





世界實驗室中國高等學術技術中心 (CCAST)正規成員,美國《Mathmatical Review 》期刊的特邀評論員,國家科學技術獎評審專家,《Chinese Physics Lette 》評審專家。









《量子力學》,大連理工大學出版社,2004年8月第一次出版,2006年4月 第二版 在Physics Review,Chinese Physics Letter等國內外權威學術刊物上發表論文80多篇,絕大部分為SCI論文。以下是2003年以後出版的論文:

1) Global entanglement for multipartite quantum states

Chang-shui Yu and He-Shan Song

Phys.Rev. A73,(2006) 022325 and hase been Selected for the March 2006 issue of Virtual Journalof Quantum Information.  SCI:017BC

2)Remote preparation of qudit using maximally entangled states of qubits

Chang-shui Yu,He-Shan Song and Ya-hong Wang

Phys.Rev. A73,(2006) 022340 and has been Selected for the March 2006 issue of Virtual Journal of Quantum Information.  SCI:017BC

3)Decoherenco of a Quantuam Nonlinear Oscillator Under a Non-zero Temperature Thermal Bath

Han Li-ping,Zhou ling and Song He-shan

Commun.Theor.Phys. 45,(2006) 542-546  SCI:025CS

4)A New Quantum communication scheme by Using Bell States

Cao Hai-jing,Chen Jing and Song He-Shan

Commun.Theor.Phys. 45,No.2 (2006) 271-274  SCI:018XH

5)Existence criterion of genuin tripartite entanglement

Chang-shui yu and He-Shan Song

Phys.Rev.A73,(2006) 032322 and has been selected for the April 2006 issue of Virtual Journal of Quantum Information.  SCI:028DQ

6)Quantum Key Distribution Using Fuor-qubit W State

Cao Hai-jing and Song He-Shan

Commun.Theor.Phys. 46,No.1 (2006) 65-68

7) Elemetary Quantun Gates Based on Intrinsic Interaction Hamiltonian

Chen Jing,Yu Chang-Shui and Song He-Shan

Commun.Theor.Phys. 46,No.1 (2006) 69-72

8)Quantum secure direct communication with W state

Cao hai-Jing and Song He-Shan

Chin. Phys. Lett. Vol.23,No.2 (2006) 290  SCI:011GC

9)Maximally generalized Yang-Mills model and dynamical breaking of gauge symmetery

Wang Dian-Fu and Song He-Shan

Commun.Theor.Phys.45,No.2 (2006) 297-300  SCI:018XH

10) Effect of intersubsystem coupling on the evolution of composite system

X.X.Yi,H.T.Cui,Y.H.Lin and H.S.Song

Phys.Rev.A71,(2005) 022107

11) Multipartite entanglement measure

Chang-shui Yu and He –Shan Song

Phys.Rev.A71,(2005) 042331  SCI:921GR

12) Thermal entanglement in 1D optical lattice with nonlinear coupling

Zhou Ling,Yi Xue-xi,Song He-Shan and Guo Yan-Qing

Chinese Physics,Vol.14 No.6 (2005)1168-1173  SCI:931NG

13) A Generalized Yang-Mills model and dynamical breaking of gauge symmetry

Wang Dian-Fu and Song He-Shan

Commun.Theor.Phys.43,No.6 (2005) 1083-1086  SCI:939IA

14) Noise induced entanglement

J.Chen,X.X.Yi,He-Shan Song and L.Zhou

International Journal of quantum information,Vol.3,No.2 (2005) 425—433

15) Soliton solution of SU⑶ gauge fields at finite temperature

Wang Dian-fu and Song He-Shan

Chin.Phys.Lett. Vol.22,No.9 (2005) 2194  SCI:963PR

16)Separability Criteria for tripartite qubit Systems

Chang-shui Yu and He-Shan Song

Phys.Rev. A72,(2005) 022333 and hase been Selected for the September 2005 issue of Virtual Journal of Quantum Information..  SCI:960BC

17)Dissipation of system and atom in two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model with degenerate atomic levels

Guo Y.Q,Zhou L,Song H.S

International Journal of Theor. physics Vol. 44,No. 9 (2005) 1373-  1382  SCI998DO

18)Cohernce Loss of Two—Photon Jaynes—Cumming Model in Dispersive Approximation

ZHOU Ling,GUO Yian-qing,Song He-Shan and Li Chong

Comm.Theor. Phys. 41,No.1 (2004) 111-114  SCI:767KX

19) Dynamical Model of QCD Vacuum and Quark Confinement

Wang Dian-Fu Song He Shan and Mi Dong

Commun. Theor.Phys.41,No.5 (2004) 729-732  SCI:825DR

20) Entangling two cavity model via a two-photon process

X.X.Yi L.Zhou and H.S.Song

J.Phys.A:Math.Gen. 37 (2004) 5477-5484

21) Dynamical model of QCD Vacuum and Color Thaw at Finite Temperatures

Wang Dian-Fu,Song He-Shan and Mi Dong

Commn.Theor.Phys. 42,No.3 (2004) 385-388  SCI:856MG

22) Soliton Solution of SU⑶ Gauge Fields

Wang Dian-Fu,Song He-Shan and An Ying

Chin.Phys.Lett.Vol.21,No.8 (2004)1453  SCI:844MN

23) Entanglement of two atoms through different couplings and thermal noise

L.Zhou,X.X.Yi,H.S.Song and Y.Q.Guo

J.Opt.B:Quantum.Semiclass.Opt. 6 (2004) 378-382  SCI:864KQ

24) Free entanglement measure of multiparticle quantum State

Chang-shui Yu and He-Shan song

Physics Letter A330,(2004) 377-383  SCI:856QB

25) Enginerering Two-atom Thermal Entanglement via Two-photon Process

Guo Yan-qing,Zhou Ling,Song He-Shan and Yi Xue-Xi

Commun.Theor.Phys.42,(2004) 524-528  SCI:863XN

26) Dynamical Breaking of Generalized Yang-Mills Theory

Wang Dian-Fu and Song He-Shan

Commun.Theor.Phys. 42,No.6 (2004) 847-850  SCI:884TY

27) Generalization of Concurrence Vector

Chang-shui Yu and He-Shan Song

Phys.Lett.A333,(2004)364-370  SCI:879UK

28) The semirigid vibrating rotor target model for atom-polyatomreaction

Yao L.,Han kl,Song HS,Zhang HZ

Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 17⑶:339-345 (2004)  SCI:835YI

29) The effect of degenerate atomic level on the field state dissipation in two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model

Ling Zhou,He-Shan Song

Chinese Phys. 12,No.1 (2003) 45 SCI:646FM

30) A random quantum key distribution by using Bell states

C. Li,He-Shan Song,L Zhou,C-F Wu

Journal of Optics B: Quantum and semi-classical optics 5,(2003) 155  SCI:677JJ

31) Close-coupling Time-dependent Quantuam Dynamics Study of the H+HCl Reaction

Li-Yao,Ke-Li Han,He-Shan Song and Dong-Hui Zhang

J.Phys.Chem. A107,(2003) 2781-2786  SCI:669KF

32) Enhanced thermal entanglement in an anistropic Heisenberg XYZ chain

L.Zhou,H.S.Song,Y.Q.Guo,and C.Li

Physical Review A68,(2003) 024301  SCI:719FC

33) Dynamical breaking of supersymmetry and its restoration at high temperature

Dian-Fu Wang and He-Shan Song

International Journal of Theoretical Physics,Vol.42,No.8,(2003) 1745 SCI:733AC

34)Theoretical Study of the X+YCL(X,Y=H,D) Reactions

Li Yao,Ke-li Han,He-Shan Song and Dong-Hui Zhang

J.Chinese Chem.Soc. 50,No.3B (2003) 565-574 (台灣)

35)Dynamically Broken Supergauge Symmetries

Wang Dian-Fu,Song He-Shan and An Ying

Commnun.Theor.Phys.40,No.5 (2003) 543-546  SCI:761LG

36)Noise-assisted preparation of entangled atoms

X.X.Yi,L.Zhou and He-Shan Song

Phys.Rev. A68,(2003) 052304 and selected foe the November 2003 issue of Virtual

Journal of Quantum information.


從1992年開始享受政府特殊津貼,1989年被李政道先生組建的CCAST正規成員獲得義大利政府提供的的獎勵金4000 美元,1990年被評為大連市優秀科技工作者,1997年獲遼寧省教委科技進步二等獎一項,1999年獲寶鋼優秀教師獎。



