
學習英語的外國人往往難以確定某動詞可用於何種句子結構和模式中,他們知道“I liked to help him”和“I liked helping him”都是正確的用法,而不一定能覺察到“I disliked to help him”和“I disliked helping him”中。只有後一句是正確的。動詞的各種用法即稱為動詞的模式。牛津高階英漢雙解詞典共歸納了五大類32種模式表。掌握這些基本模式對更好的理解英語有著很大的意義。


動詞模式表 動詞模式表


2 Linking v. 2.1 La

she is beautiful

2.2 Ln

she is a teacher



5 Intransitive v.

5.1 I

she came

5.2 Ipr

she looked at me

5.3 Ip

she ran away

5.4 In/pr

the meeting lasted 3 hours/for 3 hours

5.5 It

she stopped to have a rest



11 Transitive v.

11.1 Tn

she opened the door

11.2 Tn.pr

she convinced me of her innocence

11.3 Tn.p

she shook the medicine up

11.4 Tf

she believed that...

11.5 Tw

she hadn't decided what we ought to do/what to do

11.6 Tt

she hated to do it

11.7 Tnt

she expect the parcel to arrive

11.8 Tg

she enjoys playing basketball

11.9 Tsg

she dread Bob/Bob's taking over the business

11.10 Tng

she spotted a man waving in the crowd

11.11 Tni

she watched him put on his coat



6 Complex Transitive v.

6.1 Cna

She kept the child quiet

6.2 Cnn

she made it a rule

6.3 Cn.n/a

she accepts danger as the truth/as true

6.4 Cn.t

she forced the criminals to give up their arms

6.5 Cn.g

she got the machine running

6.6 Cn.i

She would not let the child do it



8 Double Transitive v.

8.1 Dn.n

she teaches us English

8.2 Dn.pr

she teaches English to us

8.3 Dn.f

She told me that she would be back in an hour

8.4 Dpr.f

she announced to me that she would be back in an hour

8.5 Dn.w

she reminded them where they should leave their luggage/where to leave their luggage

8.6 Dpr.w

you should indicate to them where they are to assemble/where to assemble

8.7 Dn.t

she warned us not to go out at night

8.8 Dpr.t

She signed to us to stop talking



