
Jian Jian Jian

余建清博士,副教授,碩士生導師聯繫方式地址:武漢市武昌珞珈山武漢大學藥學院;郵編: 430072主要經歷2003-2005 武漢大學生命科學學院博士,2008-2009加拿大University of Waterloo博士後, 1998-2000湖北中醫學院碩士,1984-1988湖北中醫學院本科。1988-2005 工作於武漢大學人民醫院,2006至今武漢大學藥學院學術兼職湖北省生物物理學會理事研究興趣及方向天然藥物生物活性成分及作用機制;抗腫瘤藥物作用機制;藥物新製劑近期承擔課題國家自然科學基金面上項目(32萬元,2010-2012)湖北省自然科學基金 (3萬元,2005-2007)湖北省教育廳基金1項 (2005-2007)及多項橫向課題;同時參與國家及省市科研項目多項近年代表性論著(1) Jian Qing Yu, Hui Bin Liu, Dai Zhi Tian, Yan Wen Liu, Jia Chuan Lei, Guo Lin Zou. Changes in mitochondrial membrane potential and reactive oxygen species during wogonin-induced cell death in human hepatoma cells.Hepatology Research, 2007, 37: 68�76.(2) Jianqing Yu, Huibin Liu, Jiachuan Lei, Wenjie Tan, Xianming Hu, Guolin Zou. Antitumor activity of chloroform fraction of Scutellaria barbata and its active constituents. Phytotherapy Research, 2007,21: 817�822.(3) Jian-Oing Yu, Zhi-Xiong Liao, Jia-Chuan Lei, Xian-Ming Hu. Antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of various fractions of ethanol extract of Dianthus SUPERBUS. Food Chemistry, 2007, 104(3):1215-1219.(4) Jian Qing Yu, Zhi Xiong Liao, Xiao Qiang Cai, Jia Chuan Lei, Guo Lin Zou.Composition, antimicrobial activity and cytotoxicity of essential oils from Aristolochia mollissima. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2007, 23: 162�167.(5)Jianqing Yu, Jiachuan Lei, Huaidong Yu, Guolin Zou. Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Scutellaria barbata. Phytochemistry, 2004, 65: 881-884.(6) 余建清,於懷東,鄒國林. 墨旱蓮揮髮油化學成分的研究.中國藥學雜誌, 2005,40(12):895-896.


