1. 材料和器件輻射效應研究
2. 輻射劑量學研究
3. 光子和電子蒙特卡羅輸運計算
1. C. He, M. Geso, T. Ackerly and C.J. Wong, Stereotactic dose perturbation from an aneurysm clip measured by Gafchromic®EBT film, Australas Phys Eng Sci Med, Vol. 31 No. 1, 2008.
2.C.J. Wong, T. Ackerly, C. He, W. Patterson, C.E. Powell, A. Ho, G. Qiao,D.H. Solomon, R. Meder, M. Geso, High-resolution measurements of small field beams using polymer gels, Appl. Radiat. Isot. 65 (2007) 1160–1164
3. C.J. Wong,T.Ackerly,C.He, W.Patterson, C.E. Powell, G. Qiao, D.H. Solomon, R. Meder,M.Geso,Small field size dose-profile measurements using gel dosimeters, ,Radiat. Meas., 44 (2009) 249–256.
4. W. N. Rahman, N. Bishara, T. Ackerly,C. He, P. Jackson,C.J. Wong,R. Davidson, M. Geso, Enhancement of radiation effects by gold nanoparticles for superficial radiation therapy, Nanomedicine, 5 (2009) 136–142.
5. M. Geso T. Ackerly, S. Brown, Z. Chua, C. He, C. J. Wong, C. E. Powell,A.Ho, G. Qiao, D. H. Solomon, W. Patterson, J. M. Droege. Determination of dosimetric perturbations caused by aneurysm clip in stereotactic radiosurgery using gel phantoms and EBT-Gafchromic films. Med. Phys. Vol.35, No.2, 744-752 (2008)