

張素靈 性 別 男 出生年月 1965.6
最後學位 理學博士 畢業時間 1999.10 籍貫:內蒙古
工作單位 中國地震台網中心 現技術職稱 副研究員
通訊地址:北京市西城區三里河南橫街5號 郵政編碼:100045
電話:010-89804881/13051547342(Mobile) Email: zsl@seis.ac.cn

I want to visiting and intercourse with HongKong University in short-term in order to produce a few better articles and have new breakthrough in my research feild.
Name: Suling Zhang Sex: male Birth date: 1965.6
finally degree: Doctor of Science
Graduation date: 1999.10
Native place: Inner Mongolia
work place: China Earthquake Networks Center
Position: Assistant Researcher
Communication Address: FuXing Road No.63 , Beijing , China
Postalcode: 100036
Telephone number: 010-89804881/13051547342(Mobile)
Email: zsl@seis.ac.cn
1、Education Introduction and Working Experience:
I have graduated from Inner Mongolia engineering University in 1989, I Majored in Engineering & Architecture.
I had Studied Solid Mechanics specialty at Inner Mongolia Industrial University from 1989 to 1992 and graduate on August, 1992, and was awarded Master Degree. At the same time, I worked Institute of Engineering Mechanics(SSB) Graduate School through whole year in Haerbin, For researching strong earthquake observation data dealing with.
From 1992 to 1994, I had worked at Inner Mongolia Industrial University, as a assistant, shoulded the task of teaching Structural Mechanics and Elasticity Mechanics.
From 1994 to 1999,I had studied at for Doctor degree, majored in Earthquake Engineering, Yuxian Hu academician is my mentor. I was engaged in Lifeline Enginnering and economic loss researching,and graduated on 10,1999, as a Doctor of Science in Earthquake field. During this course I had taked part in a few terms appraisal about the petroleum pipeline and correspond to construction aseismatic capability, consequently have know about the manner and method of earthquake calamity forecast.
From October 1999 to May.2001,I am as an assistant researcher, I am engaged in the work of reducing earthquake calamity of enterprise and city in Institue of Geology China Seismological Bureau,and commence on taking charge a few project items, Especially the project about KELAMAYI,Which is the first project in China at that time and be awarded third class of excellent fruit. In addition,
Make forecasting of economic loss about Fuzhou, especially for the indrect economic loss.
June,2001,I had begining worked at Center for Analysis and Prediction of China Seismological Bureau. I had constructed the Taiwan network of Capital ring about the intensity earthquake observation and rapidity. and undertaked the work of intensity earthquake observation
about that region in the following a few years. At Oct,2001, I was chosen as an assistant researcher.
During the years of my working, I had presided over a few items about forecast of Earthquake damage of city.
2,Main achievements
......During the six years from 1995 to 2001, I had engaged in the forecast of earthquake damage about city and enterprise,especially for the forecast of damage about city lifeline and infrastructure, as well as the economic loss and indrect economic loss. Early and later I had taken part in nine research items, thereinto one is Sina-USA cooperation, and other three bear the palm.
......I am working for the observation of strong shock of Capital ring region and the intensity rapidity.
2000 I was voted as advanced operator of 中國地震局地質研究所.
I was married to Hejie in 1997, We have a son now.
My wife whose name is Hejie.She was born on June,1974,Her hometown is Yanling,HeNan.After graduated from middle school,she start to work at ZhengZhou Yaxiya emporium. After that, at 1994, She came to Beijing for working, at the same time she acquired finance and economics learning, and now working at a tour company.



