譯 者: 劉炳善

定 價: ¥22.50
圖書代碼: YL003374
發行代碼: G08275
ISBN: 978-7-5447-0673-5
版 次: 2008年7月第1版 2008年7月第1次印刷
上架日期: 2008-08-25
圖書類型: 平裝本
裝 幀: 718×1000毫米 1/16
Virginia Woolf (1882—1941) English writer whose novels, through their nonlinear approaches to narrative, exerted a major influence on the genre. While she is best known for her novels, especially Mrs. Dalloway (1925) and To the Lighthouse (1927), Woolf also wrote pioneering essays on artistic theory, literary history, women's writing, and the politics of power. A fine stylist, she experimented with several forms of biographical writing, composed painterly short fictions, and sent to her friends and family a lifetime of brilliant letters.——Britannica
Innovative novelist, perceptive critic, and Pioneering feminist essayist, Virginia Woolf made a major contribution to the development of the novel with her impressionistic style.——BBC
She pushed the English language a little further against the dark.
——E. M. Forster
...the Almighty will turn to Peter and will say, not without a certain envy when He sees us coming with our books under our arms, ‘Look, these need no reward, We have nothing to give them here. They have loved reading.’
CONTENTS1 The Common Reader
2 Montaigne
3 Defoe
4 Jane Austen
5 Modern Fiction
6 Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights
7 How It Strikes A Contemporary
8 Robinson Crusoe
9 Dorothy Osborne's Letters
10 Swift's Journal to Stella
11 Mary Wollstonecraft
12 Dorothy Wordsworth
13 How Should One Read a Book?
目 錄
1 普通讀者
2 蒙田
3 笛福
4 簡·奧斯丁
5 現代小說
6 《簡·愛》與《呼嘯山莊》
7 對當代文學的印象
8 《魯濱孫飄流記》
9 多蘿西·奧斯本的《書信集》
10 斯威夫特的《致斯苔拉小札》
11 瑪麗·沃斯通克拉夫特
12 多蘿西·華茲華斯
13 一個人應該怎樣讀書?