
李鴻光 ,1993年7月畢業於大連理工大學工程力學系工程力學專業,同年9月就讀於該 校工程力學研究所計算力學專業,1996年7月獲工學碩士學位。1996年9月進入東北大學機械工程與自動化學院攻讀博士學位,師從中科院院士聞邦椿教授,於1999年9月獲工學博士學位。2000年1月進入上海交通大學機械工程學院博士後流動站,從事非線性振動理論及其套用、車輛系統動力學方面的研究工作。2002年1月出站後到上海交通大學振動、衝擊、噪聲國家重點實驗室工作至今,2007年12月起被聘為教授。

2008 教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫”
2005 上海市科學技術進步獎 2 等獎, 排名 第三
2009 上海交通大學“晨星青年學者獎勵計畫”
2004 上海交通大學優秀教師獎
2008 上海交通大學優秀教師獎
2008 上海交通大學“上海電氣電站”優秀教師獎
丁國良, 歐陽華, 李鴻光. 製冷空調裝置數位化設計 [M]. 北京: 中國建築工業出版社, 2008年11月

[1] Li H G, Yang W P, Wen B C. Self-excited vibration in rolling mill with clearance and symmetric restoring force via asymptotic method and numerical method [A]. Wen B C. The Procee dings of the International Conference on Vibration Engineering [C]. Shenyang: Northeastern University Press, 1998. 292~295.
[2] 楊文平, 李應強, 李鴻光, 任立義. 螺旋葉片錐輥軋機的軋輥結構研究 [J]. 鍛壓機械, 1998, 33(2) : 24-26.
[3] Yang W P, Li H G, Shi B Q, Guo Y S, Ren L Y. Analysis of vibration signals for large-power automobile engine based on wavelet packets theory [A]. Wen B C. The Proceedings of the International Conference on Vibration Engineering [C]. Shenyang: Northeastern University Press, 1998. 750-752.
[4] 李鴻光, 聞邦椿. 一類具有可動邊界的機械振動系統的混沌行為 [J]. 東北大學學報, 1999, 20(4): 376-379.
[5] 李鴻光, 韓清凱, 楊文平, 聞邦椿. 具有振動邊界的自激系統的混沌行為 [J]. 非線性動力學學報, 1999, 6(2): 110-116.
[6] 李鴻光, 楊文平, 聞邦椿. 消除初軋機系統自激振動的理論分析 [J]. 力學與實踐, 1999, 21(6): 30-32.
[7] 李鴻光, 楊文平, 聞邦椿. 一類具有運動邊界的機械系統自激振動分析 [J]. 振動與衝擊, 1999, 18(3): 1-4.
[8] Yuan H Q, Li H G, Wen B C. Study on stability and bifurcation behaviour of the rotor with local rubbing [A]. Starr A G, Leung A Y T, Wright J R, Sandoz D J. Integrating Dynamics, Condition Monitoring and Control for the 21st Century, Proceedings of the International Conference on the Integration of Dynamics, Monitoring and Control [C]. Manchester, 1999. 305-308. ( ISTP )
[9] Yuan H Q, Wen B C, Li H G. Study on bifurcation and chaos behavior of the rotor with local rubbing [A]. Proceedings of APVC'99 [C]. Singapore, 1999. 898-902.
[10] 袁惠群, 李鴻光, 聞邦椿. 具有非孤立奇點轉子碰摩的分叉行為的研究 [A]. 於萬明, 楊春秋, 王守新. 力學套用與研究 [C], 大連: 大連理工大學出版社, 1999. 198-201.
[11] 袁惠群, 聞邦椿, 李鴻光. Jeffcott轉子局部碰摩的穩定性及分叉行為的研究 [A]. 聞邦椿. 遼寧振動工程學會第七屆學術會議論文集 [C]. 瀋陽, 1999. 1-4
[12] 李鴻光, 聞邦椿. 具有間隙和振動邊界的自激振動系統的非線性振動 [J]. 振動工程學報, 2000, 13(1): 122-127.
[13] 李鴻光, 楊文平, 聞邦椿. 具有可動邊界和間隙的機械系統自激振動分析和數值模擬 [J]. 機械科學與技術, 2000, 19(2): 177-179.
[14] 李鴻光, 聞邦椿, 張建武. 具有間隙的雙向對稱滯回模型的研究 [A]. 聞邦椿, 張天俠, 徐培民. 振動與波利用技術的新進展 [C], 瀋陽: 東北大學出版社, 2000. 208-212.
[15] 李鴻光, 張建武. 鋼橋非線性動力學模型的數值與實驗研究 [A], 張義民. 振動利用與控制工程的若干理論及套用 [C], 長春: 吉林科學技術出版社, 2000. 23-30.
[16] 袁惠群, 聞邦椿, 李鴻光. 非線性轉子局部碰摩故障的分叉與混沌行為 [J]. 東北大學學報, 2000, 21(6): 610-613.
[17] Li H G, Yang W P, Wen B C. Asymptotic method and numerical analysis for self-excited vibration in rolling mill with clearance [J]. Shock and Vibration, 2001, 8(1): 9-14. (SCI)
[18] 李鴻光, 張建武. 一類滯回系統混沌振動的數值分析 [J]. 非線性動力學學報, 2001, 8(1): 33-38.
[19] Li H G, Zhang J W, Wen B C. Chaotic behaviors of a bilinear hysteretic oscillator with clearance [A]. Wen B C. Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference [C]. Changchun: Jilin Science and Technology Press, 2001. 105~109. (ISTP)
[20] 趙和平, 黃宏成, 李鴻光, 張建武. 汽車非線性懸架動態特性研究 [J]. 系統仿真學報, 2001, 13(5): 649-651.
[21] Liu Y Q, Zhang J W, Li H G. Hysteresis response for twin-tube hydraulic shock absorber [A]. Wen B C. Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference [C]. Changchun: Jilin Science and Technology Press, 2001. 445~450.
[22] Zheng L, Li Y N, Li H G, Wen B C. Bifurcation and chaotic motion of a piecewise linear vibration system in gear-pairs [A]. Wen B C. Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference [C]. Changchun: Jilin Science and Technology Press, 2001. 491~495.
[23] Li H G, Zhang J W, Wen B C. Chaotic behaviors of a bilinear hysteretic oscillator [J]. Mechanics Research Communications, 2002, 29(5): 283-289. (SCI)
[24] 李鴻光, 張建武. 一類橋樑橫向水平振動固有頻率的計算方法 [J]. 力學與實踐, 2002, 24(2): 22-24.
[25] Liu Y Q, Zhang J W, Li H G. Test and simulation of nonlinear dynamic response for double-tube hydraulic shock absorber [J]. SAE Technical Paper Series 2002-01-0320, SP-1654.
[26] 劉延慶, 張建武, 張利, 李鴻光. 車用雙筒液壓減振器動態回響的試驗與仿真 [J]. 上海交通大學學報, 2002, 36(8): 1095-1099
[27] 李鴻光, 孟光. 基於經驗模式分解的混沌干擾下諧波信號的提取方法 [J]. 物理學報, 2004, 53(7): 2069-2073(SCI)
[28] 李鴻光, 孟光, 聞邦椿. 帶間隙的雙線性滯回系統的非線性振動 [J]. 機械工程學報, 2004, 40(7): 10-13
[29] 李鴻光, 何旭, 孟光. Bouc-Wen滯回系統動力學特性的仿真研究 [J]. 系統仿真學報, 2004, 16(9): 2009-2036
[30] 李鴻光,靜波,韓雪華. 基於實測數據的汽輪機軸承座動剛度估算方法 [A]. 2004 年全國振動工程及套用學術會議 ( 轉子動力學、故障診斷、模態分析與試驗、振動與噪聲控制聯合會議 )論文集, 2004, 528-530 (振動工程學報, 2004, 17(s): 528-530)
[31] 張文明, 孟光, 李鴻光. MEMS微懸臂樑激勵耦合非線性動力特性分析 [A]. 2004 年全國振動工程及套用學術會議 ( 轉子動力學、故障診斷、模態分析與試驗、振動與噪聲控制聯合會議 )論文集, 2004, 664-667 (振動工程學報, 2004, 17(s): 664-667)
[32] Zhang W M, Meng G, Li H G. Adaptive vibration control of micro-cantilever beam in MEMS [A]. IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference), v 3, IECON 2004 - 30th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Eelctronics Society, 2004, p 2430-2435
[33] 何旭, 李鴻光. 利用經驗模式分解提高短時傅立葉變換的解析度 [J]. 廣西師範大學學報, 2005, 23(1): 1-4
[34] Zhang W M, Meng G, Li H G. Electrostatic micromotor and its reliability [J]. Microelectronics Reliability, 2005, 45(7-8):1230-1242(SCI)
[35] 董興建, 孟光, 李鴻光. 變截面壓電層合梁自由振動分析 [J]. 振動工程學報, 2005, 18(2): 243-247
[36] Dong X J, Meng G, Li H G, Ye L. Vibration analysis of a stepped laminated composite Timoshenko beam [J]. Mechanics Research Communications, 2005, 32(5): 572-581(SCI)
[37] Zhang WM, Meng G. Li HG, Modeling and simulation of the squeeze film effect on the MEMS structures [A], Hong W et al: 2005 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, Vols 1-5 [C], Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, DEC 04-07, 2005, Suzhou, China, IEEE, 1332-1334 (ISTP)
[38] 李鴻光, 孟光. 基於EMD方法的混沌信號中周期分量的提取 [J]. 套用數學和力學, 2006, 27(2): 199-203
[39] Li H G, Meng G. Harmonic component extraction from a chaotic signal based on EMD method [J]. Applied Mathematics & Mechanics, 2006, 27(2): 221-225(SCI)
[40] Zhang W M, Meng G, Li H G. Adaptive vibration control of micro-cantilever beam with piezoelectric actuator in MEMS [J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2006, 28 (3-4): 321-327(SCI)
[41] Li H G, Meng G. Detection of harmonic signals from chaotic interference by empirical mode decomposition [J]. Chaos, Solitons & Fractal, 2006, 30(4): 930-935(SCI)
[42] 李惠清, 何 旭, 李鴻光. 經驗模式分解及其在裂紋轉子故障診斷中的套用[A]. 2006 年全國振動工程及套用學術會議(故障診斷、振動與噪聲控制專輯)論文集, 2006, 305-307 (振動與衝擊, 2006, 25(s): 305-307)
[43] 蔡繼清, 朱克兵, 丁麒, 應廣馳, 李鴻光. 考慮彎曲效應的彎管高精確度模態分析 [J]. 噪聲與振動控制, 2006, 26(3): 44-46
[44] 朱克兵, 李鴻光, 蔡繼清, 丁麒, 應廣馳. 彎管塑性分析及其在模態分析中的套用 [J]. 噪聲與振動控制, 2006, 26(4): 23-25
[45] Li H G, Meng G. Nonlinear dynamics of a SDOF oscillator with Bouc-Wen hysteresis [J]. Chaos, Solitons & Fractal, 2007, 34(2): 337-343(SCI)
[46] Li H G, Meng G, Meng Z Q, Wen BC. Effects of boundary conditions on a self-excited vibration system with clearance [J]. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 2007, 8(4): 571-579(SCI)
[47] Meng ZQ, Meng G, Li HG, Zhu J. Investigation on the nonlinear response of a balanced flexible rotor-bearing system [J]. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 2007, 8(1): 21-30(SCI)
[48] Zhang XG, Guo KJ, Li HG, Hua HX, Meng G. Nonlinear rate dependent friction dynamics: Experiment and theoretical modeling [A], Wen TD: Conference Proceedings of ISTM/2007 VOLS 1-7 [C], 7th International Symposium on Test and Measurement, AUG 05-08, 2007, Beijing, China, International Academic Publishers Ltd, 4379-4382 (ISTP)
[49] Zhang XG, Guo KJ, Li HG, Meng G. Experimental and theoretical investigations on friction modeling concerning accelerations in elevator systems [A], Batra RC et al: Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics 2007, Vols 1 And 2 [C], International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, NOV 05-07, 2007, Wuxi, China, Science Press USA INC, 1066-1072 (ISTP)
[50] 郭亞娟, 李惠清, 孟光, 李鴻光. 粘彈性自由層阻尼懸臂樑的有限元模型 [J]. 上海交通大學學報, 2007, 41(9): 1538-1541
[51] 郭亞娟, 李鴻光, 孟光. 粘彈性材料的ADF模型研究 [J]. 振動與衝擊, 2007, 26(10): 145-147
[52] 趙三星, 孟光, 荊建平, 李鴻光. 汽封力作用下的轉子-軸承系統穩定性研究 [J]. 汽輪機技術, 2007, 49(4): 280-284
[53] 李惠清, 郭亞娟. 李鴻光. 阻尼材料的配置對彎管固有頻率的影響 [J]. 噪聲與振動控制, 2007, 27(5): 56-59
[54] 宋文明, 李鴻光. 焊錫中氣泡對電子元件熱傳導的影響 [J]. 電子元件與材料, 2007, 26(10): 70-73
[55] 周傳勇, 李鴻光. 基於Bouc-Wen模型的電梯導靴摩擦力試驗建模和參數辨識 [A], 孟光等: 2007年第四屆“工程與振動”科技論壇論文集 [C]. 振動與衝擊, 2007, 26(S): 81-82
[56] 彭海闊, 孟光, 李鴻光. 沉管隧道結構有限元建模及模型有效性研究 [J], 噪聲與振動控制, 2007, 27(6): 1-3
[57] Guo K J, Zhang X G, Li H G, Meng G. Application of EMD method to friction signal processing [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2008, 22(1): 248-259(SCI)
[58] Guo K J, Zhang X G, Li H G, Meng G. A New Dynamical Friction Model [J]. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2008, 22(8): 967-980(SCI)
[59] Guo K J, Zhang X G, Li H G, Meng G. Non-reversible Friction Modeling and Identification [J]. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2008, 78(10): 795-809(SCI)
[60] Guo K J, Li H G, Meng G. A two-dimensional model for a slide guide system subjected to lateral displacement excitation [A]. He J H: 2007 International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics, October 2007, Shanghai, China [C], Institute of Physics and IOP Publishing Limited: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2008
[61] Zhang X G, Li H G, Meng G. Experimental investigation of nonlinear frictional dynamics of the slide guide in elevator systems [A]. He J H: 2007 International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics, October 2007, Shanghai, China [C], Institute of Physics and IOP Publishing Limited: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2008
[62] Zhang X G, Guo K J, Li H G, Meng G. A new friction model for the slide guide in elevator systems: experimental and theoretical investigations [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C-Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2008, 222(11): 2177-2189(SCI)
[63] 郭亞娟, 李鴻光, 孟光. 基於GA-BFGS混合算法的多目標粘彈性模型參數最佳化 [J]. 振動工程學報, 2008, 21(1): 84-90
[64] 郭亞娟, 李惠清, 孟光, 李鴻光. 粘彈性自由層阻尼管的有限元建模與試驗研究 [J]. 振動與衝擊, 2008, 27(5): 99-102
[65] Gao S H; Meng G; Li H G; Jin, J P; Long X H. Non-linear dynamics of an unbalanced machine-tool spindle system supported by ball bearings [J]. Proceedings of the I MECH E Part K Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, 2008, 222(3): 201-214(SCI)
[66] Gao S H, Long X H, Li H G, Meng G. Nonlinear behavior of the machine-tool spindle system supported by ball bearing with clearance [A]. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Boston, Massachusetts USA. 2008
[67] 郭克尖, 李鴻光, 孟光. 滑動導向系統振動建模及動力學仿真研究 [J]. 振動與衝擊, 2008, 27(10): 39-42
[68] Guo Y J, Meng G, Li H G. Parameter determination and response analysis of viscoelastic material [J]. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2009, 79(2): 147–155(SCI)
[69] Meng G, Zhang W M, Huang H, Li H G, Chen D. Micro-rotor dynamics for micro–electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) [J], Chaos, Solitons & Fractal, 2009, 40(2): 538–562(SCI)
[70] 郭亞娟, 李鴻光, 孟光. 基於正交試驗設計的空間彎管阻尼配置最佳化[J]. 套用力學學報, 2009, 26(2): 338-342
[71] 丁麒, 孟光, 李鴻光. 基於Hilbert-Huang變換的梁結構損傷識別方法研究[J]. 振動與衝擊, 2009, 28(9): 180-183
[72] 游進, 孟光, 李鴻光, 王淼. 隨機激勵下框架梁結構能量有限元分析[J]. 上海交通大學學報, 2009, 43(10): 1632-1635
[73] 游進, 李鴻光, 孟光. 耦合板結構隨機能量有限元分析[J]. 振動與衝擊, 2009, 28(11): 43-46
[74] 謝孟愷, 游進, 李鴻光.基於穩態能量法的全程數字模擬的振動預測方法[J]. 噪聲與振動控制, 2009, 29 (5): 4-7
[75] 景蓓蓓, 李鴻光. 基於微分的經驗模式方法在轉子裂紋和碰摩故障診斷中的套用[J]. 噪聲與振動控制, 2009, 29 (5): 66-69
[76] 金長明, 王贛城, 高康, 陳婷艷, 李鴻光. 充液管道的傳遞矩陣法分析[J]. 噪聲與振動控制, 2009, 29 (6): 30-33
[77] You J, Li H G, Meng G. Validity investigation of random energy flow analysis for beam structures [A]. 2nd International Conference on Vibro-Impact Systems, JAN 06-09, 2010 Sanya, PEOPLES R CHINA
[78] Zhang Z Y, Chen Y, Li H G , Hua H X. Simulation and experimental study on vibration and sound radiation control with piezoelectric actuators [A]. 2nd International Conference on Vibro-Impact Systems, JAN 06-09, 2010 Sanya, PEOPLES R CHINA
[79] 游進, 孟光, 李鴻光. L型耦合板相關激勵下高頻隨機能量流分析[J]. 振動工程學報, 2010, 23(1): 60-63
[80] 王贛城, 金長明, 陳雲文, 張進, 李鴻光. 吊桿式船載起重機吊繩非線性動力學建模與分析[J]. 噪聲與振動控制, 2010, 30 (2): 23-26
[81] 游進, 孟光, 李鴻光. 三維框架結構隨機能量流分析[J]. 上海交通大學學報, 2010, 44(8): 1150-1154
[82] You J, Meng G, Li H G. Random energy flow analysis of coupled beam structures and its correlation with SEA [J]. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2011, 81(1): 37-50(SCI)
[83] You J, Li H G, Meng G. Validity investigation of random energy flow analysis for beam structures [J]. Shock and Vibration, 2011, 18( 1-2): 269-280(SCI)
[84] Zhang Z Y, Chen Y, Li H G, Hua H X. Simulation and experimental study on vibration and sound radiation control with piezoelectric actuators[J]. Shock and Vibration, 2011, 18( 1-2): 343-354(SCI)
[85] 王贛城, 焦素娟, 孫靳雅, 李鴻光. 彈性膠泥阻尼器的衝擊實驗研究及建模分析[J]. 噪聲與振動控制, 2010, 30 (6): 56-57
[86] You M Y, Li H G, Meng G. Control-limit preventive maintenance policies for components subject to imperfect preventive maintenance and variable operational conditions [J]. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2011, 96(5): 590-598(SCI)
[87] 張新剛, 李鴻光, 孟光. 電梯導靴摩擦特性的實驗研究 [J]. 機械強度, 2011, 33(4): 528-533
[88] Zhou Y, Li H G. Adaptive noise reduction method for DSPI fringes based on bi-dimensional ensemble empirical mode decomposition [J]. Optics Express, 2011, 19(19): 18207–18215(SCI)
[89] Zhang T, Li H G, Zhao J J. Vibration control and Dynamical Model of a Thermal – Electrical - Mechanical Coupled Smart Cantilevered Beam [A]. 2011 International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology (2011 ICMIT) N292
[90] Yang B T, Zhang T, Li J Q, Li F C, Li H G, Meng G. Research on giant magnetostrictive actuator for low frequency adaptive vibration control [A], The Seventh International Conference on VIBRATION ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY OF MACHINERY (VETOMAC-VII), Shanghai, CHINA, November 21-24, 2011.
[91] Zhou S T, Sun Z H, Liu Y, Li H G. Dynamics stiffness Analysis and Modal Identification On Bearing Support of High-Speed Dynamic Balancing Machine [A]. The Seventh International Conference on VIBRATION ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY OF MACHINERY (VETOMAC-VII), Shanghai, CHINA, November 21-24, 2011.