梁士楚, 李銘紅主編. 生態學, 華中科技大學出版社, 2015. (參編第二章)
梁士楚,胡剛,張忠華等. 桂林岩溶石山常見木本植物生態學研究. 科學出版社,2018.
1. 國家自然科學基金項目:放牧驅動的喀斯特灌草叢植被退化過程與機理:從功能性狀到生態系統功能,2018-2021。
2. 國家自然科學基金項目:中國喀斯特森林群落系統發育多樣性的緯度梯度格局及其形成機制研究,2016-2019。
3. 國家自然科學基金項目:基於功能性狀的喀斯特植物群落構建機制研究,2014-2016。
4. 廣西自然科學基金重點項目:整合物種、功能和譜系維度解析喀斯特森林植物多樣性格局及其環境驅動機制,2017-2021。
5. 廣西創新驅動發展專項(科技重大專項)子課題:桉樹林林分結構對植物多樣性和生產力的影響,2017-2020。
1. Zhonghua Zhang, Gang Hu, Jiedong Zhu, Jian Ni. Aggregated spatial distributions of species in a subtropical karst forest, southwestern China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2013, 6(2): 131-140.
2. Zhonghua Zhang, Baoqing Hu, Gang Hu. Spatial heterogeneity of soil chemical properties in a subtropical karst forest, southwest China. Scientific World Journal, 2014, doi.org/10.1155/2014/473651.
3. Zhonghua Zhang, Gang Hu, Jian Ni. Effects of topographical and edaphic factors on the distribution of plant communities in two subtropical karst forests, southwestern China. Journal of Mountain Science, 2013, 10: 95-104.
4. Zhonghua Zhang, Gang Hu, Jiedong Zhu, Jian Ni. Stand structure, woody species richness and composition of subtropical karst forests in Maolan, south-west China. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 2012, 24(4): 498-506.
5. Zhonghua Zhang, Gang Hu, Jiedong Zhu, Jian Ni. Spatial patterns and interspecific associations of the dominant trees in two old-growth karst forests, SW China. Ecological Research, 2010, 25: 1151-1160.
6. Zhonghua Zhang, Gang Hu, Baoqing Hu. Plant diversity and community stability in two subtropical karst forests, southwestern China. The 2014 International Conference on Energy and Environmental Engineering, Taylor & Francis Group.
7. Gang Hu, Zhonghua Zhang*. Factors influencing the distribution of plant communities in a subtropical karst forest in Maolan Nature Reserve, southwest China. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, 2013, 11(3&4):1760-1762.
8. Hu G, Zhang Z H, Yang P, et al. Development of microsatellite markers in Garcinia paucinervis (Clusiaceae), an endangered species of karst habitats. Applications in Plant Sciences, 2017, 5(1):1600131.
9. Gang Hu, Zhonghua Zhang*. Aqueous tissue extracts of Conyza canadensis inhibit the germination and shoot growth of three native herbs with no autotoxic effects. Planta Daninha, 2013, 31(4): 805-811.
10. Gang Hu, Zhonghua Zhang*. Allelopathic effects of Chromolaena odorata on native and non-native invasive herbs. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 2013, 11(1): 878-882.
11. Gang Hu, Zhonghua Zhang, Baoqing Hu. Allelopathic potential of Parthenium hysterophorus L. extracts on seed germination and seedling growth of two crops. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, 2013, 11(3&4): 1460-1462.
12. Baoqing Hu, Gang Hu, Zhonghua Zhang. Allelopathic potential of leaf litter extracts of the invasive Chromolaena odorata on its neighboring plants. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, 2013, 11(3&4): 2561-2566.
13. Jian Ni, Donghui Luo, Jing Xia, Zhonghua Zhang, Gang Hu. Vegetation in karst terrain of southwestern China allocates more biomass to roots. Solid Earth, 2015, 6: 1-12.
14. Li-Bin Liu, Yang-Yang Wu, Gang Hu, Zhong-Hua Zhang, An-Yun Cheng, Shi-Jie Wang, Jian Ni. Biomass of karst evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest in central Guizhou province, southwestern China: a comprehensive inventory of a 2 ha plot. Silva Fennica, 2016, 50(3): 10.14214/sf.1492.
15. 付瑞玉,蘇宏新,張忠華,胡剛. 中國森林生物多樣性監測網路(CForBio)的研究態勢與熱點:基於文獻計量分析. 生物多樣性,2018,26(12): 1255-1267.
16. 周元慧,張忠華,胡剛,陶旺蘭,王俊麗,付瑞玉. 基於Web of Science的海草研究文獻計量評價. 生態學報,2019, 39(11):
17. 胡剛,黎潔,覃盈盈,胡寶清,劉熊,張忠華*. 廣西北崙河口紅樹植物種群的結構與動態特徵. 生態學報, 2018,38(9):3022-3034.
18. 張忠華,胡剛,倪健. 茂蘭喀斯特常綠落葉闊葉混交林樹種的空間分布格局及其分形特徵. 生態學報, 2015, 35(24): 8221-8230.
19. 張忠華,胡剛,祝介東,倪健. 喀斯特常綠落葉闊葉混交林物種多度與豐富度空間分布的尺度效應. 生態學報, 2012, 32(18): 5663-5672.
20. 張忠華, 胡剛, 祝介東, 倪健. 喀斯特森林土壤養分的空間異質性及其對樹種分布的影響. 植物生態學報, 2011, 35 (10): 1039-1049.
21. 張忠華,胡剛,倪健. 茂蘭喀斯特森林群落種間分離特徵. 生態學報, 2010, 30(9): 2235-2245.