南加州大學是美國第一所授予電影藝術學士學位的大學,學院最初的教職員包括道哥拉斯·范朋克 ,大衛·格里菲斯, Cecil B. DeMille , 恩斯特·劉別謙, Irving Thalberg, Darryl Zanuck等人。南加州大學電影藝術學院對美國電影,電視,電影研究,動畫,紀錄片,廣告以及互動媒體都頗有建樹。因此,學校一直在全美各大電影學院中排名第一。學院的校友包括了在全世界各專業院校的學者,藝術家,技術人員,編劇,導演以及電影工業的行政人員。許多校友都是各自領域的佼佼者。校友們榮獲過各種電影電視業界的獎項。從奧斯卡獎和艾美獎到美國及世界各大電影節,都留下了南加州大學電影藝術學院校友們的光輝成績。自1965年以來,平均每兩年就有一位校友獲得奧斯卡獎的提名。學院在保留傳統的同時,也在不斷改進已有的課程來適應不斷變化的媒體藝術與技術的新浪潮。南加州大學電影藝術學院努力地領導著電影,電視製作,電影教育和學術研究等各個方面。 許多電影公司、知名校友在捐建世界一流的電影電視中心,提供一流的教學設施和設備。 學校建有 喬治·盧卡斯教學樓、馬西婭·盧卡斯後期製作大樓、史蒂文·史匹柏電影配樂錄音棚、哈羅德·勞埃德攝影棚、約翰尼·卡森攝影棚等。

全美第一的影視藝術學院也許是南加大中最出名的學院,授予學位給文學考論,編劇,電影製片,電影創作,在2001年, 影劇學院新增了南加大互動多媒體部門,研究包括立體電影、超寬銀幕電影、沉寖體驗電影、互動電影、電玩、虛擬實境和行動多媒體等新媒體形態。 學院長期由多位傑出校友的大力支持,其中包含知名校友喬治·盧卡斯,朗霍華, 羅勃辛密克斯, 約翰米遼士, Ben Burtt和Bryan Singer.在2006年9月19日,南加大宣布喬治·盧卡斯捐贈了1億7千5百萬美金給南加大影視學院,這是南加大史上收到的最大單筆捐贈(也是第5筆超過1億的捐贈)。
Welcome to the USC School of Cinematic Arts, where we invite you to explore and expand the power and potential of film, television and new media.

Throughout the 20th century and now in the 21st, the School of Cinematic Arts has nurtured and inspired the writers, directors, scholars, entrepreneurs, producers, animators, interactive designers and others who have developed an unparalleled mastery in cinema, television and new media.
At the heart of their success is the knowledge and experience gained from the school’s unique and time-tested philosophy of forging a nexus where cinematic theory and practice meld with one another.
Since its founding in 1929, the school has served as a dynamic crucible where students and faculty transform their dreams into the new philosophies, technologies and artistic movements that influence how we entertain, educate and express ourselves.
Our programs provide a one-of-a-kind opportunity for women and men such as yourself, from regions as diverse as Europe, Asia, Africa and the

With hundreds of course offerings from which to select, you will readily discover the bounds for personal and artistic expression are limited only by the scope of your imagination. Drawing on the wisdom and vision of industry and academic leaders who provide hands-on guidance and direction, the School of Cinematic Arts experience covers virtually the entire creative process.
The breadth and depth of this environment will challenge you to draw from the world within you and the world around you. In doing so, you will hone your vision and add your voice to one of humanity’s grandest and most enduring traditions. I very much look forward to experiencing the result.