

愛德華G·魯賓斯英文名Edward G. Robinson國籍美國,職業演員,超世紀諜殺案Soylent Green (1973),人吃人,挪威之歌Song of Norway(1970) .麥肯納的黃金 Mackenna's Gold (1969) ,神龍猛虎闖金關The Biggest Bundle of Them All (1968)


愛德華 G·魯賓斯 Edward G. Robinson
演員 - 愛德華 G·魯賓斯 Edward G. Robinson
超世紀諜殺案 Soylent Green (1973) ..... Sol Roth
挪威之歌 Song of Norway (1970) ..... Krogstad
麥肯納的黃金 Mackenna's Gold (1969) ..... Old Adams
The Biggest Bundle of Them All (1968) ..... Professor Samuels
Ad ogni costo (1967) ..... Prof. James Anders
Diamantes a gogó
Grand Slam
Top Job
Top Job - Diamantenraub in Rio
Um jeden Preis
辛辛那提少年 The Cincinnati Kid (1965) ..... Lancey Howard
暴行 The Outrage (1964) ..... Con Man
東牆飄香夢 Good Neighbor Sam (1964) ..... Simon Nurdlinger
安邦定國志 Cheyenne Autumn (1964) ..... Secretary of the Interior
John Ford's Cheyenne Autumn
The Long Flight
羅賓七俠 Robin and the 7 Hoods (1964) ..... Big Jim (uncredited)
Robin and the Seven Hoods
The Prize (1963) ..... Dr. Max Stratman/Prof. Walter Stratman
羅馬之光 Two Weeks in Another Town (1962) ..... Maurice Kruger
七賊 Seven Thieves (1960) ..... Theo Wilkins/Dr. Vital
十誡 The Ten Commandments (1956) ..... Dathan
Illegal (1955) ..... Victor Scott
A Bullet for Joey (1955) ..... Insp. Raoul Leduc
The Violent Men (1955) ..... Lee Wilkison
Rough Company
The Bandits
蓋世梟雄 Key Largo (1948) ..... Johnny Rocco
陌生人 The Stranger (1946) ..... Mr. Wilson
Date with Destiny
綠窗艷影 The Woman in the Window (1945) ..... Professor Richard Wanley
血紅街道 Scarlet Street (1945) ..... Christopher Cross
雙重賠償 Double Indemnity (1944) ..... Barton Keyes
雙重保險 / 雙倍賠償
曼哈坦故事 Tales of Manhattan (1942) ..... Avery 'Larry' L. Browne
Stars Over Manhattan
Manpower (1941) ..... Hank 'Gimpy' McHenry
Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet (1940) ..... Dr. Paul Ehrlich
The Story of Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet
奧奇兄弟 Brother Orchid (1940)
一個納粹間諜的自白 Confessions of a Nazi Spy (1939) ..... Edward 'Ed' Renard
化身大盜 The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse (1938)
艷窟啼痕 Kid Galahad (1937) ..... Nick 'Nicky' Donati
脂粉拳王 / 眾所矚目的女人 / 加拉哈特小子
The Battling Bellhop
The Last Gangster (1937) ..... Joe Krozac
Another Public Enemy
The Whole Town's Talking (1935) ..... Arthur Ferguson 'Jonesy' Jones/'Killer' Mannion
Passport to Fame
Tiger Shark (1932) ..... Mike Mascarenhas
小凱撒 Little Caesar (1931) ..... Little Caesar (alias 'Rico')
小愷撒 / 小霸王 / 小獨裁者
坑錢 Smart Money (1931)



