

姚新中,1957年2月生,教育部長江學者講座教授 ,外國專家局高級文教專家 。1991年起歷任英國威爾斯大學研究員,講師,高級講師,副教授(Reader),教授(2002) ,併兼任宗教與神學系主任(1999-2002),1998年擔任劍橋大學Clare Hall學院終身成員(Life Member) ,2004年擔任英國牛津大學The Ramsay Research Centre高級研究員 ,2008年起任倫敦大學國王學院教授 ,並創建中國研究院 ,2013年至今任中國人民大學哲學院院長,教授。



姚新中 姚新中


1985-1990任中國人民大學哲學系助教,講師, 倫理學教研室副主任 。


1991-2004年曆任威爾斯大學(University of Wales,Lampeter)宗教與倫理學系講師,高級講師,副教授,教授,並於1999-2002年任神學與宗教學系系主任(英國有史以來第一個非基督徒華人學者擔任神學與宗教研究系的系主任)。

1998年當選為劍橋大學Clare Hall學院終身成員(Life Member)。

2004-2007年擔任牛津大學The Ramsay Research Centre高級研究員(Senior Research Fellow) 。

2008-2013年任倫敦大學國王學院教授,創辦中國研究院(King's China Institue),並任院長。

2013年入選國家外國專家局“海外高層次文教專家重點支持計畫” ,受聘中國人民大學哲學院院長,教授。



姚新中 姚新中

1998年入選英國皇家人文藝術學會(Fellow of Royal Society of Arts)

1999年當選為香港孔子學院(Confucian Academy of Hong Kong)永遠名譽院長之一


2002年入選英國皇家亞洲學會(Fellow of Royal Asiatic Society)

2003年始入選《世界名人錄》(Who’s Who in the World),受到英國王儲查爾斯王子的接見


東南大學長江學者講座教授 ,湖南省“芙蓉學者計畫”首批特聘教授,清華大學偉倫特聘教授 ,北京大學人文高等研究院世界倫理中心副主任。


姚新中 姚新中

中國哲學雜誌季刊(Journal of Chinese Philosophy) 副主編

中國哲學前沿(Frontiers of Philosophy in China)副主編



Confucian Studies—Critical Concepts in Asian Philosophy, co-edited (with Wei-ming Tu), London and New York: Routledge, volumes 1-4, 2010 (pp. i-xxviii, 1-1640).

Chinese Religion—A Contextual Approach, co-authored with Yanxia Zhao, London: Continuum, 2010 (pp. i-xvi, 1-224).

Religious Experience in Contemporary China, (with Paul Badham), Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2007 (xvi + 266 pp).
Wisdom in Early Confucianism and Judaism, England: Ashgate, 2006, (xvi + 239 pp).
Encyclopaedia of Confucianism, pp. 1-960, i-xx, editor and co-author, London: Routledge, Curzon, 2003.
An Introduction to Confucianism, i-xx, pp. 1-342, Cambridge University Press, 2000 (El confucianismo, Madrid: Cambridge University Press, May, 2001.
Confucianism and Christianity--A Comparative Study of Jen and Agape, First Edition (hardback), Sussex Academic Press, 1996 (viii + 263 pp); Second edition (paperback), Sussex Academic Press, 1997 (272 pp)


‘Way, Virtue, and Practical Skills in the Analects--A Reconstruction of Confucius’ Ethical Discourse’, forthcoming in Journal of Chinese Philosophy,Volume 39 (March 2012), Volume 1.

‘Compassion in the Lotus Sūtraand Benevolent Love in the Analects– A Reflection from the Confucian Perspective’, with Qun Dong, inBuddhist Studies Review, Journal of the UK Association for Buddhist Studies, Volume 28, Number 2 (2011), pp.171-186.

‘The Confucian Self and Experiential Spirituality’, in Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, Vol. 8, No. 3 (2008), pp.393-406.

‘Resources for Reconciliation in the Confucian Tradition’, inConflict and Reconciliation—The Contribution of Religions, ed. by John W. Bowker, Toronto: The Key Publishing House, 2008, pp. 174-207.
‘The Confucian Self and Experiential Spirituality’, inDao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, Vol. 8, No. 3 (2008), pp 393-406
‘Belief and Practice in Urban China 1995-2005’,Journal of Contemporary Religion, Vol. 22, No. 2, May 2007, pp 169-185
‘Religion and Religious Experience’,Modern Believing, Vol. 2, 2006, pp 44-60
‘From What is Below to What is Above: A Confucian Discourse on Wisdom’,Journal of Chinese Philosophy, Vol. 33, No. 3, 2006, pp 319-321, 349-363
‘Knowledge and Interpretation - A Hermeneutical Study of Wisdom',Journal of Chinese Philosophy, No. 2, 2005
‘Conflict, Peace and Ethical Solutions - A Confucian Perspective on War',The Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies,(Seoul, South Korea) 2004, August, pp 89-111
‘Chinese Thought', inNew Dictionary of the History of Ideas, Editor in Chief : Maryanne Cline Horowitz, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2004
‘Harmony of Yin and Yang: Cosmology and Sexuality in Daoism', inSexuality and the World's Religions, eds David W. Machacek and Melissa M. Wilcox, Santa Barbara, California : ABC-Clio, 2003, pp 65-99
‘Who is a Confucian Today?--A Critical Reflection on the Issues Concerning Confucian Identity in Modern times',Journal of Contemporary Religion, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2001, pp 313-328
‘Chinese Religions' inCambridge Illustrated History of Religion, Cambridge University Press, 2001, pp 110-143
‘Confucian Christ: A Chinese Image of Christianity', in Werner Ustorf & Toshiko Murayama (eds.),Identity and Marginality: Rethinking Christianity in North East Asia, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2000, pp 27-41
‘Confucianism and its Modern Values',Journal of Beliefs and Values, Vol. 20, No. 1, 1999, pp 3







