雄偉的和多樣化的俄羅斯繪畫總是取悅觀眾,其波動性和完美的藝術形式。這是由著名的藝術大師的作品的主要特徵。他們總是驚訝他的工作,急著要尊重她的感受和情緒,每個人的不尋常的做法。 並非毫無高爾基曾經說過,藝術家 - 他的國家,他的聲音在整個時代的心臟。事實上,莊嚴和優雅的俄羅斯藝術家的畫作生動地傳達他的靈感。像著名作家契訶夫的願望,很多人追捧引進俄羅斯繪畫獨特的風味其人,以及不能消滅的視覺美感。 我們希望,我們的應用程式將幫助你擺脫日常的煩惱,並進入你的生活帶來一點點的幸福時刻。 ☆突出特點?超過100個俄羅斯畫家的200幅畫 ?分離世紀的繪畫作品,流派,作者 majestic and diverse Russian paintings always pleases audiences with its volatility and the perfection of artistic form. This is main feature of works by famous masters of art. They are always surprised by his unusual approach to work, anxious to respect her feelings and emotions of each person. Not for nothing Maxim Gorky once said that the artist - is the heart of his country, his voice throughout the era. Indeed, the stately and elegant paintings of Russian artists vividly convey the inspiration of his time. Like the aspirations of the famous author Anton Chekhov, and many sought to introduce into Russian paintings unique flavor of its people, as well as the inextinguishable vision of beauty. We hope that our application will help you to break away from everyday worries, and bring into your life a little happy moments. Feature Highlights 200 paintings by over 100 Russian painters Separation of paintings by century, genre, author Saving pictures to photoalbum Easily search, Custom filter results, Favorites Slideshow Send pictures via email Public pictures on Facebook