
Readin ation Readin


作 者:黃桂友,吳冰 著
叢 書 名:北京外國語大學2007年學術著作系列
出 版 社:外語教學與研究出版社
版 次:1
頁 數:327
裝 幀:平裝
開 本:32開




TheEast,theWest,andtheGlobalinAsian American Literature.
Race,Gender,and Hollywood’S Asians,1984-2004
Reading Chinese American Literature as“introspection Literature”
Manzanar and Nomonhan:The Relocation of Japanese/American War Memory in Tropic of Orange and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
The Gendered Representation of Memory through FetalImagery:AGestureLifeandComfort Woman
Reconstituting Memory:The Post-colonial Travel Narrative in Eye ofthe Fish.
The Myth of Home and Mobility in Shawn WongS Homebase
Wall andWaveintheWritingofMei-mei Berssenbrugge
Female Narrative as a Strategy in KingstonS The Woman Warrior and TanS The Joy Luck Club
The Global in Recent Asian North American Narratives
melancholia and the RecOnstruction of Subjectivity in Fae Myenne NgS Bone
The Rhetoric of the Double Negative:Canadian Diasporic Chinese Literatures
The Poetry of Cathy Song
Challenging Racism with Pan-Asianism:Learning Resistance through Failure in Frank ChinS “The Sons of Chan”
Chinese American manhood in Gus Lee’S T/gers Tail
Why Is There Orientalism in Chinese American Literature7
The Reconciling Art of a trickster Artist:Reading Tripmaster Monkey in the Context of Asian American Gender Politics
A Transnational Feminist Reading of Kyoko MORIS Polite Lies
Transpacific:Malaysia,California,and Female Mobility in Sister Swing
Notes on the Editors and Contributors


