
英文名稱:Grey's Anatomy別 名: 外科女實習生
導 演: Shonda Rhimes
演 員: Justin Chambers - Alex Karev
Patrick Dempsey - Derek Shepherd
Katherine Heigl - Isobel "Izzie" Stevens
T.R. Knight - George O'Malley
Sandra Oh - Christina Yang
James Pickens Jr. - Richard Webber
Ellen Pompeo - Meredith Grey
Isaiah Washington - Preston Burke
Chandra Wilson - Miranda Bailey
地 區:美國
語 言:英語
簡 介:
實習醫生格蕾歡迎來到Grace醫院,west of Harvard最艱苦的外科住院醫實習程式,醫務新人最殘酷的訓練場.Meredith, Izzie o’melly 和 Christina,昨天還是學生,今天已是大夫.如果他們能挺過Grace醫院的7年煉獄考驗,她們就能成為合格的外科醫生.然而擺在這四人組面前的, 不僅是艱苦的實習培訓,她們還要應對善妒的男友和病態的父母,一夜激情和住房危機.面對重重難關,她們只有互相依靠.Shonda Rhimes--"Introducing Dorothy Dandridge"的作者--為我們帶來這部講述"當醫生的年輕女子"或說"仍是年輕女子的醫生"的劇集.
美國 ABC 電視台的 Grey's Anatomy 播出後一炮打紅,接連獲得三項艾美獎提名,並取代 ABC 的主打電視劇 Boston Legal(波士頓法律),占據了周日晚10時的黃金時段。去年秋天,Grey's Anatomy 又獲得網路電視最大的榮耀 - 在“超級碗”,即全美橄欖球聯盟總決賽轉播之後這一電視界夢寐以求的黃金時段播出。迄今為止,Grey's Anatomy 共贏得一項金球獎和23項提名。
這部描寫五位年輕實習醫生的工作、生活和感人愛情故事的電視劇,集藝術性、娛樂性和醫學專業性於一身,不但得到評論界的一片讚揚,而且觀眾人數與日激增,不少人都成了 Grey's Anatomy 的鐵桿劇迷。
Meet Meredith Grey. She's a woman trying to lead a real life while doing a job that makes having a real life impossible.
Meredith is a first year surgical intern at Seattle Grace Hospital, the toughest surgical residency program west of Harvard. She and fellow first-year interns Cristina Yang, Izzie Stevens, George O'Malley and Alex Karev were students yesterday. Today they're doctors and, in a world where on the job training can be a matter of life and death, they're all juggling the ups and downs of their own personal lives.
The five interns struggle to form friendships in this most stressful and competitive atmosphere. Meredith's medical ambition is overshadowed by a troubling secret: Her mother, a noted pioneering surgeon, is struggling with a tragic and devastating illness. Cristina is a study in contradiction; highly competitive and driven, she eschews any favors in order to make it on her own. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens is the small-town girl who grew up dirt poor and, in spite of paying for her medical career by modeling, still struggles with her self-esteem. George O'Malley is the warm but insecure boy next door who always manages to do or say the wrong thing at the wrong time. In spite of his attraction to women, he's treated as "just one of the girls." And Alex Karev, the intern the other interns love to have, masks his working class roots with arrogance and ambition.
The interns are guided by an established team of doctors who are determined to shape them into skilled surgeons or break them: Miranda Bailey, a senior resident responsible for training them, is so tough that she's nicknamed "The Nazi." Derek Shepherd is the flirtatious but very capable surgeon who shares a forbidden but undeniable sexual attraction with Meredith. Preston Burke's arrogance is second only to his skill with a scalpel. Overseeing them all is Dr. Richard Webber, Seattle Grace's paternal, but no-nonsense chief of surgery.
Grey's Anatomy focuses on young people struggling to be doctors and doctors struggling to stay human. It's the drama and intensity of medical training mixed with the funny, sexy, painful lives of interns who are about to discover that neither medicine nor relationships can be defined in black and white. Real life only comes in shades of grey.
Grey's Anatomy stars Ellen Pompeo as Meredith Grey, Patrick Dempsey as Derek Shepherd, Sandra Oh as Cristina Yang, Isaiah Washington as Preston Burke, Katherine Heigl as Isobel "Izzie" Stevens, Justin Chambers as Alex Karev, T.R. Knight as George O'Malley, Chandra Wilson as Miranda Bailey and James Pickens, Jr. as Richard Webber.
Shonda Rhimes (Introducing Dorothy Dandridge) is creator and executive producer. Mark Gordon (Saving Private Ryan), Betsy Beers (200 Cigarettes) and Jim Parriott (The American Embassy) are executive producers. Peter Horton is co-executive producer. Grey's Anatomy is a Touchstone Television Production.