
他深入鄉村與古街區,用歷史文化人類學的方式對古蹟、場所、傳統文化實踐(如中醫)、儀禮詮釋、教育空間等做了一系列研究,其中較有特色的是通過打通物質與非物質界線,把民族志、地方志、文化記憶、口述史、中國經典等研究貫通,用“春秋書法”構建文化遺產的本土意義及其研究範式。這些研究以“微言大義”的話語倫理為視角,採用批判性民族志方法,強調用透明的深度描寫。貫穿其學術思想的一個共同主題是對存在、思與言之間關係的哲學探討,以全球價值觀和多元文化為內涵探討中華文明復興之路。支撐這一問題研究的理論綜合了中國古代哲學思想(如孔子、莊子)與西方後現代話語理論等。在語言教育領域,他提出用禮學挖掘教育之心靈,從結構主義語言學和認知心理學主導的知識體系走出來,讓語言意義回歸能與聖人對話的心靈碰撞中,即”代聖賢立言“ 。他主持的草根研究項目富陽”東塢山村文化遺產研究” 和衢州“水亭門街區文化遺產與記憶研究“ ,由於其獨特的文化視角和研究範式得到各界廣泛關注。他曾受政府、企業、村落等委託主持過眾多文化遺產研究項目,目前主持國家社科基金項目“坊巷文化遺產的本土話語重構與實踐研究”,並擔任世界銀行“山東孔孟文化遺產地保護和發展項目”以及衢州市政府古街區修復項目的諮詢專家。吳教授近年走訪世界各地,曾應邀在美國威斯康星大學麥迪遜分校、查普曼大學、利茲大學、香港大學、香港城市大學、北京大學、北京外國語大學、北京師範大學、澳大利亞塔斯馬尼亞大學、日本大阪大學、獨協大學、新加坡南洋理工大學等機構做過學術報告,傳播中國傳統文化。
Hou, S. & Wu, ZJ. (2017) Writing multi-discursive ethnography as critical discourse study: The case of the Wenchang Palace in Quzhou, China, Critical Discourse Studies, 14(1): 73-89. (SCI),
Wu, ZJ. & BL. Qin (2016) Zhao Mu: The presence of the past in the meaning[s] of Space in Confucius' Graveyard. International Journal of Intangible Heritage. Vol. 11. pp.17-34. (AHC)
Hou, S. & Wu, ZJ. (2016) Multi-Discursive Ethnography and the Re-Narration of Chinese Heritage: Stories about the Yueju Opera Performance at the Heavenly Queen Palace of Quzhou,Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies Vol.16 No.2,pp.197-222(AHC).
Zhang YC. & Wu, ZJ. (2016) The reproduction of heritage in a Chinese village: Whose heritage whose pasts. International Journal of Heritage Studies. Vol. 22(3). pp.228-241
Wu, ZJ. (2015) Making Person through Confucian Exegesis(在經文詮釋中塑造人)In Guoping Zhao & Zongyi Deng (eds)Re-envisioning Chinese Education: The Meaning of Person-Making in a New Age. NewYork: Routledge.
Hou,S. & Wu ZJ. (2015)歷史話語何以有用?從文化遺產探索批判話語分析的文化路徑, 《外語研究》,2015(3)pp.47-52.
Wu, ZJ.(2014)他山之石:全球視野下的文化遺產(Stone from other mountian: Cultural heritage from international perspectives).《國際學術動態》International Academic Review. 2014年06期.pp.1-3
Wu, ZJ. & Y. Yao (2014) 周道對大運河的啟示:本土遺產話語的道統源流(The Implication of Zhou Dao to the Search of Meanings of Grand Canal: Confucian Orthodoxy of Chinese Cultural Heritage) .《浙江大學學報》Journal of Zhejiang University, Vol,2014(5)
Wu, ZJ (2014) 宗族與城市文化肌理:鄒城南關家族空問民族志(Family and Urban Cultual Fabrics). In Wu, Fei 《神聖的家-在中西文明的比較視野下》. Beijing : Religion and Culture Press
Jin, B. & Wu, ZJ. (2014)歷史空間的文化意義接續與再生:鄒城子思祠遺址群空間意義解讀(Transmitting and Remaking Heritage Meanings in Historical Space: The Interpretation of Archaeological site of Zisi Temple《甘肅社會科學》2014.5. pp.229-233.
Qin, BL, Wu,.ZJ & Feng, Y.(2014)遺址歷史空間的深度繪圖及其經義接續(Renew the Past by Deep-maping the Historical Space in Henrtiage Sites)《東南文化》(Southeast Culture) Vol.234, (3).pp.15-24.
Wu, ZJ. (2014)歷史街區的深度空間敘述:鄒城為例(Deep Spatial Narrative of Historical Neighbourhood:The Case of Zoucheng)《新美術》(Journal of the National Academy of Arts), Vol.35(4). pp.38-42.
Han, C. & Wu, Z.J. (2014) Teacher Learning Across Boundaries: A Challenge to the Legitimacy of Language Teachers’ Disciplinary Knowledge. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education(SSCI).
Wu,Z. J. & Zhang C.(2014)從《史記》的文化書寫探討“中國故事”的講述(Records of the Grand Historian and the Discourse of China’s Story)《新聞與傳播研究》(Media and Communication Study) 2014(5).
Wu, Z.J. & Gao. J.Y.(2014)衢州水亭門:三街七巷文脈千年(Shuitingmen Neighbouhood: A thousand years of cultural flows)《中國國家旅遊》(China National Travel) 2014.4.pp.42-49.
Wu, Z.J. & Han (2014) Pedagogy Towards Diversity: A Cross-Cultural Approach to Historicizing the Present. InM. Pereyra & B. Franklin (eds.)Systems of Reason and the Politics of Schooling: School Reform and Sciences of Education in the Tradition of Thomas S.Popkewitz. New York: Routledge
Wu, Z. J. (2014)Let Fragments Speak for Themselves:Vernacular Heritage, Emptiness and Confucian Discourse of Narrating the Past.讓碎片說話:鄉土遺產、空缺與儒家歷史敘述International Journal of Heritage Studies. Vol.20(1) pp.1-15.(SSCI)(DOI:10.1080/13527258.2013.860392)
Wu, Z. J. (2014) ‘Speak in the place of the sages’:Rethinking the sources of pedagogic meanings‘代聖賢立言’:再考教育意義之源流.Journal of Curriculum Studies.(SSCI)Vol.46(3), pp.320-331 . (DOI:10.1080/00220272.2013.839005)
Qin,B.L & ZJ Wu (2013)歷史的空間轉向與遺址的古今會通(Spatial Turn in History and Heritage Site as An Interface between the Past and the Present)《文化藝術研究》Studies in Culture and Art, Vol.6(3).
Shen Xian (2013)以古為新,道行天下: 吳宗傑談中國大運河“申遺”的精神核心Wu Zongjie: Significance of Grand Canal of China as Heritage.《文化交流》(Cultural Dialogue) 2013第6期.
Wu, Z. J. & Yu Hua (2013)民族志與批判話語分析(Ethnography and Critical Discourse Studies)《外語與外語教學》271, p.11-16
Hou, S. & Z.J. Wu(2013) 遺產研究的話語視角:理論,方法,展望(Discourse Approach to Heritage Studies: Theory, Method and Prospect)《東南文化》(Southeast Culture) Vol.233, (3)(人大複印資料全文轉載).
Wu,Z. J. & Han C. (2013).“錫龍蹤跡”尋思(Reflection on "the Trail of Tim Dragon"),人民日報(People's Daily) 2013.4.17.
Wu, Z. J. (2013)Chinese Mode of Historical Thinking and its Transformation in Pedagogical Discourse. In T. Popkewitz (ed.) What Historians Of Education Can Learn From The History Of Education. Palgrave
Wu, Z. J. & Hou, S. (2012)批評話語研究的超學科與跨文化轉向——以文化遺產的中國話語重構為例(Transdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Turn of Critical Discourse Studies: A Case of Remaking Chinese Cultural Heritage Discourse)《廣州外語外貿大學學報》Vol23(6)
Hou, S. & Wu, Z. J. (2012) 話語分析與文化遺產的本土意義解讀——以衢州方誌中的“文昌殿”為例(Discourse Analysis and the interpretation of Indigenous Meanings of Cultural Heritage.《東南文化》(Southeast Culture) Vol.228, (4).
Wu, Z. J. & et al. (2012). 《水亭門文化遺產研究報告》Shuitingmen Street Heritage and Cultural Memory Studies: A Report submitted to Quzhou Municipal Government. Hangzhou: Institute of Cross-Cultural Studies & Centre for Intangible Heritage Studies of Zhejiang University.
2012, 重建坊巷文化肌理: 衢州水亭門街區文化遺產研究(Reweaving Cultural Fabrics of Neighborhood Heritage: The Case of Shuitingmen Street Cultural Heritage Study) , 《文化藝術研究》Studies in Culture and Art Vol.5(3). 《人大複印資料》文化研究專題2012年12期轉載
2012, 話語與文化遺產的本土意義建構(Recovering Indigenous Discourse of Cultural Heritage: A Chinese Challenge to Western Value of Heritage), 《浙江大學學報》 Journal of Zhejiang University, Vol.42(6).
Hou, S. & Z. Wu (2012) “古蹟”與遺產政治的跨文化解讀 (Ancient Traces and the Cross-Cultural Interpretations of the Politics of Heritage) , 《文化藝術研究》Studies in Culture and Art, Vol.5(1).
Wu,Z. (2011), Interpretation, Autonomy and Transformation: Chinese Pedagogical Discourse in a Cross-Cultural Perspective. 《Journal of Curriculum Studies》, Vol.43(5).
Wu, Z. & C. Han (2011) Cultural Transformation of Educational Discourse in China: Perspectives of Multiculturalism/Interculturalism. In Grant, Carl A & Agostino Portera (eds.) 《Intercultural and Multicultural Education: Enhancing Global Interconnectedness》. New York: Routledge.
吳宗傑、胡美馨(2010) 超越表征:中國話語的詮釋傳統及其當下觀照.《文史哲》2010(4).
Wu, Z. & M. Hu (2010) Ritual Hermeneutics as the Source of Meaning: Interpreting the Fabric of Chinese Culture, 《China Media Research》,Vol.6(2).
吳宗傑等(2009). 《東塢山村文化遺產研究報告》浙江大學非物質文化遺產研究中心.
吳宗傑(2009) 封建話語的敘述想像, 葉文憲,聶長順(編)《中國“封建”社會再認識》, 中國社會科學出版社.
吳宗傑(2009) 外語學科知識譜系學考辨《廣東外語外貿大學學報》Vol.20(4) 64-68.
吳宗傑(2008) 歷史學的解構與重構:泛化“封建”的話語分析《武漢大學學報》Vol.61(5) 522-527.
吳宗傑(2008) 外語教師發展的研究範式.《外語教學理論與實踐》(原國外外語教學) Vol.2008(3) 55-60.
吳宗傑(2008) 外語教學研究新視野:從教學走向教師《中國外語教育》Vol.1(1).
吳宗傑、黃愛鳳(2008) 探索型外語課程:RICH課程實踐與教師發展, 吳一安,周燕(編)《中國高校英語教師教育與發展研究》,外語教學與研究出版社.
熊金菊、吳宗傑(2007)師徒教師教育中的身份轉變,《寧波大學學報》(教育科學版)Vol.29(3) 33-37.
盧慧霞、吳宗傑(2007) 自主教學與教師專業發展《當代教育科學》2007(.
Shao, H. & Z. Wu (2007) Nurturing Language Learner Autonomy Through Caring Pedagogic Practice. In Barfield, Andy & Steve Brown (eds) 《Reconstructing Autonomy in Language Education:Inquiry and Innovation》, Palgrave Macmillan.
Wu, Z. & Q. Lv (2007) Discourse of Chinese medicine and Westernization. In Shi-xu (ed.) 《Discourse as Cultural Struggle》, Hong Kong University Press.
吳宗傑、呂慶夏(2006) 中醫語言西化的話語秩序分析,《醫學與哲學》Vol 27(4).
2006 Understanding practitioner research as a form of life: An Eastern interpretation of Exploratory Practice. 《Language Teaching Research》, Vol. 10.
2006 中西話語權勢關係的語言哲學探源:話語學的文化研究視角《浙江大學學報》, Vol.36(2). 《人大複印資料》、《高等學校文科學報文摘》轉載
2005 《Teachers' Knowing in Curriculum Change: A Critical Discourse Study of Language Teaching (教師知識與課程話語)》. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
2005 (黃愛鳳等)《外語課程與教師發展》安徽教育出版社& 人民教育出版社.
2005 (co-editors with Fang, & Zhao)《Cultural Diversity of Discourses: Facilitate Coexistence and Harmony (話語與和諧文化構建)》Zhejiang University Press.
吳宗傑、呂慶夏(2005) 中醫話語的語言哲學分析《浙江中醫學院學報》Vol.29(6)
Wu, Z. (2005) Being, Understanding and Naming: Teachers' Life and Work in Harmony, 《International Journal of Educational Research》, Vol. 41 307-323