





1991年-2000年 南京師範大學理學學士,香港大學-復旦大學國際工商管理碩士,Tufts大學哲學博士學位
1999年-2005年 在TIBCO,上海廣電信息,SAP等公司從事技術開發和管理工作
2005年-2010年 南寧市信息化工作辦公室、城鄉數位化辦公室、政務公開辦公室等任副主任
2010年起 南寧振寧資產經營公司董事總經理


2010年5月 南寧市委市政府嘉獎
2010年2月 南寧市政協9屆四次會議優秀提案
2009年8月 2008年度南寧市信息化工作先進個人
2009年6月 2008年度安全生產工作先進工作者
2009年5月 首府南寧創建全國文明城市活動先進個人
2008年11月 2008年南寧市科學技術進步獎三等獎
2008年2月 南寧市政協九屆二次會議優秀提案


Patrick S. Dai, peggy cebe, Malcolm Capel, Rufina Alamo, and Leo Mandelkern. “Small and wide angle X-ray Scattering Study of Metallocene Isotactic Poly(propylene).” J. Applied crystallography, 33-3(1), 714-717 (2000).
Patrick S. Dai, Peggy Cebe, Malcolm Capel, Rufina Alamo, and Leo Mandelkern. “Simultaneous in-situ WAXS and SAXS Study of Crystallization and Melting of Metallocene Isotactic Poly(propylene)”. In Scattering from Polymers: Characterization by X-rays, Neutrons, and Light (Eds: P. Cebe, B. Hsiao, D. Lohse) ACS Symposium Series 739, p. 152-158 (2000).
George Georgiev, Patrick S. Dai, Elizabeth Oyebode, Peggy Cebe and Malcolm Capel. “Real-Time Small Angle X-ray Scattering Study of Two-Stage Melt Crystallization of PEEK.” J. Materials Science, 36(6), 1349-1361 (2001).
Patrick S. Dai, Peggy Cebe and Malcolm Capel. “Thermal and X-ray Scattering Study of Metallocene Isotactic Poly(propylene) Prepared by Partial Melting.” In review, J. Polymer Sci., Polymer Physics Ed., 2/02.
Patrick S. Dai, Peggy Cebe, Malcolm Capel, Rufina Alamo and Leo Mandelkern. “Real-time X-ray Scattering Study of Melting Kinetics in Isotactic Poly(propylene).” In preparation for submission to J. Polymer Sci., Polymer Physics Ed., 6/02.
Patrick S. Dai, “X-Ray Scattering and Thermal Analysis Study of Isotactic Poly (Propylene)” Dissertation, Tufts University
Patrick S. Dai, Peggy Cebe, Rufina Alamo, and Leo Mandelkern. “Crystallization and Melting of Narrow Molecular Weight Distribution Poly(propylene) Prepared by Partial Melting.” American Chemical Society, Proceedings of the Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering, 78, 217 (1998).
George Georgiev, Patrick S. Dai, Elizabeth Oyebode, Peggy Cebe and Malcolm Capel. “Thermal Analysis and X-ray Scattering Study of Two-Stage Melt Crystallization of PEEK.” American Chemical Society, Proceedings of the Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering, 78, 215 (1998).
Patrick S. Dai, Peggy Cebe, Rufina Alamo, Leo Mandelkern, and Malcolm Capel. “Real-Time SAXS Study of Crystallization of Metallocene Poly(propylene).” American Chemical Society, Proceedings of the Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering, 79, 322 (1998).
George Georgiev, Patrick S. Dai, Elizabeth Oyebode, Peggy Cebe and Malcolm Capel. “Real-Time SAXS and Thermal Analysis Study of Multiple Melting Behavior in PEEK.” American Chemical Society, Proceedings of the Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering, 79, 336 (1998).
Patrick S. Dai, Peggy Cebe, Malcolm Capel, Rufina Alamo, and Leo Mandelkern. “Self-Nucleation Study of Metallocene Isotactic Polypropylene.” American Chemical Society, Proceedings of the Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering, 81, 264(1999).
Patrick S. Dai, Peggy Cebe, Malcolm Capel, Rufina Alamo, and Leo Mandelkern. “Wide and Small Angle X-ray Scattering Study of Melting Kinetics of Isotactic Polypropylene.” American Chemical Society, Proceedings of the Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering, 83, 361(2000).
George Georgiev, Patrick S. Dai, Elizabeth Oyebode, Peggy Cebe and Malcolm Capel. “Synchrotron Small Angle X-ray Scattering of Melt Crystallized Polymers.” Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings:Applications of Synchrotron Radiation Techniques to Materials Science (Eds., S. Stock, D. Perry, S. Mini), 590, 137-143 (2000).
Cebe P., Georgiev G., Dai P. and Capel M., “Structural Studies of Polymers Using Small Angle X-ray Scattering and Optical Ellipsometry.” Proceedings of the American Crystallographic Association, Inc, 70 (July 21-26 2001)
Cebe P., Dai P., Georgiev G., Feinberg B., Gilfoy N., Capel M., “X-ray diffraction and optical ellipsometry: Complementary techniques for study of polymer structure”. Poly ACS, Polymer Preprints, 43 (1), 242 (2002)
Yongzhong Song, Shuanghua Dai, “Multi-parameters overrelaxation (MPOR) method for solving linear systems”, Intern. J. Comput. Math., 59:77-90(1995)



