







1、I had no outlook, but an uplook rather. My place in society was at the bottom.

【Jack London: What Life Means to Me】

2、Modern journalism justifies its own existence by the great Darwinian principle of the survival of the vulgarest. 【Oscar Wilde】 [the survival of the fittest]


3、Where there is a will, there is a lawsuit. 有遺囑必有官司。

4、Twinkle, twinkle, little bat! 小小蝙蝠眨眼睛,

How I wonder what you’re at! 你在幹嘛我說不清,

Up above the world you fly! 高高在上把翅展,

Like a teatray in the sky! 好似空中一茶盤。

5、To eat is human; to digest, divine. 【Mark Twain】[To err is human; to forgive, divine]

6、One nonlinguistic explanation of failure at school is that you can take a child to Euclid but you can’t make him think. 7、Red Star Over Hongkong. 【Times, July14, 1997】

8、Let us have faith that right makes might and dare to do our duty as we understand it.

【Abraham Lincoln】 讓我們相信公理即強權,明白職責就要敢於盡職。

9、To Lie Or Not To Lie--- The Doctor’s Dilemma

【To be, or not to be: that is the question. Hamlet】

10、“I won’t have Ralph upset. After all,” she grinned, “a husband in hand is worth two in bush.” [A bird in hand is worth two in bush.]

11、A friend in need is a friend to be avoided.

12、Socialism places the human being at the center of things, not the machine, not the Almighty Dollars, not the maximum profits of billionaires. [the Almighty God]

13、He intended to take an opportunity this afternoon of speaking to Irene. A word in time saves nine…【John Galsworthy】 [A stitch in time saves nine.]

14、Don’t put off till tomorrow what can be enjoyed today. 【Josh Billings】

15、---“I was brought up rich.” ---“Yeah,” I said, “You were born with a Cadillac in your mouth.” [to be born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth]

邱吉爾在呼籲援助的時候引用狄更斯名著<<霧都孤兒>>的話說,give me more非常有效果。

仿擬(parody) 仿擬是為了表示新的內容所進行的修辭性改造.它可用在許多地方,但廣告無疑是一塊可以大事發揮仿擬的肥沃土地.廣告為了爭奪潛在顧客,常常藉助仿擬修辭格.在廣告中,仿擬可以分為"仿詞","仿語"和"仿句".《大學英語》中就有許多仿擬辭格(Parody),如:Lady Hermits---Down But Not Out. (潦而不倒的女隱士們) 它仿擬的是習語down and out(貧困潦倒);To Lie or Not To Lie,that is a question 它仿擬的是莎士比亞名著哈姆雷特的名句:To be or not to be,that is a question。



