1988年9月至1992年7月:南京農業大學農學系農學專業 學士
1992年9月至1995年7月:南京農業大學農學系作物遺傳育種專業 碩士
1995年8月至1998年7月:南京農業大學農學系細胞遺傳研究所 助教
1998年8月至1998年12月:南京農業大學農學系細胞遺傳研究所 講師
1999年1月至2003年12月:Ohio University 生物學系 博士
2004年1月至2008年10月:University of Wisconsin-Madison 植物病理系 博士後
2008年11月- :中國農業大學教授
The Plant Cell, Plant and Cell Physiology, Phytopathology, and Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 等國際科學期刊審稿
1. Sun, W., Jansen, K., chinchilla, D., Boller, T. and Bent, A.F. (201x). Structure-function analysis of Arabidopsis FLS2: Glycosylation, cysteine pairs and FLS2-FLS2 interaction. Submitted .
2. Sun, W., Liu, L. and Bent, A.F. (2011). Type III secretion-dependent host defense elicitation and Type III secretion-independent growth within leaves by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris. Mol. Plant Pathol. Accepted.
3. Dunning, F.M., Sun, W., Jansen, K., Helft, L., and Bent, A.F. (2007). Identification and mutational analysis of Arabidopsis FLS2 leucine-rich repeat domain residues that contribute to flagellin perception. Plant Cell 19(10): 3297-3313.
4. Sun, W., Dunning, F.M., Pfund, C., Weingarten, R., and Bent, A.F. (2006). Within-species flagellin polymorphism in Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris and its impact on elicitation of Arabidopsis FLAGELLIN SENSING2-dependent defenses. Plant Cell 18(3): 764-77.
5. Sun, W., Xu, J., Yang, J., Kieliszewski, M.J., and Showalter, A.M. (2005). The lysine-rich arabinogalactan-protein subfamily in Arabidopsis: gene expression, glycoprotein purification and biochemical characterization. Plant and Cell Physiol. 46(6): 975-984.
6. Sun, W., Kieliszewski, M.J., and Showalter, A.M. (2004). Altered expression of LeAGP1 in tomato affects lateral branching and fruit production. Plant J. 40(6): 870-81.
7. Sun, W., Zhao, Z.D., Hare, M.C., Kieliszewski, M.J., and Showalter, A.M. (2004). Tomato LeAGP1 is a plasma membrane-bound, glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored arabinogalactan-protein. Physiol. Plant. 120(2): 319-327 (cover article).
8. Sun, W., Chen, P., and Liu, D. (1998). Development and identification of L. racemosus-T. aestivum scab resistant telosomic addition lines. Chinese J. of Genetics 25(3): 259-264.
9. Chen, P., Sun, W., Liu, W., et al., (1998). Development of wheat-Leymus racemosus translocation lines with scab resistance. Proc. of 9th Intl Wheat Genetics Symp. (Saskatoon, Canada) Vol. 2: 32-34.
10. Liu, W., Sun, W., Chen, P., and Liu, D. (1998). Study on transfer of L. racemosus germplasm into wheat. VII. Development and identification of a L. racemosus- T. aestivum isochromosome addition line. Chinese J. of Genetics 25(3): 195-199.
11. Sun, W., Chen, P., and Liu, D. (1997). Development and identification of L. racemosus-T. aestivum disomic addition lines. J. of Nanjing Agricultural University 20(2): 6-11.
12. Chen, P., Liu, D., and Sun, W. (1996). New countermeasures of breeding wheat for scab resistance. Proc. on Fusarium Head Scab: Global Status and Future Prospects (Mexico City, Mexico) pp. 59-65.
13. Ren, X., Sun, W., Chen, P., and Liu, D. (1996). Development and identification of L. racemosus-T. aestivum addition line 6N. J. of Nanjing Agricultural University 19(3): 1-5.
1. 白葉枯菌與細菌性條斑菌鞭毛蛋白誘導水稻防衛反應的研究,國家自然科學基金, 2010-2012,主持
2. 稻曲病控制技術的研究,農業部公益性行業專項,2009-2013,子課題主持
3. 略,轉基因重大專項,2009-2010,主持
4. 水稻對病原細菌鞭毛蛋白的識別,教育部博士點基金,2010-2012,主持
5. 病原菌相關的分子模式(PAMP)誘導的基本防衛反應在水稻抗病育種中的套用,教育部留學回國人員啟動基金,2010-2012,主持
6. 新世紀優秀人才,教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫,2010-2012,
7. 國家973計畫項目,植物免疫機制與作物抗病分子設計的重大基礎理論,2011-2015,參加。
優秀班主任,2009-2010, 中國農業大學
中國教育部科學與技術進步一等獎, 1999. 共同獲獎者
優秀班主任,1996-1997, 南京農業大學