青島奧維茲(國際)工藝品有限公司,公司位於山東省 青島市,是一家規模大、工藝先進、做工精細的工藝品生產企業,我公司設計開發能力強,主要生產加工各種項鍊、手鍊、耳環、戒指、胸針、頭飾,handcraft,Necklace,bracelet,Ea等。用戶也可來樣製作。我公司自成立以來,重視產品質量和信譽,以可靠的公司信譽和過硬的產品質量遠銷英國,美國、韓國、香港等國家和地區。 我公司全體職工向社會各界朋友致以真誠的祝願與感謝!熱忱歡迎國內外客戶前來參觀考察!公司秉承“顧客至上,銳意進取”的經營理念,堅持“客戶第一”的原則為廣大客戶提供優質的服務。歡迎惠顧!
Qing Dao Always Progressing Jewelry Company is a large-scale jewelry enterprise with advanced technology and excellent workmanship.We have great ability to develop new products and mainly produce all kinds of necklaces,bracelets,bangles,earrings,rings,brooches, head ornaments and so on.We can also make based on your designs.
Since establishment,we pay important attention to the quality of products and our credit,based on this, we have good sales far to U.K, USA,Korea, HongKong,etc.
All staff of our company give best wishes and appreciation to friends from all walks of life! Cordially welcome domestic and foreign customers to vist and investigate!