts of phenol by deletion of the inducible sigma54-dependent promoter. Biotechnol Lett 32:1265-70

8)Jiang, R. P., D. J. Tang, X. L. Chen, Y. Q. He, J. X. Feng, B. L. Jiang, G. T. Lu, M. Lin, and J. L. Tang. 2010. Identification of four novel small non-coding RNAs from Xanthomonas campestris pathovar campestris. BMC Genomics 11:316

9)Pan, J., J. Wang, Z. Zhou, Y. Yan, W. Zhang, W. Lu, S. Ping, Q. Dai, M. Yuan, B. Feng, X. Hou, Y. Zhang, R. Ma, T. Liu, L. Feng, L. Wang, M. Chen, and M. Lin. 2009. IrrE, a global regulator of extreme radiation resistance in Deinococcus radiodurans, enhances salt tolerance in Escherichia coli and Brassica napus. PLoS One 4:e4422

10)Yuan, M., W. Zhang, S. Dai, J. Wu, Y. Wang, T. Tao, M. Chen, and M. Lin. 2009. Deinococcus gobiensis sp. nov., an extremely radiation-resistant bacterium. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 59:1513-7

11)Geng, L., M. Chen, Q. Liang, W. Liu, W. Zhang, S. Ping, W. Lu, Y. Yan, W. Wang, M. Takeo, and M. Lin. 2009. Functional analysis of a putative regulatory gene, tadR, involved in aniline degradation in Delftia tsuruhatensis AD9. Arch Microbiol 191:603-14

12)Zhan, Y., H. Yu, Y. Yan, S. Ping, W. Lu, W. Zhang, M. Chen, and M. Lin. 2009. Benzoate catabolite repression of the phenol degradation in Acinetobacter calcoaceticus PHEA-2. Curr Microbiol 59:368-73

13)Li, L., W. Lu, Y. Han, S. Ping, W. Zhang, M. Chen, Z. Zhao, Y. Yan, Y. Jiang, and M. Lin. 2009. A novel RPMXR motif among class II 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthases is required for enzymatic activity and glyphosate resistance. J Biotechnol 144:330-6

14)Yan, Y., J. Yang, Y. Dou, M. Chen, S. Ping, J. Peng, W. Lu, W. Zhang, Z. Yao, H. Li, W. Liu, S. He, L. Geng, X. Zhang, F. Yang, H. Yu, Y. Zhan, D. Li, Z. Lin, Y. Wang, C. Elmerich, M. Lin, and Q. Jin. 2008. Nitrogen fixation island and rhizosphere competence traits in the genome of root-associated Pseudomonas stutzeri A1501. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105:7564-9

15)Zhao, Z., W. Lu, B. Dun, D. Jin, S. Ping, W. Zhang, M. Chen, M. Q. Xu, and M. Lin. 2008. Purification of green fluorescent protein using a two-intein system. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 77:1175-80

16)Dou Y., Yan Y, Ping S, Lu W, Chen M, Zhang W, Wang Y, Jin Q and Lin M. Expression profile analysis if the oxygen response in the nitrogen-fixing Pseudomonas stutzeri A1501 by genome-wide microarray. Chinese science bulletin, 2008,53(8):1197-1204

17)Zhan, Y., H. Yu, Y. Yan, M. Chen, W. Lu, S. Li, Z. Peng, W. Zhang, S. Ping, J. Wang, and M. Lin. 2008. Genes involved in the benzoate catabolic pathway in Acinetobacter calcoaceticus PHEA-2. Curr Microbiol 57:609-14

18)Liu, X., J. Wu, W. Zhang, S. Ping, W. Lu, M. Chen, and M. Lin. 2008. Resistance of Deinococcus radiodurans to mutagenesis is facilitated by pentose phosphate pathway in the mutS1 mutant background. Curr Microbiol 57:66-71

19)Wang, Z., M. Chen, Y. Xu, S. Li, W. Lu, S. Ping, W. Zhang, and M. Lin. 2008. An ethanol-tolerant recombinant Escherichia coli expressing Zymomonas mobilis pdc and adhB genes for enhanced ethanol production from xylose. Biotechnol Lett 30:657-63

20)Li, S. Y., M. Chen, G. Li, Y. L. Yan, H. Y. Yu, Y. H. Zhan, Z. X. Peng, J. Wang, and M. Lin. 2008. Amino acid substitutions of His296 alter the catalytic properties of Zymomonas mobilis 10232 levansucrase. Acta Biochim Pol 55:201-6

21)Liang, A., J. Sha, W. Lu, M. Chen, L. Li, D. Jin, Y. Yan, J. Wang, S. Ping, W. Zhang, Y. Wang, and M. Lin. 2008. A single residue mutation of 5-enoylpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase in Pseudomonas stutzeri enhances resistance to the herbicide glyphosate. Biotechnol Lett 30:1397-401

22)He, S., M. Chen, Z. Xie, Y. Yan, H. Li, Y. Fan, S. Ping, M. Lin, and C. Elmerich. 2008. Involvement of GlnK, a PII protein, in control of nitrogen fixation and ammonia assimilation in Pseudomonas stutzeri A1501. Arch Microbiol 190:1-10

23)Dun, B. Q., X. J. Wang, W. Lu, Z. L. Zhao, S. N. Hou, B. M. Zhang, G. Y. Li, T. C. Evans, Jr., M. Q. Xu, and M. Lin. 2007. Reconstitution of glyphosate resistance from a split 5-enolpyruvyl shikimate-3-phosphate synthase gene in Escherichia coli and transgenic tobacco. Appl Environ Microbiol 73:7997-8000

24)Jin, D., W. Lu, S. Ping, W. Zhang, J. Chen, B. Dun, R. Ma, Z. Zhao, J. Sha, L. Li, Z. Yang, M. Chen, and M. Lin. 2007. Identification of a new gene encoding EPSPs with high glyphosate resistance from the metagenomic library. Curr Microbiol 55:350-5

25)Liu, Z., Z. Pan, Y. Xu, Z. Dong, Z. Yang, and M. Lin. 2006. Cloning and expression of a 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase gene from Halomonas variabilis. DNA Seq 17:208-14

26)Xie, Z., Y. Dou, S. Ping, M. Chen, G. Wang, C. Elmerich, and M. Lin. 2006. Interaction between NifL and NifA in the nitrogen-fixing Pseudomonas stutzeri A1501. Microbiology 152:3535-42

27)Liang, Q., M. Takeo, M. Chen, W. Zhang, Y. Xu, and M. Lin. 2005. Chromosome-encoded gene cluster for the metabolic pathway that converts aniline to TCA-cycle intermediates in Delftia tsuruhatensis AD9. Microbiology 151:3435-46

28)Yan, Y., J. Yang, L. Chen, F. Yang, J. Dong, Y. Xue, X. Xu, Y. Zhu, Z. Yao, M. Lin, Y. Wang, and Q. Jin. 2005. Structural and functional analysis of denitrification genes in Pseudomonas stutzeri A1501. Sci China C Life Sci 48:585-92

29)Sun, Y. C., Y. C. Chen, Z. X. Tian, F. M. Li, X. Y. Wang, J. Zhang, Z. L. Xiao, M. Lin, N. Gilmartin, D. N. Dowling, and Y. P. Wang. 2005. Novel AroA with high tolerance to glyphosate, encoded by a gene of Pseudomonas putida 4G-1 isolated from an extremely polluted environment in China. Appl Environ Microbiol 71:4771-6

30)Desnoues, N., M. Lin, X. Guo, L. Ma, R. Carreno-Lopez, and C. Elmerich. 2003. Nitrogen fixation genetics and regulation in a Pseudomonas stutzeri strain associated with rice. Microbiology 149:2251-62

31)Xu, Y., M. Chen, W. Zhang, and M. Lin. 2003. Genetic organization of genes encoding phenol hydroxylase, benzoate 1,2-dioxygenase alpha subunit and its regulatory proteins in Acinetobacter calcoaceticus PHEA-2. Curr Microbiol 46:235-40



