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出版社: 中國科學技術大學出版社; 第1版 (2008年9月1日)
外文書名: Topological Theory on Graphs
叢書名: 當代科學技術基礎理論與前沿問題研究叢書:中國科學技術大學校友文庫"十一五"國家重點圖書
平裝: 458頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787312022753, 7312022758
條形碼: 9787312022753
尺寸: 23.6 x 16.8 x 2.6 cm
重量: 721 g




Chapter 1 Preliminaries
1.1 Sets and relations
1.2 Partitions and permutations
1.3 Graphs and networks
1.4 Groups and spaces
1.5 Notes
Chapter 2 Polyhedra
2.1 Polygon double covers
2.2 Supports and skeletons
2.3 Orientable polyhedra
2.4 Nonorientable polyhedra
2.5 Classic polyhedra
2.6 Notes
Chapter 3 Surfaces
3.1 Polyhegons
3.2 Surface closed curve axiom
3.3 Topological transformations
3.4 Complete invariants
3.5 Graphs on surfaces
3.6 Up-embeddability
3.7 Notes
Chapter 4 Homology on Polyhedra
4.1 Double cover by travels
4.2 Homology
4.3 Cohomology
4.4 Bicycles
4.5 Notes
Chapter 5 Polyhedra on the Sphere
5.1 Planar polyhedra
5.2 Jordan closed curve axiom
5.3 Uniqueness
5.4 Straight line representations
5.5 Convex representation
5.6 Notes
Chapter 6 Automorphisms of a Polyhedron
6.1 Automorphisms
6.2 V-codes and F-codes
6.3 Determination of automorphisms
6.4 Asymmetrization
5.5 Notes
Chapter 7 Gauss Crossing Sequences
7.1 Crossing polyhegons
7.2 Dehn's transformation
7.3 Algebraic principles
7.4 Gauss Crossing problem
7.5 Notes
Chapter 8 Cohomology on Graphs
8.1 Immersions
8.2 Realization of planarity
8.3 Reductions
8.4 Planarity auxiliary graphs
8.5 Basic conclusions
8.6 Notes
Chapter 9 Embeddability on Surfaces
9.1 Joint tree model
9.2 Associate polyhegons
9.3 The exchanger
9.4 Criteria of embeddability
9.5 Notes
Chapter 10 Embeddings on the Sphere
10.1 Left and right determinations
10.2 Forbidden configurations
10.3 Basic order characterization
10.4 Number of planar embeddings
10.5 Notes
Chapter 11 Orthogonality on Surfaces
11.1 Definitions
11.2 On surfaces of genus zero
11.3 Surface Model
11.4 On surfaces of genus not zero
11.5 Notes
Chapter 12 Net Embeddings
12.1 Definitions
12.2 Face admissibility
12.3 General criterion
12.4 Special criteria
12.5 Notes
Chapter 13 Extremality on Surfaces
13.1 Maximal genus
13.2 Minimal genus
13.3 Shortest embedding
13.4 Thickness
13.5 Crossing number
13.6 Minimal bend
13.7 Minimal area
13.8 Notes
Chapter 14 Matroidal Graphicness
14.1 Definitions
14.2 Binary matroids
14.3 Regularity
14.4 Graphicness
14.5 Cographicness
14.6 Notes
Chapter 15 Knot Polynomials
15.1 Definitions
15.2 Knot diagram
15.3 Tutte polynomial
15.4 Pan-polynomial
15.5 Jones polynomial
15.6 Notes
Subject Index
Author Index


