




性 別: 男

職 稱: 研究員


2009年9月至今, 中國科學院心理研究所, 研究員

2007年8月-2009年8月,Vanderbilt University, 博士後

2003年8月-2007年9月,University of Massachusetts Amherst, 心理學,博士1999年8月-2002年3月,東南大學,生物醫學工程.,碩士

1992年8月-1999年7月, 華光科技股份有限公司,軟體工程師

1988年8月-1992年7月, 電子科技大學,主修電子工程,副修 計算機科學,學士



(1) 漢語閱讀,特別是漢語詞語的識別與分割。

(2) 視覺注意以及與物體識別、物體分割的關係。

(3) 高級認知活動中的眼動控制機理。


Association for Psychological Science (APS). Vision Science Society (VSS). Psychonomics Society





Li. X., Bicknell, K., Liu, P., Wei, W., & Rayner, K. (in press). Reading is fundamentally similar across disparate writing systems: A systematic characterization of how words and characters influence eye movements in Chinese reading. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.

Su, Y., Rao, L., Sun, H., Du, X., Li, X., Li, S. (in press). Is making a risky choice based on a weighting and adding process? An eye-tracking investigation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition

Li, X. S., Gu, J. J., Liu, P. P., & Rayner, K.(2013). The advantage of word-based processing in Chinese reading: Evidence from eye movements.Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition

Li, X., & Shen, W. (2013).Joint effect of insertion of spaces and word length in saccade target selection in Chinese reading. Journal of Research in Reading

Wei, W.,Li, X., & Pollatsek, A. (2013). Properties of fixated words affect outgoing saccade length in Chinese reading. Vision Research

Liu, P. & Li, X. (2013). Optimal viewing position effects in the processing of isolated Chinese words.Vision Research

Liu, P. & Li, X. (in press).Inserting Spaces Before and After Words Affect Word Processing Differently: Evidence from Eye Movements. British Journal of Psychology

Liu P-P, Li W-J, Lin N, Li X-S (2013) Do Chinese Readers Follow the National Standard Rules for Word Segmentation during Reading? PLoS ONE

Menneer, T., Stroud, M.J., Cave, K. R., Li, X. S.., Hayward J. Godwin, H. J., Liversedge, S. P. & Donnelly, N. (2012). Search for Two Categories of Target Produces Fewer Fixations to Target-color Items. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied

Li X, Ma G (2012) Word Boundaries Affect Visual Attention in Chinese Reading. PLoS ONE

Chen L, Li X, Yang Y. (2012). Focus, Newness and Their Combination: Processing of Information Structure in Discourse. PLoS ONE

Su, Y., Rao, L. L., Li , X. S., Wang, Y. & Li, S. (2012). From Quality to Quantity: The Role of Common Features in Consumer Preference. Journal of Economic Psychology

Li, X. S., Zhao, W. C., &Pollatsek, A. (2012). Dividing lines at the word boundary position helps reading in Chinese.Psychonomic Bulletin & Review

Li, X. S., Liu, P. P., &Rayner, K. (2011). Eye movement guidance in Chinese reading: Is there a preferred viewing location? Vision Research

Li, X.S., &Pollatsek, A. (2011). Word knowledge influences character perception. Psychonomics Bulletin & Review.

Li, X. S., Logan, G.D., Zbrodoff, N. J. (2010). Where do we look when we count? The role of eye movements in enumeration. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics

Li, X.S., Rayner, K., & Cave, K. (2009).On the segmentation of Chinese words during reading. Cognitive Psychology

Li, X.S., & Logan, G. D. (2008). Object-based attention in Chinese readers of Chinese words: Beyond Gestalt principles. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 15, 945-949.

Evans, K., Rotello, C.M., Li, X.S., & Rayner, K. (2009). Scene perception and memory revealed by eye movements and ROC analyses: Does a cultural difference truly exist? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology

Li, X.S., Cave, K.R., & Wolfe, JM. (2008). Kanizsa-type subjective contours do not guide attentional deployment in visual but line termination contours do. Perception & Psychophysics

Li, X.S., Rayner, K., Williams, C.C., Cave, K.R., & Well, A.D. (2007). Eye movements and individual differences. Visual Cognition

Rayner, K., Li, X.S., &Pollatsek.A. (2007).Extending the E-Z Reader model of eye movement control to Chinese reading. Cognitive Science

Rayner, K., Li, X.S., Williams C.C., Cave, K. R., & Well, A.D. (2007). Eye movements during information processing tasks: Individual differences and cultural effects. Vision Research

Rayner, K., Li, X.S., Juhasz, B.J., & Yan, G. (2005).The effect of word predictability on the eye movements of Chinese readers. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review



