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廣州鋁業有限公司隸屬廣東省工業排名五十強的廣州輕工工貿集團公司,公司資金、技術實力雄厚、具有幾十年的金屬產品生產製造經驗。2004~2006年分別被中國五金協會和廣東省五金協會統計認定同類產量及銷售量在國內及廣東省內同行中排名第一位,金屬裝飾材料曾榮獲第八屆中華建築裝飾博覽會“優秀產品獎”等 多種殊榮。由於曾為北京的申奧工程(首都體育館改造)做出過貢獻,國家體委與原北京奧申委和首都體育館的有關領導蒞臨過本公司參觀、指導和答謝。香港貿易 發展局、中國進出口商品交易會琶洲展館一期、二期、首都國際機場貴賓樓、廣州白雲國際機場、廣州白雲國際會議中心以及廣州、深圳、南京捷運等重大工程的業 主多次來公司考察,並予以高度評價。多年來,本公司依靠自身的產業調整和技術進步,大量生產“廣灝”牌系列產品,以滿足國內外市場需求,深受客戶的信賴和認可。
Guangzhou Aluminium Co. Ltd is a large manufactory. It’s a professional enterprise to produce and machining aluminium plates, aluminium strip, metal decorative and domestic products(Including: ceiling System, Wall-plate System and Fittings).Backed by assets over 253-million RMB and series of international approved technology level production lines, which imported from United States, England, Italy, France and Japan. Here our enterprise has the annual ability to produce thirty thousand tons of aluminium plate and strip; one-million pieces of aluminium ceiling plates and to process one-million square meters of surface spraying treatment. We employed over 120 senior engineers and technician and over 300 skillful workers. We have achieved the FANGYUAN export merchandise certification, the . authentication of ISO9001:2000, the authentication of the environmental system ISO14001; And our “Guang-hao Brand” Clip-in ceiling system products had gain the rewards of “The famous product of Guangdong Province”, “The famous brand of Guangdong Province”. In the domestic and HongKong-Macau the market occupies the higher market quota, total yield in ceiling with export to measure before whole country go together of inside reside row real realize" produce the adornment exquisite article and construct the elegant space"


