




外文: The Angry Hills


中文: 憤怒的山谷

導演: 羅伯特·奧爾德里奇

主演: 羅伯特·米徹姆 斯坦利·貝克 伊莉莎白·米勒


國家: 英國

類型: 驚悚 / 劇情 / 戰爭

片長: 105 min

對白: 英語

字幕: 無

發行: 雷蒙德斯特羅斯製作



In 1941 Greece, on the eve of German occupation, cynical American foreign correspondent Michael Morrison arrives in Athens, intending to depart for London the following day. In his hotel room, Mike is visited by anti-fascistpolitico Dr. Stergiou, who asks him to carry a list of Greek resistance leaders to British intelligence in London. When Stergiou admits that he cannot pay him, Mike refuses, then warns Stergiou against carrying the list. The doctor pretends to destroy the paper, but unknown to Mike, places it in Mike's jacket pocket. Mike reluctantly agrees to meet Stergiou later that evening and the doctor advises him of a contact in the event of difficulties. Unknown to the men, Greek collaborator and gestapo spy Dimitrius Tassos eavesdrops on their conversation, then reports to the German head of the Gestapo in Greece, Konrad Heisler. That evening, Mike waits for Stergiou in a club, but Stergiou telephones to cancel their meeting, revealing that he has been followed. Mike is angered when Stergiou tells him that the list is in his pocket and urges him to meet their mutual contact. At the designated place, however, Mike finds the contact murdered and is confronted by Tassos, who tells Mike that Stergiou has committed suicide. Tassos then offers Mike money in exchange for the list, but Mike attacks Tassos and flees. Tassos and his henchmen pursue him, but Mike escapes on a passing British army transport. When Heisler reports Mike's escape to Cmdr. Eric Oberg, the commander recommends Heisler take charge of the situation. Meanwhile, after the transport is bombed, a wounded Mike is rescued by Greek fishermen who believe that he is a British soldier. Upon reviving in a local cottage where a young peasant girl, Eleftheria, lives with her brother Andreas and their uncle Leonidas, Mike discovers the list is still intact. After recovering, Mike sits in on a meeting with Andreas and several men who plan to raid the munitions depot for guns and distribute them to all the neighboring villages. After the meeting, Eleftheria pleads with Mike not to get involved in the raid, but their conversation is interrupted by the arrival of Bluey Ferguson, who claims to be a British private and POW escapee. The following evening, Mike joins Andreas and the others on their raid, but they are ambushed by the Germans and only Mike and Andreas survive. While Andreas goes to the other villages to report the massacre, Mike returns to tell Leonidas about the list, which he admits to having memorized and destroyed. Mike suspects that Bluey was a German informant who tipped them off to the raid. Leonidas and Eleftheria agree that the only way to help Mike is to move him to a local convent, whose nuns and priests have assisted several British soldiers to escape the country. Eleftheria takes Mike to an abandoned thatch-hut village in the hills, where he is to await Andreas, who will escort him to the convent. That evening, Andreas arrives at the village just ahead of a German squad accompanied by Tassos and later Heisler. Learning that Mike is waiting, Andreas attempts to escape, but is shot in the back by Tassos. Heisler tells Leonidas and Eleftheria that Mike has lied to them and never intended to provide help for the Greek resistance. Despite Heisler's threat to destroy the village unless Mike is given up, Leonidas refuses to cooperate. Heisler orders that all the villagers be rounded up in the town square, where ten, including Leonidas, are executed. Although heartbroken, Eleftheria hides, then at dawn joins Mike. Avoiding a massive German search, Mike and Elftheria make their way to the convent safely. When Heisler and Tassos again report their failure to Oberg, he suggests that Tassos make use of his former girl friend, Lisa Kyriakides, who is a well-known, highly placed member of the resistance and who may be blackmailed by threats to her two young children. A couple of days later, Lisa arrives at the convent to retrieve Mike, who bids farewell to a tearful Eleftheria. Lisa takes Mike to a flat in a harbor town, but when she identifies herself, he is dismissive of her resistance ties, insisting that women are ineffective and dangerous because they are invariably compromised by their sexuality. Later, Lisa meets with Heisler and Tassos and learns that Eleftheria was killed leaving the convent. Heisler demands to know why Lisa has hidden Mike, and when Heisler reluctantly mentions Lisa's children, she agrees to bring Mike to a predetermined meeting place. Lisa returns to Mike to inform him she has made arrangements with a priest to get him out of Greece. Lisa and Mike then walk to a nearby church where Heisler, Tassos and several soldiers lie in wait, but Lisa cannot proceed with the betrayal and they return to the flat. There, she confesses to Mike that she became personally involved with Heisler in order to gather information for the resistance, but that it has been difficult to extricate herself from the relationship. When Lisa tells Mike of Eleftheria's death, he angrily declares that he will kill Heisler. Despite Lisa's protests, Mike takes a gun she had given him and tricks Heisler into meeting him. Hoping to ambush Heisler in the street, Mike is prevented by the arrival of an associate of Lisa's, Chesney, who convinces Mike to give up his reckless plan. Later, Mike agrees to give Lisa the contents of the list if she will take her children and flee, but she explains that Heisler has moved her son and daughter to a secret location. Chesney then meets with Tassos and persuades him to capture Mike and turn him over to Oberg directly, thus circumventing Heisler. Tassos takes Chesney to retrieve Lisa's children, to exchange for Mike. At the flat, Lisa tells Mike that she and Chesney have planned to get him and her children safely away while she diverts Heisler. Initially refusing, Mike then realizes it is the only solution and agrees. Lisa then visits Heisler and he apologizes for having to comply with his duty, but is startled when Lisa suggests they might resume their relationship. Meanwhile, Chesney brings Tasso to the flat, where Mike stuns Tasso, then escapes with Lisa's children and a priest who escorts them to a waiting boat. Lisa prevents Heisler from accepting a vital phone call reporting the disappearance of her children. Later, upon hearing the church bell toll,

signifying that the children and Mike have escaped safely, Lisa isrelieved. Heisler learns of the escape momentsafterward, but allows Lisa to leaveunharmed.


(機譯,未經整理)希臘在1941年,在到達德國占領,玩世不恭的美國外國記者麥可莫里森在雅典奧運會前夕,打算離開倫敦的第二天。在他的酒店房間,邁克是訪問了反法西斯政治博士Stergiou,誰請他攜帶希臘抵抗運動領導人名單,在倫敦大英情報。當Stergiou承認,他不能給他,邁克拒絕,然後警告不要攜帶名單Stergiou。 醫生假裝破壞的檔案,但未知的邁克,放置在麥克的上衣口袋裡。邁克勉強同意滿足Stergiou當晚,醫生的建議,在遇到困難時與他聯繫。未知的男人,希臘合作者和蓋世太保間諜季米特里烏斯塔索斯竊聽他們的談話,然後報告給了蓋世太保在希臘,德國康拉海斯勒頭。那天晚上,邁克等待Stergiou在一個俱樂部,但Stergiou電話取消會談,這表明他得到了遵守。 邁克是生氣時Stergiou告訴他,這份名單是在他的口袋裡,並敦促他以滿足他們的互相接觸。在指定的地方,但是,邁克找到了接觸殺害,由塔索斯,誰告訴邁克,Stergiou面臨自殺身亡。塔索斯則提供了交流的名單邁克錢,但邁克襲擊塔索並逃離。塔索斯和他的追隨者追求他,但邁克在逃跑通過英國軍隊運輸。 當海斯勒報告邁克逃到少校。埃里克奧伯格,指揮官建議海斯勒利用情況負責。同時,在運輸轟炸,一個受傷的邁克是誰相信他是一名英國士兵希臘漁民獲救。後在當地的別墅恢復在農村少女,據賽普勒斯通訊社,與她的哥哥和叔叔安德烈利奧尼達斯,邁克的生活發現該名單仍然完好無損。康復之後,邁克坐在與安德烈上,誰行動計畫的槍枝彈藥庫,並散發給所有鄰近村莊的幾名男子會議。會見後,賽普勒斯通訊社懇求不要讓參與突襲邁克,但他們的談話是由Bluey弗格森,聲稱自己是誰的到來打斷了英國私人和戰俘逃跑。第二天晚上,邁克加入安德烈以及他們襲擊的人,但他們是由德國,只有邁克和

安德烈伏擊生存。 雖然安德烈去其他村莊屠殺報告,邁克返回告訴名單萊昂尼達斯,他坦言,記憶和銷毀。邁克懷疑Bluey是德國線人誰得知他們的行動。萊昂尼達斯和賽普勒斯通訊社同意,只有這樣才有助於邁克是將他到附近修道院的修女和神父幫助幾個英國士兵逃離該國。據賽普勒斯通訊社需要邁克廢棄的茅草在山上,他是要等待安德烈,小屋村誰將護送他到了修道院。那天晚上,安德烈在村到達前夕的德國隊,後來海斯勒塔索陪同。學習邁克正在等待,安德烈企圖逃跑,但在由塔索斯背部中彈身亡。海斯勒告訴萊昂尼達斯和賽普勒斯通訊社12邁克說謊他們,從來沒有打算為希臘抵抗幫助。儘管海斯勒的威脅摧毀村莊,除非邁克是放棄,利奧尼達斯拒絕合作。海斯勒命令,所有的村民被驅趕到城市廣場,在那裡10個,包括利奧尼達斯,被執行。雖然傷心,據賽普勒斯通訊社隱藏,在晨曦,然後入邁克。德國避免了大規模搜尋,邁克和Elftheria準備去修道院的安全。當海斯勒並再次報告塔索他們未能奧伯格,他認為,塔索斯使他的前女友麗莎Kyriakides,誰是抵抗眾所周知的,身居高位的成員,誰可能由她的兩位年輕的威脅勒索使用孩子們。數天之後的情侶,莉薩到達檢索邁克,誰告別含淚據賽普勒斯通訊社在修道院。莉薩需要邁克在一個港口城市平坦,但是當她確定了自己,他是她的抵抗不屑一顧的關係,堅持,婦女是無效的,危險的,因為他們始終是由他們的性損害。後來,莉薩海斯勒和會見,並得知塔索據賽普勒斯通訊社12被打死離開修道院。海斯勒要求知道為什麼蒙娜麗莎隱瞞邁克,當海斯勒不情願地提到麗莎的孩子,她同意把邁克預定的會議上進行。莉薩返回邁克告訴他,她已與一名牧師的安排,讓希臘他。麗莎和麥克再步行到附近的教堂海斯勒,塔索和幾名士兵在等待撒謊,但莉薩無法繼續進行的背叛,他們回到單位。在那裡,她承認自己邁克,她都親自參與海斯勒,以便收集信息的阻力,但它一直難以擺脫自己的關係。當莉薩告訴邁克的賽普勒斯通訊社去世,他憤怒地宣布,他將殺死海斯勒。儘管麗莎的抗議,邁克需要一到,她給了他與他會面和技巧海斯勒槍。希望埋伏在街上海斯勒,邁克是由一個副到來阻止麗莎的,切斯尼,誰說服邁克放棄他的魯莽的計畫。後來,邁克同意讓莉薩列表的內容,如果她將和她的孩子逃離,但她解釋說,海斯勒已轉移她的兒子和女兒的一個秘密地點。切斯尼然後會見並勸說他塔索捕捉邁克並把他直接交給奧伯格,從而繞過海斯勒。塔索斯需要切斯尼檢索莉薩的孩子,為邁克交流。在單位,莉薩告訴邁克,她與切斯尼已經計畫讓他和她的孩子在她安全地轉移海斯勒。最初拒絕,邁克然後實現它是唯一的解決辦法,並同意。麗莎然後訪問海斯勒,他因遵守他的職責表示歉意,但麗莎建議時嚇了一跳,他們可能恢復他們的關係。此外,切斯尼帶來塔索的單位,在邁克暈眩塔索,然後逃跑與麗莎的兒童和一名牧師誰護送到一個等待船。麗莎阻止接受一個重要的電話海斯勒通話報告了她的孩子失蹤。後來,一聽到教堂的鐘聲,標誌著兒童和邁克都逃脫安全,蒙娜麗莎是鬆了一口氣。海斯勒學習的時刻之後逃逸,但允許莉薩離開安然無恙。



