





類 型:城市軌道交通線路
系 統:徐州軌道交通
狀 態:建設中
起點站:杏山子工業園(二期為 龜山漢墓)
終點站:京滬高速鐵路徐州東站(二期為 安然片區)


全 長:約24km
車 站:16站





龜山漢墓 Guishan Hanmu Station
九里山北站 Mt.Jiuli North Station
九里山南站 Mt.Jiuli South Station
黃河南路 Huanghe Road South Station

人民廣場站 Renmin Square Super-Interchange Station
轉 1號線杏山子工業園分線 至 杏山子工業園 Change here For Services to Xingshanzi Industrial Park Sub-Line,Stopping All Stations to Xingshanzi Industrial Park
轉 1號線 安然片區分線 經 彭城廣場 徐州火車站民營工業園至 安然片區 Change Here For Services to Anranpian District Sub-Line,Stopping All Stations to Anranpian District Via Pengcheng Square,Xuzhou Railway Station and Private Industrial Park


杏山子工業園站 XINGSHANZI Industry Park
淮西客運站 Huaixi Transportation Interchange Station
工農北路站 Gongnong North Road Station
人民廣場站 Renmin Square Super-Interchange Station
轉 1號線龜山漢墓分線 至 龜山漢墓 Change Here For Services to Guishan Hanmu Sub-Line,Stopping All Stations to Guishan Hanmu
轉 1號線分線安然片分線 經彭城廣場徐州火車站 民營工業園 至 安然片區 Change Here For Services to Anranpian District Sub-Line,Stopping All Stations to Anranpian District Via Pengcheng Square,Xuzhou Railway Station and Private Industrial Park


人民廣場交匯站 Renmin Square Super-Interchange Station
轉 1號線杏山子工業園分線 至 杏山子工業園 Change Here For Services to Xingshanzi Industrial Park Sub-Line,Stopping All Stations to Xingshanzi Industrial Park
轉 1號線龜山漢墓分線 至 龜山漢墓 Change Here For Services to Guishan Hanmu Sub-Line,Stopping All Stations to Guishan Hanmu
轉 1號線分線安然片分線 經 彭城廣場 徐州火車站民營工業園至 安然片區 Change Here For Services to Anranpian District Sub-Line,Stopping All Stations to Anranpian District Via Pengcheng Square,Xuzhou Railway Station and Private Industrial Park


人民廣場交匯站 Renmin Square Super-Interchange Station
西安北路站 Xi'an North Road Station

彭城廣場站 Central Square Station
轉 二號線霸王山分線 至 霸王山 Change Here For Services to 2nd Subway Line Mt. Bawang Sub-Line,Stopping All Stations to Mt. Bawang Station
轉 二號線李井片分線 經 淮塔東門市政府至 李井片 Change Here For Services to 2nd Subway Line Lijingpian District Sub-Line,Stopping All Stations to Lijingpian Distric Via Huaihai Battle Memorial Hall Station East Gate and Xuzhou City Hall
文化宮站 Cultural Palace Station
徐州火車站站 Xuzhou Railway Station

轉 三號線 至 桃山路 Change Here For Services to 3rd Subway Line Taoshan Road Sub-Line,Stopping All Stations to Taoshan Road Station
轉 三號線 經 淮塔東門 至 二堡 Change Here For Services to 3rd Subway Line Erpu Sub-Line,Stopping All Stations to Erpu Via Huaihai Battle Memorial Hall Station East Gate
站東廣場站 Square East Station
三環東路站 Citylink East Station
獅子山站 Mt. Shizi Station
綠苑小區站 Lvyuan Community Station
慶豐路站 Qingfeng Road Station

民營工業園站 Private Industry Park Station
轉 四號線 至 桃山路 Change Here For Services to 4th Subway Line Taoshan Road Sub-Line,Stopping All Stations toTaoshan Road Station
轉 四號線 經 市政府 銅山副中心 至 銅山賓館 Change Here For Services to 4th Subway Line Tongshan Hotel Sub-Line,Stopping All Stations to Tongshan Hotel Via Xuzhou City Hall and Tongshan Sub-Center Station
翠屏山站 Mt.Cuiping Station
高速鐵路站 High-speed Rail Station
小山 Xiaoshan Station
孤山Gushan Station
大廟 Damiao Station
安然片區Anranpian District Station



