
1997年6月至1998年6月到美國University of California at Santa Barbara(UCSB)Alan J. Heeger教授(2000年諾貝爾化學獎獲得者、美國科學院院士、中國科學院外籍院士)實驗室進行訪問研究;
2000年2月至5月到美國University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) Yang Yang教授實驗室高訪(國家留學基金資助) 。
2012年獲美國化學會(ACS)高分子學術報告獎(2012 Macro Lecture Award);
2013年入選湯森路透評選的2012年度Hottest Scientific Researchers. (在21位入選者中排名並列第二);
迄今已發表研究SCI論文400多篇(其中影響因子5以上雜誌上發表論文100多篇),刊物包括 Nature Photonics、 Acc.Chem. Res.、 Chem. Soc. Rev.、 J. Am. Chem. Soc.、 ACS Nano、 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed、 Adv. Mater、 Adv. Energy Mater.、 Adv. Funct. Mater、 Energy Environ. Sci.、 Chem. Mater、 Chem. Commun.、 Macromolecules、 J. Mater.Chem.、. Polym. Chem 等。與吳浩青先生合著《電化學動力學》,另在10多部著作中寫有與共軛聚合物光電子材料和器件相關的部分章節。發表論文已被SCI他人引用11500餘次,h-因子58。
(1 )在聚合物太陽能電池光伏材料方面:
1. Jianhui Hou, Zhan’ao Tan, Yong Yan, Youjun He, Chunhe Yang, Yongfang Li*, “Synthesis and photovoltaic properties of two-dimensional conjugated polythiophenes with bi(thienylenevinylene) side chains”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128, 4911-4916.
2. Xiaowei Zhan*, Zhan’ao Tan, Benoit Domercq, Zesheng An, Xuan Zhang, Stephen Barlow, Yongfang Li*, Daoben Zhu*, Bernard Kippelen*, Seth R. Marder*, “A High-Mobility Electron-Transport Polymer with Broad Absorption and its use inAll-Polymer Solar Cells and Field-Effect Transistors”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2007, 129, 7246-7247.
3. Youjun He, Hsiang-Yu Chen, Jianhui Hou*, Yongfang Li*,”Indene-C60 bisadduct: a new acceptor for high performance polymer solar cells”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132,1377-1382.
4. Yen-Ju Cheng*, Chao-Hsiang Hsieh, Youjun He, Chain-Shu Hsu*, Yongfang Li*, ” Combination of indene-C60 bis-adduct and cross-linked fullerence interlayer leading to highly efficient inverted polymer solar cells”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 17381–17383.
5. Yongfang Li*, Yingping Zou, "Conjugated Polymer Photovoltaic Materials with Broad Absorption Band and High Charge Carrier Mobility", Adv.Mater., 2008, 20, 2952-2958.
6. Guangjin Zhao, Youjun He, Yongfang Li*, “6.5% Efficiency of the polymer solar cells based on poly(3-hexylthiophene) and indene-C60 bisadduct by device optimization”, Adv. Mater. , 2010, 22, 4355-4358.
7. Huixia Shang, Haijun Fan, Yao Liu, Wenping Hu*, Yongfang Li,* and Xiaowei Zhan,* “A solution processable star-shaped molecule for high performance organic solar cells”, Adv. Mater ., 2011, 23, 1554–1557.
8. Maojie Zhang, Xia Guo, Yongfang Li*, “Synthesis and characterization of a copolymer based on thiazolothiazole and dithienosilole for polymer solar cells”, Adv. Energy Mater. 2011, DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201100193.
9. Guangjin Zhao, Youjun He, Zheng Xu, Jianhui Hou*, Maojie Zhang, Jie Min, Hsiang-Yu Chen, Mingfu Ye, Ziruo Hong, Yang Yang*, Yongfang Li*, “Effect of carbon chain length in the substituent of PCBM-like molecules on their photovoltaic properties” , Adv. Funct. Mater. 2010, 20, 1480-1487.
10. Youjun He, Guangjin Zhao, Bo Peng, Yongfang Li*,“High yield synthesis, electrochemical and photovoltaic properties of indene-C70 bisadduct”, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2010, 20, 3383-3389.
11. Ye Huang , Lijun Huo , Shaoqing Zhang, Xia Guo, Charles C. Han*, Yongfang Li*, Jianhui Hou*, “Sulfonyl: a new application of electron-withdrawing substituent in highly efficient photovoltaic polymer”, Chem. Commun. 2011, DOI:10.1039/C1CC12575C.
12. Jing Zhang, Dan Deng, Chang He*, Youjun He, Maojie Zhang, Zhi-Guo Zhang, Zhanjun Zhang, Yongfang Li*, “Star-shaped molecules with triphenylamine core and dicyanovinyl end-groups for organic solar cells”, Chem. Mater., 2011, 23, 817-822.
13. Jianhui Hou, Lijun Huo, Chang He, Chunhe Yang, Yongfang Li*,“Synthesis and Absorption Spectra of Poly[3-(phenylene-vinyl) thiophene] with Conjugated Side-Chains", Macromolecules, 2006, 39, 594-603.
14. Lijun Huo, Xia Guo, Shaoqing Zhang, Yongfang Li, Jianhui Hou,PBDTTTZ: A broad band gap conjugated polymer with high photovoltaic performance in polymer solar cells”, Macromolecules, 2011, DOI: 10.1021/ma200743b.
( 2 )在無機半導體納米晶製備和共軛聚合物、無機半導體納米晶雜化光電子器件方面:
15. Qingjiang Sun, Y. Andrew Wang*, Lin Song Li, Daoyuan Wang, Ting Zhu, Jian Xu, Chunhe Yang and Yongfang Li*, “Bright, Multicoloured Light Emitting Diodes Based on Quantum Dots”, Nature Photonics, 2007, 1, 717-722.
16. Yunchao Li, Haizheng Zhong, Rui Li, Yi Zhou, Chunhe Yang, Yongfang Li*, “High-yield fabrication and electrochemical characterization of tetrapod-shaped CdSe, CdTe and CdSexTe1-x nanocrystals”, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2006, 16, 1705-1716.
17. Haizheng Zhong, Yi Zhou, Mingfu Ye,Xiang Wang,Youjun He, Jianping Ye, Chang He, Chunhe Yang, Yongfang Li*, “Controlled Synthesis and Optical Properties of Colloidal Ternary Chalcogenide CuInS2 Nanocrystals”, Chem. Mater. 2008, 20, 6434-6443.
(3 )在導電聚合物電化學和聚合物發光電化學池方面:
18. Chunhe Yang, Qingjiang Sun, Jing Qiao, Yongfang Li*, “Ionic liquid Doped Polymer Light-emitting Electrochemical Cells”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2003, 107, 12981-12988.
19. Yongfang Li*, Yong Cao, Jun Gao, Deli Wang, Gang Yu, Alan J. Heeger, “Electrochemical properties of luminescent polymers and polymer light-emitting electrochemical cells”, Synthetic Metals, 1999, 99, 243-248.
20. Yongfang Li, Renyuan Qian, “On the nature of redox processes in the cyclic voltammetry of polypyrrole in aqueous solutions”, J. Electroanal. Chem., 1993, 362, 267-272.