a 、輕金屬如鋁合金、鎂合金、鈦合金等的雷射及雷射 - 電弧複合焊工藝
b 、大型複雜結構溫度場、熱應力應變場的有限元及無格線法模擬
c 、金屬結構或機械產品可靠性分析與仿真模擬
2 、在研主要項目
(1) 主持:國家自然科學基金 ( 基金號: 51005068 , 20 萬元 )
(2) 主持:汽車車身先進設計製造國家重點實驗室開放基金 ( 基金號: 30915005 , 5 萬元 )
(3) 主持:合肥工業大學博士學位基金 ( 基金號: GDBJ2009-025 , 2 萬元 )
(4) 第二主持:重大校企聯合重點基金 ( 基金號: 09-972 , 34.5 萬元 )
3 、代表性學術論文與專著
[1] S.C. Wu and et al. Meshless analysis of the substrate temperature in plasma spraying process. Int. J. Thermal Sci ., 2009, 48(4): 674~681. (IF=1.770)
[2] S.C. Wu and et al. A node-based smoothed point interpolation method (NS-PIM) for thermoelastic problems with solution bounds. Int. J. Heat Mass Trans ., 2009, 52(5-6): 1464~1471. (IF=1.947)
[3] S.C. Wu and et al. A node-smoothed point interpolation method (NS-PIM) for three-dimensional thermoelastic problems. Numer. Heat Trans., Part A ., 2008, 54(12): 1121~1147. (IF=1.770)
[4] S.C. Wu and et al. An edge-based smoothed point interpolation method (ES-PIM) for heat transfer analysis of rapid manufacturing system. Int. J. Heat Mass Trans ., 2010, 53(9-10): 1938~1950. (IF=1.947)
[5] C. Zheng, S.C. Wu et al. A meshfree poly-cell Galerkin (MPG) approach for problems of elasticity and fracture. CMES, 2008, 38(2): 149~178. (IF=2.820)
[6] X.H. Tang, S.C. Wu and et al. A novel virtual node method for polygonal elements. Appl. Math. Mech. –Engl. Ed ., 2009, 30(10): 1233~1246. (IF=0.214)
[7] Z.C. He, G.R. Liu, Z.H. Zhong and et al. An edge-based smoothed finite element method (ES-FEM) for analyzing three-dimensional acoustic problems. Comput. Methods .Appl. Mech. Eng , 2009, 199(1-4): 20~33. (IF=1.806)
[8] J. Cheng, X.L. Chang , S.C. Wu and et al. Certified solutions for hydraulic structure using the node-smoothed point interpolation method (NS-PIM). I. J. Numer. Analy. Meth. Geomechanics , 2010, 35(5): 1561~1585. (IF=1.301)
[9] X.H. Tang, C. Zheng, S.C. Wu and et al. A novel four-node quadrilateral element with continuous nodal stress. Appl. Math. Mech. –Engl. Ed. , 2009, 30(12): 1519~1532. (IF=0.214)
[10] Z.B Zhang, S.C. Wu , G.R. Liu, W.L. Chen. Nonlinear transient heat transfer problems using the meshfree ES-PIM. Int. J.Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simu ., 2010, 11(12): 1077~1091. (IF=5.099)
[11] C. Zheng , S.C. Wu and et al. A novel twice-interpolation finite element method for solid mechanics problems. Acta Mech. Sinica , 2010, 26(2): 265~278. (IF=0.248)
[12] 吳聖川 ,張海鷗,王桂蘭,熊新紅 . 等離子無模成形葉輪的應力場分析與校核 . 焊接學報, 2007 , 28(6): 49~52 , 56.
[13] 王桂蘭, 吳聖川 ,張海鷗 . 複雜零件等離子無模成形的溫度場模擬 . 焊接學報, 2007 , 28(5): 49~52.
[14] 吳聖川 ,劉建華 . 鋁合金雷射 - 電弧複合焊的有限元模擬 . 航空製造技術, 2005 , (12): 74~76.
[15] 吳聖川 ,吳玉程 . ALOF- 新一代三維疲勞裂紋擴展分析系統 . 計算機輔助工程, 2011 年, 20(1): 136~140.
[16] 吳聖川 ,吳玉程 . 斷裂分析及 CAE 軟體的現狀與發展 . 計算機輔助工程, 2011 , 20(1): 1~2.