
Learn Testin Learn


出版社: 西安交通大學出版社; 第1版 (2008年4月1日)
叢書名: 新空間大學英語系列
平裝: 166頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787560527222, 7560527221
條形碼: 9787560527222
尺寸: 25.6 x 18.2 x 0.8 cm
重量: 299 g


《新空間大學英語?泛讀教程4》內容簡介為:《泛讀教程》是“新空間大學英語”系列教材的主幹教材之一。全套教材共四冊,可供四個學期使用。 本教材具有較強的針對性,無論是選材還是練習的編排都充分考慮到教學要求和學生的特點。所選材料難度適中,短小精幹,便於老師課堂操作和學生課上課下閱讀;同時強調趣味性,所選文章貼近學生生活,反映學生感興趣的話題,能夠比較充分地調動學生閱讀的熱情:同時也注意將不同的文體和題材包括其中,使學生對不同類型的文體和話題有所接觸,為他們在今後的就業中很快適應實際工作打好基礎。 課後練習形式上注重多樣性和趣味性。每個單元除了配有檢查學生閱讀理解的傳統練習,還配有形式新穎的辭彙鞏固和擴展練習、文化知識練習、任務型練習等。辭彙鞏固和擴展練習將課文中重點辭彙提出來操練。並從課文的題材出發,對相關辭彙進行聯想擴充,比較好地處理了閱讀和辭彙量積累之間的關係;任務型練習則有助於開發學生的創新思維能力,加深對所學語言知識的記憶,提高課下自主閱讀的積極性。在練習中還融入了很多文化知識,有助於在提高學生理解能力的同時,擴大學生的知識面,增強對英語國家文化的了解。《新空間大學英語?泛讀教程4》為《泛讀教程》的第四冊。


Unit 1 Transport
Text A Proposed Future Transport
Text B How We Traveled
Leaming Activities
Supplementary Reading Is it Safe to Travel Nowadays?
Unit 2 Detective Stories
Text A The Dead Detective
Text B Key to Success
Learning Activities
Supplementary Reading The Most Famous Detectives in Literature
Unit 3 Exploration
Text A King of the Peaks
Text B Marco Polo: The Glories of Kinsay [Hangchow]
Learning Activities
Supplementary Reading History of Exploration
Unit 4 Crisis
Text A Three Hours of Fear and Hope (I)
Text B Three Hours of Fear and Hope (II)
Leaming Activities
Supplementary Reading What Courage Looks Like?
Unit 5 Honesty
Text A Excuses, Excuses
Text B Let's Put the Heat on Campus Cheats
Supplementary Reading Advice to Youth
Leaming Activities
Unit 6 Enjoy Listening!
Text A How to Listen to Movies
Text B How to Listen to TV News
Learning Activities
Supplementary Reading How to Listen to Songs
Unit 7 Tests
Text A A Testing Time
Learning Activities
Supplementary Reading
Unit 8 Poets and Poems
Text A Walt Whitman
Text B Robert Frost
Leaming Activities
Supplementary Reading Emily Dickinson
Unit 9 Famous Speeches
Text A John F. Kennedy: Inaugural Address
Text B OBITUARY to Princess Diana Speech
Leaming Activities
Supplementary Reading 9/11 Speech
Unit 10 Technology:A Blessing or a Curse
text A Tech-ed off
text B Cell Phones Indulge Arrogance of Youths
Learning Activities
Supplementary Reading Technological Advances Take up More of Our Time
Unit 11 Daddy-Long-Legs
Text A The Letters of Miss Jerusha Abbott to Mr. Daddy-Long-Legs Smith I
Text B The Letters of Miss Jerusha Abbott to Mr. Daddy-Long-Legs Smith II
Learning Activities
Supplementary Reading Blue Wednesday
Unit 12 Single Parent Families
Text A Good Intentions
Text B Single Parent Families:Serve Them Through Scoutreach Learning Activities
Supplementary Reading A Day in the Life of a Single Parent
Key to Some of the Exercises


