
The creatively dressed Eighth Division Captain. As his overcoat, hat, and stubble might indicate, Shunsui is someone who lives life in a carefree manner. He loves to nap, joke, drink, and generally be laid-back about everything that comes his way. When things get serious, however, Shunsui shows that beneath his whimsical exterior lies intelligence, skill, and a sensitive and compassionate character that hates to watch suffering.
Shunsuihas an excellent relationship with his vice-captain (if somewhat love-hate on her part), and is also good friends with Thirteenth Division Captain Ukitake Juushiro, who, along with Shunsui himself, was one of the first graduates of Yamamoto Genryuusai's shinigami academy. It seems that Shunsui also has a good relation with Yamamoto, having coined the nickname "Yama-jii."When Shunsui is forced to fight, he wields the twin-blade zanpaku-to Katen Kyoukotsu with awesome skill.
About KyourakuShunsui's zanpaku-to
Katen Kyoukotsu(Flower Sky, Crazy Bones)
Wielder: Kyouraku Shunsui, 8th div. Captain
First ShiKai: Chapter 156, vol 18, Welcome to Purgatory
First Bankai: no sign of one yet.
One of the few slightly odd normal-form zanpaku-to, Katen Kyoukotsu isn't a single blade, but rather a pair-- the traditional samurai set of a katana and wakizashi. Their crossguards are rectangles with the corners cut off, decorated by a pattern of cherry petals and lines.
Katen Kyoukotsuis, along with Sougyo no Kotowari, one of only two zanpaku-to that has a twin-blade Shikai.
Reciting this short poem:
Hanakaze midarete (Flowered breeze flutters)
Kashinnaki (Flower god weeps)
Tenpuu midarete (Heaven's gale blows)
Tenma warau (Heaven's demon laughs)
...Captain Kyouraku sets the two blades against each other in a cross, then pulls. When the flash clears, Katen Kyoukotsu has become a pair of huge, heavily curved scimitars. The hilt and crossguards of each are still the same as they were in Katen Kyoukotsu's normal-form, but long, full tassles dangle from the end of each. It's kinda hard to tell, but I Do Believe that the left-handed blade is slightly larger than the right-handed one.Unfortunately, the manga cuts away at a convenient point, so we don't know what Katen Kyoukotsu can do yet.