1. 生物器官的發育機理研究:以模式生物果蠅、家蠶等為研究材料,克隆與生物器官發育等密切相關的功能基因,探討這些基因對生物器官的發育調控機制。
2. 神經發育調控機理研究:利用果蠅、家蠶等為研究材料,研究神經網路的形成、神經生長導向機制,通過對神經生長導向因子的研究為糾正神經系統的發育畸形、促進損傷後神經元軸突的分枝和軸突網路的再形成提供理論依據。
3. 生物進化機理研究:主要研究轉錄調控因子和神經生長調控因子的進化機制。
1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:轉錄因子Midline對動物器官發育的調控機理研究(31571502),2016-2019年
2. 中國重大科學研究計畫課題(973):家蠶幹細胞與組織器官分化研究(2012CB114603),2012-2016年
3. 農業部948項目:高效植物纖維分解微生物菌劑的引進和在秸稈還田上的套用(2015-Z62),2015-2016年
4. 山東省科技發展計畫:廣食性家蠶種質資源分子技術的研究和資源創新(2014GNC110001),2014-2017年
5. 山東省農業重大套用技術創新項目:廣食性蠶品種人工飼料育技術研究與示範,2015-2017年
6. 農業部948項目:廣食性家蠶種質資源的引進與利用(2012-Z31),2012-2013年
7. 國家自然科學基金專項基金項目:神經軸突導向因子Slit及其受體Robo的起源和進化機理研究(31240037),2012年。
南極擬三列真蘚BpMBF1基因及其套用,專利號:ZL 2011 1 0416330.5。
1. Xiao-Tong Li, Qi Yu, Qi-Sheng Zhou, Xiao Zhao, Zhao-Yang Liu, Wei-Zheng Cui, Qing-Xin Liu *. BmRobo1a and BmRobo1b control axon replusion in the silkworm Bombyx mori. Gene, 2016, 577(2):215-220.
2. Xiao-Tong Li, Qi Yu, Qi-Sheng Zhou, Xiao Zhao, Zhou-Yang Liu, Wei-Zheng Cui, Qing-Xin Liu *. BmRobo2/3 is required for axon guidance in the silkworm Bombyx mori. Gene, 2016, 577(2):174-179.
3. Xiao Zhao, Zhao-Yang Liu, Qing-Xin Liu *. Gene coexpression networks reveal key drivers of phenotypic divergence in porcine muscle. BMC Genomics, 2015, 16(1):50.
4. Qing-Xin Liu *, Xian-Feng Wang, Kazuho Ikeo, Susumu Hirose, Walter J. Gehring and Takashi Gojobori . Evolutionarily conserved transcription factor Apontic controls the G1/S progression by inducing cyclin E during eye development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2014, 111(26):9497-9502.
5. Qi Yu, Xiao-Tong Li, Chun Liu, Wei-Zheng Cui, Zhi-Mei Mu, Xiao Zhao, and Qing-Xin Liu *. Evolutionarily Conserved Repulsive Guidance Role of Slit in the Silkworm Bombyx mori. PLoS One. 2014; 9(10): e109377.
6. Ling Huang, Xiao Zhao, Qi Yu, Wei-Zheng Cui and Qing-Xin Liu *. Evidence for the coevolution of axon guidance molecule Netrin and its receptor Frazzled. Gene, 2014, 544(1):25-31.
7. Qi Yu, Xiao-Tong Li, Xiao Zhao, Xun-Li Liu, Kazuho Ikeo, Takashi Gojobori and Qing-Xin Liu *. Coevolution of axon guidance molecule Slit and its receptor Robo. PloS one , 2014, 9(5):e94970.
8. Xiao Zhao, Qi Yu, Ling Huang and Qing-Xin Liu *. Patterns of positive selection of the myogenic regulatory factor gene family in vertebrates. PloS one, 2014, 9(3):e92873.
9. Ying-Ping Gai, Xue-Juan Han, Yi-Qun Li, Chuan-Zhong Yuan, Yao-Yao Mao, Fang-Yue Guo, Qing-Xin Liu and Xian-Ling Ji . Metabolomic analysis reveals the potential metabolites and pathogenesis involved in mulberry yellow dwarf disease. Plant, cell & environment, 2014, 37(6):1474-1490.
10. Hui-Ju Gao, Xiang Chu,Yan-Wen Wang, Fei Zhou, Kai Zhao, Zhi-Mei Mu, and Qing-Xin Liu. Media optimization for laccase production by Trichoderma harzianum ZF-2 using response surface methodology. Journal of microbiology and biotechnology, 2013, 23(12):1757-1764.
11. Xian-Ling Ji, Wen-Ting Zhang, Ying-Ping Gai, Bao-Yun Lu, Chuan-Zhong Yuan, Qing-Xin Liu, Zhi-Mei Mu. Patterns of lignocellulose degradation and secretome analysis of Trametes trogii MT. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2012, 75:55-62.
12. Zhen Song, Qing-Xin Liu, Hui Guo, Rui-Cheng Ju, Yu-Hua Zhao, Jin-Yu Li, Xun-Li Liu. Tostadin, a novel antibacterial peptide from an antagonistic microorganism Brevibacillus brevis XDH. Bioresource technology, 2012, 111:504-506.
13. Qing-Xin Liu, Masaki Hiramoto, Hitoshi Ueda, Takashi Gojobori, Yasushi Hiromi, and Susumu Hirose. Midline governs axon pathfinding by coordinating expression of two major guidance systems. Genes & development, 2009, 23(10):1165-1170.
14. Qing-Xin Liu, Naomi Nakashima-Kamimura, Kazuho Ikeo, Susumu Hirose, and Takashi Gojobori. Compensatory change of interacting amino acids in the coevolution of transcriptional coactivator MBF1 and TATA-box-binding protein. Molecular biology and evolution, 2007, 24(7):1458-1463.