

戴建武 男,博士,1965年生。研究員,博士生導師,2001年入選中國科學院的"百人計畫",任中國科學院遺傳與發育生物學研究所組織工程研究實驗室主任。CCTV2014年度科技創新人物候選人。



1988 年武漢大學生物系學士,1991年北京醫科大學細胞生物學系碩士,並留校任教。1998年杜克大學(Duke University)醫學中心理學博士。2000年在哈佛大學醫學院完成博士後訓練。





2. 組織工程材料的研究


3. 幹細胞分化與組織工程



1.Li, X., Li, M., Sun, J., Zhuang, Y., Shi, J., Guan, D., Chen, Y., Dai, J.*. Radially Aligned Electrospun Fibers with Continuous Gradient of SDF1α for the Guidance of Neural Stem Cells. Small

2.Gao, J., He, Y., Zhao, X., Ran, X., Wu, Y., Su, Y., Dai, J.*. Single step synthesis of amine-functionalized mesoporous magnetite nanoparticles and their application for copper ions removal from aqueous solution

3.Lv, D., Yu, S., Ping, Y., Wu, H., Zhao, X., Zhang H., Cui, Y., Chen, B., Zhang, X., Dai, J., Bian, X.*, Yao X.*. A three-dimensional collagen scaffold cell culture system for screening anti-glioma therapeutics

4.Xiao, Z., Tang, F., Tang, J., Yang, H., Zhao, Y., Chen, B., Han, S., Wang, N., Li, X., Cheng S., Han, G., Zhao, C., Yang, X., Chen, Y., Shi, Q., Hou, S.,Zhang, S., Dai, J.*.One-year clinical study of NeuroRegen scaffold implantation following scar resection in complete chronic spinal cord injury patients

5.Han, J., Dai J.*.Microgravity may help future organ/tissue manufacture. Sci China Life Sci

6. Sun, J., Zhao, Y., Li, Q., Chen, B., Hou, X., Xiao, Z., Dai, J.*.Controlled Release of Collagen-Binding SDF-1α Improves Cardiac Function after Myocardial Infarction by Recruiting Endogenous Stem Cells

7. Hou, X., Shi, C., Chen, W., Chen, B., Jia, W., Guo, Y., Ma, C., Ye, G., Kang, J., Dai J.*.Transplantation of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells on a bladder acellular matrix for bladder regeneration in a canine model. Biomed Mater

8. Ma, Y., Wang, H., Yan, D., Wei, Y., Cao Y., Yi, P., Zhang, H., Deng, Z., Dai J., Liu X., Luo J., Zhang Z., Sun S., Guo H.. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Revealed Splenic Targeting of Canine Parvovirus Capsid Protein VP2

9. Wang, X.*, Zhang, Q., Zou, L., Hu, H., Zhang, M., Dai, J.*. Facile-synthesized ultrasmall CuS nanocrystals as drug nanocarriers for highly effective chemo–photothermal combination therapy of cancer

10. Su, J., Ding, L., Cheng, J., Yang, J., Li, X., Yan, G., Sun, H., Dai, J.*, Hu Y.*.Transplantation of adipose-derived stem cells combined with collagen scaffolds restores ovarian function in a ratmodel of premature ovarian insufficiency

11. Han, S., Wang, B., Li, X., Xiao, Z., Han, J., Zhao, Y., Fang, Y., Yin, Y., Chen, B., Dai J.*.Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells in three-dimensional culture promote neuronal regeneration by neurotrophic protection and immunomodulation

12. Cui, Y., Han, J., Xiao, Z., Chen, T., Wang, B., Chen, B., Liu, S., Han, S., Fang, Y., Wei, J., Wang, X., Ma, X.*, Dai, J.*. The miR-20-Rest-Wnt signaling axis regulates neural progenitor cell differentiation

13. Liang, H., Li, X., Wang, B., Chen, B., Zhao, Y., Sun, J., Zhuang, Y., Shi, J., Shen, H., Zhang, Z., Dai, J.*. A collagen-binding EGFR antibody fragment targeting tumors with a collagen-rich extracellular matrix

14. Ma, Y., Wang, H., Yan, D., Wei, Y., Cao, Y., Yi, P., Zhang, H., Deng, Z., Dai, J., Liu X., Luo J., Zhang, Z., Sun, S., Guo, H.. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Revealed Splenic Targeting of Canine Parvovirus Capsid Protein VP2

15. Du, M., Chen, B., Meng, Q., Liu, S., Zheng, X., Zhang, C., Wang, H., Li, H., Wang, N., Dai, J.*. 3D bioprinting of BMSC-laden methacrylamide gelatin scaffolds with CBD-BMP2-collagen microfibers

16. Kou, D., Du, M., Hou, X., Chen, B., Li, X., Fang, Y., Zhao, Y., Wang, H.*, Wang, L.*, Dai, J.*. Centimeter-sized biomimetic bone constructs fabricatedviaCBD-BMP2-collagen microcarriers and BMSC-gelatin microspheres

17. Li, X., Han, J., Zhao, Y., Ding, W., Wei, J., Li, J., Han, S., Shang, X., Wang, B., Chen, B., Xiao, Z., Dai, J.*. Functionalized collagen scaffold implantation and cAMP administration collectively facilitate spinal cord regeneration

18. Shen, H., Ma, Y., Luo, Y., Liu, X., Zhang, Z.*, Dai, J.* Directed osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cell in three-dimensional biodegradable methylcellulose-based scaffolds

19. Jia, W., Tang, H., Wu, J., Hou, X., Chen, B., Chen, W., Zhao, Y., Shi, C., Zhou, F., Yu, W., Huang, S., Ye, G., Dai, J.*. Urethral tissue regeneration using collagen scaffold modified with collagen binding VEGF in a beagle model

20. Li, X., Li, H., Sun, J., Zhuang, Y., Xu, B., Dai, J.*. Electrospun Collagen Fibers with Spatial Patterning of SDF1α for the Guidance of Neural Stem Cells

21. Wu, J., Jia, W., Chen, W., Zhou, F., Fang, Z., Xianglin Hou, X., Chen, B., Ye, G.*, Da, J.*. Transplantation of hBMSCs Loaded on Collagen Scaffolds for the Regeneration of Canine Tissue-Engineered Urethras

22. Yang, Y., Shi, C., Hou, X., Zhao, Y., Chen, B., Tan, B., Deng, Z., Li, Q., Liu, J., Xia, Z., Miao, Q., Dai, J.*. Modified VEGF targets the ischemic myocardium and promotes functional recovery after myocardial infarction

23. Li, X., Han, J., Zhao, Y., Ding, W., Wei, J., Han, S., Shang, X., Wang, B., Chen, B., Xiao, Z., Dai, J.*. Functionalized Collagen Scaffold Neutralizing the Myelin-Inhibitory Molecules Promoted Neurites Outgrowth in Vitro and Facilitated Spinal Cord Regeneration in Vivo

24. Liang, H., Li, X., Chen, B., Wang, B., Zhao, Y., Zhuang, Y., Shen, H., Zhang, Z., Dai, J.*. A collagen-binding EGFR single-chain Fv antibody fragment for the targeted cancer therapy

25. Luo, Y.,Shen, H.,Fang, Y.,Cao, Y.,Huang, J.,Zhang, M.,Dai, J.,Shi, X.,Zhang, Z.*.Enhanced proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells on graphene oxide-incorporated electrospun poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanofibrous mats

26. Han, S.,Wang, B.,Jin, W.,Xiao, Z.,Li, X.,Ding, W.,Kapur, M.,Chen, B.,Yuan, B.,Zhu, T.,Wang, H.,Wang, J.,Dong, Q.,Liang, W.,Dai, J.*. The linear-ordered collagen scaffold-BDNF complex significantly promotes functional recovery after completely transected spinal cord injury in canine

27. Lu, C.,Meng, D.,Cao, J.,Xiao, Z.,Cui, Y.,Fan, J.,Cui, X.,Chen, B.,Yao, Y.,Zhang, Z.,Ma, J.,Pan, J.*,Dai, J.*. Collagen scaffolds combined with collagen-binding ciliary neurotrophic factor facilitate facial nerve repair in mini-pigs

28. Tao, L., Li, Q., Ren, H., Chen, B., Hou, X., Mou, L., Zhou, S., Zhou, J., Sun, X., Dai, J.*, Ding, Y.*. Repair of Extrahepatic Bile Duct Defect Using a Collagen Patch in a Swine Model

29. Shen, Q.,Chen, B.,,Xiao, Z.,,Zhao, L.,Xu, X.,Wan, X.,Jin, M.,Dai, J.*,Dai, H.*, Paracrine factors from mesenchymal stem cells attenuate epithelial injury and lung fibrosis

30. Song, T.,Zhao, X.,Sun, H.,Li, X.,Lin, N.,Ding, L.,Dai, J.,Hu, Y.*. . Regeneration of uterine horns in rats using collagen scaffolds loaded with human embryonic stem cell-derived endometrium-like cells

31. Guan, J.,Zhang, B.,Zhang, J.,Ding, W.,Xiao, Z.,Zhu, Z.,Han, Q.,Wu, C.,Sun, Y.,Tong, W.,Dai, J.*,Wang, R.*. Nerve regeneration and functional recovery by collagen-binding BDNF in an intracerebral hemorrhage model

32. Han, S.,Wang, B.,Jin, W.,Xiao, Z.,Chen, B.,Xiao, H.,Ding, W.,Cao, J.,Ma, F.,Li, X.,Yuan, B.,Zhu, T.,Hou, X.,Wang, J.,Kong, J.,Liang, W.*,Dai, J.*.The collagen scaffold with collagen binding BDNFenhances functional recovery by facilitating peripheral nerve infiltrating and ingrowth in canine complete spinal cord transaction

33. Wang, H.,Yan, X.,Shen, L.,Li, S.,Lin, Y.,Wang, S.,Hou X.,Shi, C.,Yang Y.,Dai, J.*, Tan, Q.*.Acceleration of wound healing in acute full-thickness skin wounds using a collagen-binding peptide with an affi nity for MSCs

34. Ma, F., Xiao, Z., Meng, D., Hou, X., Zhu, J., Dai, J.*, Xu, R.*.Use of natural neural scaffolds consisting of engineered vascular endothelial growth factor immobilized on ordered collagen fibers filled in a collagen tube for peripheral nerve regeneration in rats

35. Hu, W.,Zhao, J.,Long, M.,Zhang, X., Liu, Q.,Hou, M., Kang, Q.,Wang, Y.,Xu, S., Kong, W., Zhang, H.,Wang, S.,Sun, Y., Hang, H.,Huang, Y., Cai, W., Zhao, Y.,Dai, J.,Zheng, H.,Duan, E.,Wang J

36. Cao, Y.,Ma, Y.,Zhang. M.,Wang, H.,Tu, X.,Shen, H.,Dai, J.,Guo, H.*, Zhang, Z.*. Ultrasmall Graphene Oxide Supported Gold Nanoparticles as Adjuvants Improve Humoral and Cellular Immunity in Mice

37. Wang, B.,Liu, T.,Lai, CH.,Rao, Y.,Choi, MC.,Chi, JT..,Dai, J.,Rathmell, JC.,Yao, TP.*. Glycolysis-dependent Histone Deacetylase 4 degradation regulates inflammatory cytokine production

38. Zhang, J.,Zhao, Y.,Hou, X.,Chen, B.,Xiao, Z.,Han, J.,Shi, C.,Liu, J.,Miao, Q.,Dai, J.*. The inhibition effects of insulin on BMP2-induced muscle heterotopic ossification

39. Lv, Q.,Lan, W.,Sun, W.,Ye, R.,Fan, X.,Ma, M.,Yin, Q.,Jiang, Y.,Xu, G.,Dai, J.,Guo, R.*,Liu, X.*. Intranasal nerve growth factor attenuates tau phosphorylation in brain after traumatic brain injury in rats

40. Wei, J.,Han, J.,Zhao, Y.,Cui, Y.,Wang, B.,Xiao, Z.,Chen, B.,Dai, J.*. The importance of three-dimensional scaffold structure on stemness maintenance of mouse embryonic stem cells

41. Cui, Y.,Lu, C.,Meng, D.,Xiao, Z.,Hou, X.,Ding, W.,Kou, D.,Yao, Y.,Chen, B.,Zhang, Z.,Li, J.,Pan, J.*,Dai, J.*.Collagen scaffolds modified with CNTF and bFGF promote facial nerve regeneration in minipigs

42. Han, X.,Zhang, W.,Gu, J.,Zhao, H.,Ni, L.,Han, J.,Zhou, Y.,Gu, Y.,Zhu, X.,Sun, J.,Hou, X.,Yang, H.,Dai, J.*,Shi, Q.*.Accelerated postero-lateral spinal fusion by collagen scaffolds modified with engineered collagen-binding human bone morphogenetic protein-2 in rats

43. Ding, W.,Dai, J..Methods for detecting transcribed pseudogenes: PCR on regions of high sequence similarity followed by cloning and sequencing

44. Wu, L.Xu, L.,Xu, X.,Fan, X.,Xie, Y.,Yang, L.,Lan, W.,Zhu, J.,Xu, G.,Dai, J.,Jiang, Y.,Liu, X.*.Keepwarmandgetsuccess: theroleofpostischemictemperaturein themousemiddlecerebralarteryocclusionmodel

45. Liu, X.,Li, X.,Li, S.,Zhou, X.,Li, S.,Wang, Q.,Dai, J.,Lai, R.,Xie, L.,Zhong, M.,Zhang, Y.,Zhou, L...An in vitro study of a titanium surface modified by simvastatin-loaded titania nanotubes-micelles

46. Chong, Y., Ma, Y., Shen, H., Tu, X., Zhou, X., Xu J., Dai, J., Fan, S.*, Zhang, Z.*, The invitro and invivo toxicity of graphene quantum dots

47. Ding L., Li, X., Sun, H., Su, J., Lin, N., Péault, B., Song, T., Yang, J., Dai, J.*, Hu, Y.*, Transplantation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells on collagen scaffolds for the functional regeneration of injured rat uterus

48. Ma, F.,Xiao, Z.,Chen, B.,Hou X.,Han, J.,Zhao, Y.,Dai, J.*,Xu, R.*. Accelerating proliferation of neural stem/progenitor cells in collagen sponges immobilized with engineered basic fibroblast growth factor for nervous system tissue engineering

49. Du, M.,Liang, H.,Mou, C.,Li, X.,Sun, J.,Zhuang, Y.,Xiao, Z.,Chen, B.,Dai, J.*. Regulationofhumanmesenchymalstemcellsdifferentiationintochondrocytesinextracellularmatrix-basedhydrogelscaffolds

50. Cao, L., Li, B., Yi, P., Zhang, H., Dai, J., Tan, B.*, Deng, Z.* The interplay of T1- and T2-relaxation on T1-weighted MRI of hMSCs induced by Gd-DOTA-peptides

51. Shi, Q.,Gao, W.,Han, X.,Zhu, X.,Sun, J.,Xie, F.,Hou, X.,Yang, H.,Dai, J.*,Chen, L.*, Collagen scaffolds modified with collagen-binding bFGF promotes the neural regeneration in a rat hemisected spinal cord injury model

52. Wu, L.,Xu, L.,Xu, X.,Fan, X.,Xie, Y.,Yang, L.,Lan, W.,Zhu, J.,Xu, G.,Dai, J.,Jiang, Y.,Liu, X.*, Keep warm and get success: The role of postischemic temperature in the mouse middle cerebral artery occlusion model

53. Cui, Y., Xiao, Z., Chen, T., Wei, J., Chen, L., Liu, L., Chen, B., Wang, X., Li, X., Dai, J*. The miR-7 identified from collagen biomaterial based 3-D cultured cells regulates neural stem cell differentiation

54. Han, Q.,Zhan, B.,Chen, B.,Dai, J.,Xu, J.,Wang, C.,Wang, Z. * . Evaluationof abioactivebone-inducingmaterialconsistingofcollagenscaffolds andcollagen-binding BMP2

55. Yang, Y.,Yu, K.,Zhang, H.,Dai, J.,Deng, Z., In vitro assessment of the dual-targeting behavior of a peptide-based magnetic resonance imaging contrast agent

56. Ma, F.,Xiao, Z.,Chen, B.,Hou, X.,Dai, J.*,Xu, R.*. Linear ordered collagen scaffolds loaded with collagen-binding basic fibroblast growth factor facilitate recovery of sciatic nerve injury in rats

57. Huang, X.,Li, X.,Wang, Q.,Dai, J.,Hou, J.*,Chen, L.*. Single-molecule level binding force between collagen and collagen binding domain-growth factor conjugates

58. Du, M., Liang, H., Mou, C., Li, X., Sun, J., Zhuang, Y., Xiao, Z., Chen, B., Dai, J.*,Regulation of human mesenchymal stem cells differentiation into chondrocytes in extracellular matrix-based hydrogel scaffolds

59. Han, J., Chen, L., Luo, G., Dai, B., Wang, X., Dai, J.*. Three-dimensional culture may promote cell reprogramming

60. Jiang, Y., Chen, B., Liu, Y., Zhufu, Z., Yan, X., Hou, X., Dai, J.*, Tan, Q*. Effect of collagen scaffold with adipose-derived stromal vascular fraction cells on diabetic wound healing: A study in a diabetic porcine model

61. Du, M., Zhu, Y., Yuan, L., Liang, H., Mou, C., Li, X., Sun, J., Zhuang, Y., Zhang, W., Shi, Q., Chen, B., Dai, J.* Assembled 3D cell niches in chitosan hydrogel network to mimic extracellular matrix

62. Guan, J., Zhu, Z., Robert Zhao C., Xiao, Z., Wu, C., Han, Q., Chen, L., Tong, W., Zhang, J., Han, Q., Gao, J., Feng, M., Bao, X., Dai, J.*, Wang, R.*, Transplantation of human mesenchymal stem cells loaded on collagen scaffolds for the treatment of traumatic brain injury in rats

63. Su, G., Zhao, Y., Wei, J., Xiao, Z., Chen, B., Han, J., Chen, L., Guan, J., Wang, R., Dong, Q., Dai, J. *. Direct conversion of fibroblasts into neural progenitor-like cells by forced growth into 3D spheres on low attachment surfaces

64. Li, X., Xiao, Z., Han, J., Chen, L., Xiao, H., Ma, F., Hou, X., Li, X., Sun, J., Ding, W., Zhao, Y., Chen, B., Dai, J.*, Promotion of neuronal differentiation of neural progenitor cells by using EGFR antibody functionalized collagen scaffolds for spinal cord injury repair

65. Tan, Q., Chen, B., Yan, X., Lin, Y., Xiao, Z., Hou, X. and Dai, J.*. Promotion of diabetic wound healing by collagen scaffold with collagen-binding vascular endothelial growth factor in diabetic rat model

66. Li, N., Zhang, Q., Gao, S., Song, Q., Huang, R., Wang, L., Liu, L., Dai, J.* Tang, M.* Cheng, G.* Three-dimensional graphene foam as a biocompatible and conductive scaffold for neural stem cells

67. Su, G., Zhao, Y., Wei, J., Han, J., Chen, L., Xiao, Z., Chen, B. and Dai, J. *. The effect of forced growth of cells into 3D spheres using low attachment surfaces on the acquisition of stemness properties. Biomaterials

68. Yi, P., Chen, G., Zhang, H., Tian, F, Tan, B., Dai, J., Wang, Q.,* Deng, Z.*. Magnetic resonance imaging of Fe3O4@SiO2-labeled human mesenchymal stem cells in mice at

69. Han, J.,Xiao, Z.,Chen, L.,Chen, B.,Li, X.,Han, S.,Zhao, Y.,Dai, J.*. Maintenance of the self-renewal properties of neural progenitor cells cultured in three-dimensional collagen scaffolds by the REDD1-mTOR signal pathway

70. Cao, J., Xiao, Z., Jin, W., Chen, B., Meng, D., Ding, W., Han, S., Hou, X., Zhu, T., Yuan, B., Wang, J., Liang, W., and Dai, J.*. Induction of rat facial nerve regeneration by functional collagen scaffolds

71. Shen, H., Liu, M., He, H., Zhang, L., Huang, J., Chong, Y., Dai, J., and Zhang Z. *. PEGylated graphene oxide-mediated protein delivery for cell function regulation

72. Chen, W., Cao, Y., Liu, M., Zhao, Q., Huang, J., Zhang, H., Deng, Z., Dai, J., Williams, DF., Zhang, Z. *. Rotavirus capsid surface protein VP4-coated Fe3O4 nanoparticles as a theranostic platform for cellular imaging and drug delivery

73. Han, S., Zhao, Y.,Xiao, Z.,Han, J.,Chen, B.,Chen, L. Dai, J. *. The three-dimensional collagenscaffoldimprovesthestemnessof rat bone marrow mesenchymalstemcells

74. Li, Q., Tao, L., Chen, B., Ren, H., Hou, X., Zhou, S., Zhou, J., Sun, X., Dai, J. *, Ding, Y. * Extrahepatic bile duct regeneration in pigs using collagen scaffolds loaded with human collagen-binding bFGF

75. Cui, Y., Xiao, Z., Han, J., Sun, J., Ding, W., Zhao, Y., Chen, B., Li, X., and Dai, J.*. MiR-125b orchestrates cell proliferation, differentiation and migration in neural stem/progenitor cells by targeting Nestin

76. Gao, Y., Wei, J., Han, J., Wang, X., Su, G., Zhao, Y., Chen, B., Xiao, Z., Cao, J., Dai, J. *. The novel function of OCT4B isoform-265 in genotoxic stress

77. Chen, B., Xiao, Z., Shi, C. and Dai, J.*. Collagen-based Functional Biomaterials for Tissue Regeneration. Regenerative Medicine in China, S. Sanders Ed. A Sponsored supplement to Science

78. Lin, N., Li, X., Song, T., Wang, J., Meng, K., Yang, J., Hou, X., Dai, J.*, and Hu, Y. The effect of collagen-binding vascular endothelial growth factor on the remodeling of scarred rat uterus following full-thickness injury

79. Li, L., Sun, J., Li, X., Zhang, Y., Wang, Z., Wang, C., Dai, J.*, and Wang, Q. Controllable synthesis of monodispersed silver nanoparticles as standards for quantitative assessment of their cytotoxicity

80. Guan, J., Tong, W., Ding, W., Du, S., Xiao, Z., Han, Q., Zhu, Z., Bao, X., Shi. X., Wu, C., Cao, J., Yang, Y., Ma, W., Li, G., Yao, Y., Gao, J., Wei, J., Dai, J.*, and Wang, R. Neuronal regeneration and protection by collagen-binding BDNF in the rat middle cerebral artery occlusion model

81. Chen, L., Xiao, Z., Meng, Y., Zhao, Y., Han, J., Su, G., Chen, B. and Dai, J.* The enhancement of cancer stem cell properties of MCF-7 cells in 3D collagen scaffolds for modeling of cancer and anti-cancer drugs

82. Gao, J., Liu, J., Gao, Y., Wang, C., Zhao, Y., Chen, B., Xiao, Z., Miao, Q. and Dai, J.*. A Myocardial Patch Made of Collagen Membranes Loaded with Collagen-Binding Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Accelerates Healing of the Injured Rabbit Heart

83. Li, X., Sun, H., Lin, N., Hou, X., Wang, J., Zhou, B., Xu, P., Xiao, Z., Chen, B., Dai, J. * and Hu, Y.* (2011) Regeneration of uterine horns in rats by collagen scaffolds loaded with collagen-binding human basic fibroblast growth factor

84. Han, Q., Li. B., Feng, H., Xiao, Z., Chen, B., Zhan, Y., Huang, J. and Dai, J.*. The promotion of cerebral ischemia recovery in rats by laminin-binding BDNF.Biomaterials

85. Cao, J., Sun, C.*, Zhao, H., Xiao, Z., Chen, B., Gao, J., Zheng, T., Wu, W., Wu, S., Wang, J., and Dai, J.*. The use of laminin modified linear ordered collagen scaffolds loaded with laminin-binding ciliary neurotrophic factor for sciatic nerve regeneration in rats

86. Fan, J., Zhang, H., He, J., Xiao, Z., Chen, B., Jiang, X.*, Dai, J.* and Xu, R.*. Neural regrowth induced by PLGA nerve conduits and neurotrophin-3 in rats with complete spinal cord transaction

87. Han, Q., Jin, W., Xiao, Z., Huang, J., Ni, H., Kong, J., Wu, J., Chen B., Liang, W., and Dai, J.*. The promotion of neurological recovery in an intracerebral hemorrhage model using fibrin-binding brain derived neurotrophic factor

88. Shi, C., Li, Q., Zhao, Y., Chen, W., Chen, B., Xiao, Z., Lin, H., Nie, L., Wang, D., and Dai, J.*. Stem-cell-capturing collagen scaffold promotes cardiac tissue regeneration

89. Shi, C., Chen, W., Zhao, Y., Chen, B., Xiao, Z., Wei, Z., Hou, X., Tang, J., Wang, Z., and Dai, J.*. Regeneration of full-thickness abdominal wall defects in rats using collagen scaffolds loaded with collagen-binding basic fibroblast growth factor

90. He, Q., Zhao, Y., Chen, B., Xiao, Z., Zhang, J., Chen, L., Chen, W., Deng, F.* Dai, J.*. Improved cellularization and angiogenesis using collagen scaffolds chemically conjugated with vascular endothelial growth factor

91. Zhang, J., Wang, X., Chen, B., Xiao, Z., Li, W., Lu, Y. and Dai, J.*. The human pluripotency gene NANOG/NANOGP8 is expressed in gastric cancer and associated with tumor development

92. Cao, J., Xiao, Z., Chen, B., Gao, Y., Shi, C., Wang, J., Dai, J.*. Differential effects of recombinant fusion proteins TAT-OCT4 and TAT-NANOG on adult human fibroblasts

93. Han, Q., Jin, W., Xiao, Z., Ni, H., Wang, J., Kong, J., Wu, J., Liang, W., Chen, L., Zhao, Y., Chen, B., and Dai, J.*. The promotion of neural regeneration in an extreme rat spinal cord injury model using a collagen scaffold containing a collagen binding neuroprotective protein and an EGFR neutralizing antibody

94. Liang, W.,Han, Q.,Jin, W., Xiao, Z., Huang, J., Ni, H., Chen, B., Kong, J., Wu,J.and Dai, J.*. The promotion of neurological recovery in the rat spinal cord crushed injury model by collagen-binding BDNF

95. Yan, X., Chen, B., Lin, Y., Li, Y., Xiao, Z., Hou, X., Tan, Q.* and Dai, J.*. Acceleration of diabetic wound healing by collagen-binding vascular endothelial growth factor in diabetic rat model

96. Fan, J., Xiao, Z., Zhang, H., Chen, B., Tang, G., Hou, X., Ding, W., Wang, B., Zhang, P., Dai, J.* and Xu, R.*. Linear ordered collagen scaffolds loaded with collagen-binding neurotrophin-3 promotes axonal regeneration and partial functional recovery after complete spinal cord transaction

97. Dai, J. and Gao, S.. Stem cell research is coming of age in China

98. Gao, Y., Wang, X., Han, J., Xiao, Z., Chen, B., Su, G., Dai, J.*. The novel OCT4 spliced variant OCT4B1 can generate three protein isoforms by alternative splicing into OCT4B

99. Chen, W., Shi, C., Yi, S., Chen, B., Zhang, W., Fang, Z., Wei, Z., Jiang, S., Sun, X., Hou, X., Xiao, Z., Ye, G. and Dai, J.*. Bladder regeneration by collagen scaffolds with collagen binding human basic fibroblast growth factor

100. Wang, X. and Dai, J.*. Isoforms of OCT4 contribute to the confusing diversity in stem cell biology. Stem Cells

101. Zhang, W., Wang, X., Xiao, Z., Liu, W., Chen, B. and Dai, J.*. Mapping of the minimal internal ribosome entry site element in the human embryonic stem cell gene OCT4B mRNA

102. Ma, J., Meng, Y., Kwiatkowski, D.J., Chen, X., Peng, H., Sun, Q., Zha, X., Wang, F., Wang, Y., Jing, Y., Zhang, S., Chen, R., Wang, L., Wu, E., Cai, G., Malinowska-Kolodziej, I., Liao, Q., Liu, Y., Zhao, Y., Sun, Q., Xu, K., Dai, J., Han, J., Wu, L., Zhao, R.C., Shen, H

103. Chen, L., He, Z., Chen, B., Yang, M., Zhao, Y., Sun, W., Xiao, Z., Zhang, J. and Dai, J.*. Loading of VEGF to the heparin cross-linked demineralized bone matrix improves vascularization of the scaffold

104. Gao, Y., Wang, B., Xiao, Z., Chen, B., Han, J., Wang, X., Zhang, J., Gao, S., Zhao, Y. and Dai, J.*. Nogo-66 regulates nanog expression through stat3 pathway in murine embryonic stem cells

105. Sun, W., Lin, H., Chen, B., Zhao, W., Zhao, Y., Xiao, Z. and Dai, J.*. Collagen scaffolds loaded with collagen-binding NGF-beta accelerate ulcer healing

106. Zhao, Y., Zhang, J., Wang, X., Chen, B., Xiao, Z., Shi, C., Wei, Z., Hou, X., Wang, Q. and Dai, J.*. The osteogenic effect of bone morphogenetic protein-2 on the collagen scaffold conjugated with antibodies

107. Chen, L., He, Z., Chen, B., Zhao, Y., Sun, W., Xiao, Z., Zhang, J., Yang, M., Gao, Z. and Dai, J.*. Direct chemical cross-linking of platelet-derived growth factor-BB to the demineralized bone matrix improves cellularization and vascularization

108. Yang, Y., Zhao, Y., Chen, B., Han, Q., Sun, W., Xiao, Z. and Dai, J.*. Collagen-binding human epidermal growth factor promotes cellularization of collagen scaffolds

109. Sun, W., Sun, C., Zhao, H., Lin, H., Han, Q., Wang, J., Ma, H., Chen, B., Xiao, Z. and Dai, J.*. Improvement of sciatic nerve regeneration using laminin-binding human NGF-beta

110. Wang, B., Gao, Y., Xiao, Z., Chen, B., Han, J., Zhang, J., Wang, X. and Dai, J.*. Erk1/2 promotes proliferation and inhibits neuronal differentiation of neural stem cells

111. Sun, W., Sun, C., Lin, H., Zhao, H., Wang, J., Ma, H., Chen, B., Xiao, Z. and Dai, J.*. The effect of collagen-binding NGF-beta on the promotion of sciatic nerve regeneration in a rat sciatic nerve crush injury model

112. Ding, W., Lin, L., Ren, F., Zou, H., Duan, Z. and Dai, J.*. Effects of splice sites on the intron retention in histamine H3 receptors from rats and mice

113. Ding, W., Lin, L., Xiao, Z., Zou, H., Duan, Z. and Dai, J.*. Multiple sequence elements determine the intron retention in histamine H3 receptors in rats and mice

114. Gao, Y., Xiao, Z., Chen, B., Wang, B., Han, J., Zhao, Y., Zhang, J. and Dai, J.*. Effect of different regions of Nogo-A on the differentiation of neural progenitors

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149. Dai J., and Michael P. Sheetz.. Membrane tether fromation from blebbing cells

150. Dai J., H. Ping Ting-Beall, Michael P. Sheetz, Robert M. Hochmuth, and Margaret A. Titus.. Myosin I contributes to the generation of resting cortical tension

151. Dai J., Michael. P. Sheetz, Xiaodong, Wan, and Catherine E. Morris.. Membrane tension in swelling and shrinking molluscan neurons

152. Dai J., H. Ping Ting-Beall and Michael P. Sheetz.. The secretion-coupled endocytosis correlates with membrane tension changes in RBL 2H3 cells

153. Dai J., and Michael P. Sheetz. Axon membrane flows from the growth cone to the cell body

154. Dai J., and Michael P. Sheetz. Mechanical Properties of Neuronal Growth Cone Membranes Studied by Tether Formation with Laser Optical Tweezers.

155. Dai J., Qun Dong, Yaxian Su, and Kechun Lin. Effect of ConA-receptor interaction on the structure of cell membranes



