科研主要集中在農業電氣化與自動化,先後主持中國博士後科學基金、中央高校基本科研業務費項目、廣東省自然科學基金、廣東省科技計畫項目、廣東高校特色創新項目等多項縱、橫向科研項目,其有關研究成果在國內外期刊及會議發表論文三十多篇,其中SCI 收錄7篇、EI 光碟版收錄13 篇。申請和授權專利15項,其中發明專利6項,實用新型專利9項,授權計算機軟體著作權8項 。
2013.07-2015.06 華南理工大學 從事博士後研究工作(已出站);
2013.09-2014.06 華南理工大學 從事國內訪問學者工作;
[1] Y. Tang, G. Y. Li, S. M. Luo, K. Q. Wang, and B. Zhou. Diffusion Wave Model and Growth Kinetics of Interfacial Intermetallic Compounds in Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu-xTiO Solder Joints [J]. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2015, 26 (5): 3196-3205. ( SCI ,二區,影響因子: 1.569)
[2] Y. Tang, G. Y. Li, S. M. Luo, K. Q. Wang, and B. Zhou. Creep Behavior of 95.8Sn-3.5Ag-0.7Cu Solder Joints, and a Modified Constitutive Model for the Joints [J]. Journal of Electronic Materials, 2015, 44 (7): 2440-2449. ( SCI ,二區,影響因子: 1.798)
[3] Y. Tang, G. Y. Li and Y. C. Pan. Effects of TiO Nanoparticles Addition on Microstructure, Microhardness and Tensile Properties of Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu-xTiO Composite Solder [J]. Materials & Design, 2014, 55: 574-582. ( SCI ,一區,影響因子: 3.501)
[4] Y. Tang, G. Y. Li, D. Q. Chen and Y. C. Pan. Influence of TiO Nanoparticles on IMC Growth in Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu-xTiO Solder Joints during Isothermal Aging Process [J]. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2014, 25(2): 981-991. ( SCI ,二區,影響因子: 1.569)
[5] Y. Tang, G. Y. Li, and Y. C. Pan. Influence of TiO Nanoparticles on IMC Growth in Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu-xTiO Solder Joints in Reflow Process [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013, 554:195-203. ( SCI ,一區,影響因子: 2.999)
[6] Y. Tang, Y. C. Pan, and G. Y. Li. Influence of TiO Nanoparticles on Thermal Property, Wettability and Interfacial Reaction in Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu-xTiO Composite Solder [J]. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2013, 24(5): 587-1594. ( SCI ,二區,影響因子: 1.569)
[7] Y. Tang, G. Y. Li, and X. Q. Shi. Low-Cycle Fatigue Behavior of 95.8Sn-3.5Ag-0.7Cu Solder Joints [J]. Journal of Electronic Materials, 2013, 42(1): 192-200. ( SCI ,二區,影響因子: 1.798)