長期從事無機功能陶瓷材料、無機膜材料製備與性能、納米粉體製備、固體電解質和燃料電池研究,曾承擔國家和安徽省自然科學基金“Cd系複合氧化物製備、組成、結構和敏感功能物性研究”,“新型中溫燃料電池關鍵材料的研究”,“新穎凝膠澆注法製備先進技術陶瓷”,“採用天然瓷土製備高溫陶瓷過濾膜過程機理及氣-固膜套用評價”等課題;參加安徽省“七五”攻關項目、科學院“八五”攻關項目,是“無機材料固體化學”,“無機催化分離膜材料”和“無機膜軟化學製備和傳質過程”等國家自然科學基金重點項目的主要參加者。迄今共發表論文70 余篇, 申請專利4 項。中國儀表學會材料分會理事;全國氣濕敏專業委員會副主任。
(1) 國家重大基礎研究《973》項目”陶瓷膜的製備科學及其與污染物的相互作用研究”
(2) 國家高科技發展《863》項目”中溫氧化物燃料電池關鍵材料和技術”
(3) 國家高科技發展《863》項目”5千瓦天然氣SOFC發電系統”
A list of recent papers
1.Ji-Gui Cheng, Shao-Wu Zha ,Jia Huang, XingqinLIU, Guang-Yao Meng
Sintering behavior and electrical conductivity of Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 powder prepare by the gel-casting process
Materials Chemistry and Physics 78(2003)791-795
2. Jianfeng Gao, Xingqin Liu, Dingkun Peng, Guangyao Meng,
Electrochemical behavior of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2O3-d(Ln = Ce, Gd, Sm, Dy)materials used as cathode of IT - SOFC
Catalysis today 82 (2003)207 – 211
3. Yafei Liu, Jianfeng Gao, Xingqin Liu, Guangyao Meng
Microstructure and electrical properties of porous Y1-xCaxFeO3 cathode materials by gelcasting process,
SolidStateIonics 152-153(2002)531-536
4. Yafei Liu, Xingqin Liu, Guangyao Meng
Kinetics of the reactive sintering of kaolinite aluminum hydroxide extrudate
Ceramics International 28 (2002) 479-486
5. Gao feng , Xingqin Liu
The catalytic effects of the Mg2+-doping on the ethanol-sensing properties of Cd2Sb2O6.8
Sensors and Actuators B 77 (2001)653-656
6. Yafei Liu, Xingqin Liu, Guangyao Meng
Low cost porous mullitecorundumceramics by gelcasting
J. of Mater. Science 36(2001)3687-3692
7. Yafei Liu, Xingqin Liu, Guangyao Meng
Porous mullite ceramics from national clay produced by gelcasting,
Ceramics International, 27(2001)1-7
8. Yafei Liu, Xingqin Liu, Guangyao Meng
A novel route of synthesizing La1-xSrxCoO3 by microwave irradiation
Materials Letters 48(2001)176-183
9. 賴煒,劉杏芹
10. Xiangfeng Chu, Xingqin Liu, Guangyao Meng
Effects of CdO dopant on the gas sensitivity properties of ZnFe2O4 ,
Sensors and Actuators ,B 65 (2000)64-67
11. Xiangfeng Chu, Xingqin Liu, Guangyao Meng
The effect ofLN3+ (Ln=Y,Nd) on the gas-sensing properties of CdIn2O4
Sensors and Actuators,B 67 (2000)290-293
12. Shanwen Tao, Xingqin Liu
Preparation & gas-sensing properties of CuFe2O4 at reduced temperature,
Mat. Sci. Eng., B-Solid, 77 (2) (2000) 172-176