Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Definition of literature
1.2 Bible and literature
1.3 Literature and meaning
Chapter 2 Poetry
2.1 Definition of poetry
2.2 Types of poetry
2.3 Elements of poetry
2.4 Poetic devices
2.5 Poems for study
Chapter 3 Drama
3.1 Definition of drama
3.2 Types of drama
3.3 Elements of tragedy and comedy
3.4 Devices and techniques
3.5 Stage and theatre
3.6 Plays for study
Chapter 4 Fiction
4.1 Definition and history of the novel
4.2 Types of fiction
4.3 Elements of fiction
4.4 Techniques
4.5 Fictions for study
Appendix I Nobel Prize Winners
AppendixⅡPulitzer Prize Winners
Appendix Ⅲ British Literary Prizes
Appendix IV American Literary Prizes
Appendix V British and American Holidays
Works Cited