第一章 “毛遂自薦”前先看清What Shouid You Check before Recommending Yourself
1.公司簡介A Brief Introduction to the Recruiting Company
2.公司名稱The Name of the Recruiting Company
3.提供的職位Positions Being Offered
4.工作職責與資格Job Responsibilities and Qualifications
5.提供的待遇The Remuneration Being Offered
第二章 用什麼來令對方眼前一亮What you have makes the cover letter attractive
1.“誘人”的工作經驗Attractive Experience
2.良好的教育背景ExceUem Education Background
3.優秀的個人能力Good Persomd Ability
4.明確的求職理由Clear Reason for Employment
5.清晰的職業目標Explicit Job Plan
第三章 贏在第一印象:在格式上下功夫Winning for impression: Focusing on forms
1.信封的格式Layout of Envelope
2.信頭的格式Layout of Cover Lette~Beginning
3.信內地址的格式Layout of Inside Address
4.信函正文的格式Layout of Body of Cover Letter
第四章 亮出求職之劍:正文寫作要訣Showing Your Hunting Sword:Mainpoints of Writing Body of I-etter
1.信首——強力吸引Strong Competitiveness
2.主體——全力推銷Trying Your Best to Promotion
3.信尾——爭取面談Getting an Interview
第五章 為自己做一件漂亮的“嫁衣”:履歷表Making a BeautifuI Resume
1.數字更具說服力Proving Your Competitiveness
2.成績更令人信服Achievements Being More Convincing
3.量體裁衣精心打造Customize Your Resume for Each Job Opening
第六章 手把手教你脫穎而出How to Make You Outstanding
1.應聘項目經理Apply for Project Manager
2.應聘導遊員Apply for Guide
3.應聘編輯Apply for Editor
4.應聘會計Apply for Accountant
5.應聘公關小姐Apply for Public Relationship Girl
6.應聘銷售員Apply for Salesman
7.應聘中文教師Apply for Chinese Teacher
8.應聘行政助理Apply for Administrative Assistant
9.應聘口譯員Apply for Interpreter
10.應聘秘書Apply for Secretary
11.應聘辦公室主任Apply for Office Manager
12.應聘銷售經理Apply for Manager
13.應聘工程師Apply for Engineer
14.酒店服務員Apply for Hotel Waiter
15.應聘統計員Apply forstatistician
16.應聘產品研發員Apply for Product Developer
17.應聘藥劑師Apply for Pharmacist
18.聘貿易員Apply for Trader
19.應聘軟體工程師Apply for Soft Engineer
20.應聘證券經紀人Apply for Broker