



關 帝 廟(第三批省保) 時代:清地址:澤州縣城北10公里處的金村鎮府城村創建年代不詳。清代屢有修繕,現存為清代建築。廟坐北朝南,四進院落。中軸線上依次為山門、戲台、關帝殿、三義殿,西側建築有廊廡、鐘鼓樓、僧樓,總占地面積400平方米。正殿為關帝殿,面闊三間,進深八椽,單檐懸山頂,九架前廊式建築,斗栱五踩重昂,台基高1.3米,建築面積125.8平方米,前廊四根滾龍柱雕刻精美。院內有松樹1株,枝葉繁茂。三義殿面闊三間,進深六椽,單檐歇山頂,七架前廊式建築,五踩雙翹出斜栱。內檐兩山繪有壁畫。前廊四根人物柱上雕儒、釋、道三教故事。
Shut the 3rd batch province temple (the) : clear ZeZhouXian address: 10 kilometers north of the town's year. Create village, In qing dynasty, has repeatedly to qing dynasty architecture. Existing Temple sits, four into courtyards. In order to stand at the axis of the drama, and three YiDian temple, emperor, west tower, building have zhenjuesi sangha, building, covering a total area of 400 square meters. The main hall is close emperor temple, three, Chuan single eaves width, eight, nine before hanging the existent buildings, dou hundreds-years-old five trample, heavy TaiJi 1.3 metres high, 125.8 square meters, construction area of porch and four roll liang-yi beautifully carved. 1 there is luxuriant, pine branches. Three YiDian surface broadly three, six, eaves width Chuan rests the existent before seven, buildings, five trample double become warped the oblique hundreds-years-old. Within two mountains eaves paintings. Four characters on the porch carved pillars Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.



