
2001-2003 清華大學社會學系教授、公共管理學院社會政策研究所所長。
2000-2001 清華大學社會學系、美國紐市立大學城市學院人類學系副教授。
2000-2001 紐約市立大學城市學院人類學系副教授並獲終身教職。
1999-2000 北京實驗影視人類學中心秘書長。
1998-1999 紐約市立大學城市學院人類學系研究生指導及套用城市人類學專業副主任。
1998-1999 紐約市立大學城市學院全校教授議會執行委員會委員。
1997-1998 紐約市立大學城市學院亞洲問題研究系代理系主任兼學生會特邀顧問。
1994-1999 紐約市立大學城市學院助理教授
1990-1993 哈佛大學教學助理。
1988-1990 北京大學社會學所助理研究員。
1985-1986 中國日報社國內部副主任。
1984-1985 郵電部住日內瓦同聲翻譯。
1981-1985 中國日報社國內部記者。
“中國社會研究”(80611522),研究生課, 2001春;
在紐約市立大學講授課程包括:當代亞洲社會 (本科);美國的亞裔群體 (本科);當代中國 (本科);國際關係的社會基礎 (研究生);記憶,認同, 與歷史 (研究生);社會人類學入門 (本科);中國家庭,婚姻,與親屬關係 (本科);社會人類學與當代社會 (研究生);城市問題研究 (研究生);勞 動,組織與全球化問題 (研究生);影視人類學 (本科高班及研究生);社會理論精 讀 (研究生)。
其個人主要英文著作The Temple of Memories:History, Power and Morality in a Chinese Village (神堂記憶:一個中國鄉村的歷史、權利與道德)由史丹福大學出版社於1996年出版。中譯本由福建教育出版社2013年出版。他主編的英文論文集 Feeding China's Little Emperors(餵養中國小皇帝)也由美國史丹福大學出版社出版,時間是2000年。他的其他英文和中文學術文章散見於 American Ethnologist, The China Journal, Chinese Anthropology and Sociology, Critique of Anthropology,《中國社會科學季刊》,《社會科學》、《社會學研究》、《開放時代》、《中國愛滋病性病》以及在美國、英國與中國出版的六本論文集。
“From Commodity of Death to Gift of Life,” in Arthur Kleinman edited, Deep China : The Moral Life of the Person, University of California Press, 2011, pp. 78-105.
“Human immunodeficiency virus prevalence is increasing among men who have sex with men in China: findings from a review and meta-analysis,” Chow, Eric Pui Fung; Wilson, David; Zhang,
Jun; Jing, Jun; Zhang, Lei. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 2011, vol. 38, no. 12, pp. 1-13.
“Drugs, HIV, and Chinese youth,” in J. Jing and H. Worth ed., HIV in China: Understanding the Social Aspects of the Epidemic, University of New South Wales Press, 2010, pp. 67-100..
“An overview of China’s HIV epidemic,” (co-authored with Health Worth), in J. Jing and H. Worth ed., HIV in China: Understanding the Social Aspects of the Epidemic, University of
New South Wales Press, 2010, pp. 1-10.
LE PRIX DE L’AMITIÉ ENTRE JEUNES TOXICOMANES, La société chinoise vue par ses sociologues: Migrations, villes, classe moyenne, drogue, sida (Jean-Louis Rocca), Paris: Presses
de Sciences Po, 2008, pp. 223-247.
LA LOIDUTITANIC: ANALYSE DES RISQUES DU SIDA, La société chinoise vue par ses sociologues: Migrations, villes, classe moyenne, drogue, sida (Jean-Louis Rocca), Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2008, pp. 249-288.
“Resettlement in the Three Gorges project,” China Journal, 2008, no. 60, pp. 187-199.
“For gods, ghosts and ancestors,” American Ethnologist, 2008, vol.35, no. 3, pp. 3068-71.
“An ethnographic study of AIDS in China,” Lancet, 2007, vol. 370, no. 9604, pp. 1995-96.
"State comrades and an elderly woman's suicide," Critique of Anthropology, 2007, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 147-163.
"The social origin of AIDS panic in China," in Joan Kaufman, Tony Saich, and Arthur Kleinman ed., AIDS and Public Policy in China, Asia Center Publications, 2006, pp. 152-169.
“Only hope: coming of age under China’s one-child policy,” The China Journal, 2006, no.55, pp. 181-183.
"Meal rotation and filial piety," in Charlotte Ikels ed., Filial Piety: Practice and Discourse in East Asia, Stanford University Press, 2004, pp.53-62.
“Environmental protests in rural China,” in Elizabeth Perry and Mark Selden ed., Chinese Society: Change, Conflict and Resistance, London: Routledge, 2004, pp. 204-222.
“Dams and dreams: a return-to-homeland movement in northwest China,” in Charles Stafford ed., Living with Separation in China: Anthropological Accounts, London: Curson Press, 2003,
pp. 113-129.
“China and AIDS,” Science, (with Joan Kaufman), June 28, 2002, vol. 296, pp. 23-26.
“Knowledge, organization, and symbolic capital,” in Thomas A. Wilson ed., On Sacred Ground : Culture, Society, Politics, and the Formation of the Cult of Confucius, Harvard
University Press, 2002, pp. 335-374.
"Male ancestors and female deities: finding memories of trauma in a Chinese village, " Michael Roth and Charles Salas ed., Disturbing Remains: Memory, History, and Crisis in the
Twentieth Century. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute Publications, 2001, pp. 207-226.
“Food, nutrition, and cultural authority in a Gansu village” in Jun Jing ed., Feeding China's Little Emperors, Stanford University Press, 2000, pp. 134-159.
"Villages dammed, villages repossessed: a memorial movement in northwest China," American Ethnologist, 1999, vol. 26, no.2, pp. 324-343.
“Displacement, resettlement, rehabilitation, reparation, and development: the China report,” Thematic Review of World Commission on Dams, 1999, pp.1-33.
“Cadres and kin,” China Quarterly, 1999, no. 166, pp. 1069-1070.
“Population resettlement: past lessons for the Three Gorges dam project," The China Journal, 1997, no. 38, pp. 65-92.
"Down to earth," The China Journal, 1997, no.37, pp. 198-200.
"Gifts, favors, and banquets," American Ethnologist, 1996, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 910-911.
"The Rise of a refugee god," American Ethnologist, 1995, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 1043-1044.