圖書信息:作 者:郭公仕 編著
出 版 社:齊魯書社

頁 數:230
字 數:250千字
印刷時間:2011-11-1開 本:大16開
紙 張:銅版紙
印 次:1
I S B N:9787533325060
包 裝:精裝
序 Forward
概述 Introduction
石玉器 Stone Tools and Jade Wares
石錛 Stone Adze
石錛 Stone Adze
石鏟 Stone Spade
石鏟 Stone Spade
石鏟 Stone Spade
石鐮 Stone Sickle
石璋 Stone Zhang
石斧 Stone Axe
玉鏟 Jade Spade
玉琮 Jade Cong
雙孔玉鉞 Jade Yue –Axe with Two Holes
玉鉞 Jade Yue -Axe
玉鉞 Jade Yue -Axe
玉鉞 Jade Yue -Axe
玉鉞 Jade Yue -Axe
玉砭 Jade Needle
竹節玉鐲 Jade Bangle with Bamboo Joints Design
玉瑗 Jade Yuan
玉臂環 Jade Arm-Ring
玉臂環 Jade Arm-Ring
玉璧 Jade Bi -Disc
玉鉞 Jade Yue -Axe
玉鉞 Jade Yue -Axe
玉鉞 Jade Yue -Axe
玉鉞 Jade Yue -Axe
嵌綠松石玉鉞 Jade Yue -Axe inlaid with Mosaic Turquoise
大玉刀 Big Jade Knife
玉鏟 Jade Spade
玉鳥飾件 Jade Bird Ornament
玉璇璣 Jade Pivot Xuanji
小玉璧 Small Jade Bi -Disc
小玉璧 Small Jade Bi -Disc
玉璧 Jade Bi -Disc
玉舞人 Jade Dancer
玉舞人 Jade Dancer
玉璜 Jade Huang -Pendant
雙龍形玉佩 Jade Plate of Double Dragon
玉觿 Jade Xi
心形玉佩 Jade Plate of Heart Shape
玉帶板 Jade Girdles
玉鐲 Jade Bangle
玉劍璏 Jade Sword Slide
玉劍璏 Jade Sword Slide
玉山 Jade Mountain
玉杯 Jade Cup
玉雕雙魚 Jade Sculpture of Double Fish
玉釵 Jade Chai-Hairpin
玉簪 Jade Zan-Hairpin
玉鐲 Jade Bangle
陶瓷器 Potteries and Porcelains
紅陶盉 Red Pottery He-Vessle
紅陶鬹 Red Pottery Gui-Pitcher
紅陶鼎 Red Pottery Ding -Tripod
紅陶鼎 Red Pottery Ding -Tripod
白陶鬹 White Pottery Gui -Pitcher
白陶鬹 White Pottery Gui -Pitcher
流口陶杯 Pottery Cup with Spout
單耳陶杯 Pottery Cup with Single Handle
陶尊形罐 Pottery Zun-Jar
流口陶罐 Pottery Guan-Jar with Spout
陶盂 Pottery Yu-Basin
陶缽 Pottery Bowl
單耳陶杯 Pottery Cup with Single Handle
陶壺 Pottery Hu-Jar
陶壺 Pottery Hu-Jar
陶壺 Pottery Hu-Jar
陶杯 Pottery Cup
陶尊 Pottery Zun-Jar
陶罐 Pottery Guan-Jar
薄胎高柄杯 Pottery Thin-walled Bei -Goblet
陶鬹 Pottery Gui-Pitcher
陶鼎 Pottery Ding-Tripod
陶甗 Pottery Yan-Steamer
陶盆 Pottery Pen-Basin
陶豆 Pottery Dou Stem Bowl
陶豆 Pottery Dou Stem Bowl
三足盆 Pottery Tripod Pen-Basin
單耳陶杯 Pottery Cup with Single Handle
三足單耳陶杯 Pottery Tripod Cup with Single Handle
單耳陶杯 Pottery Cup with Single Handle
單耳陶杯 Pottery Cup with Single Handle
單耳陶杯 Pottery Cup with Single Handle
三足單耳陶杯 Pottery Tripod Cup with Single Handle
蛋殼陶高柄杯 Egg-Shell Black Bei-Goblet
蛋殼陶高柄杯 Egg-Shell Black Bei-Goblet
高柄杯 Pottery Goblet
雙耳黑陶罐 Pottery Guan-Jar with Double-Ears
陶罐 Pottery Guan-Jar
陶鬲 Pottery Li-Tripod
紅陶鬲 Red Pottery Li-Tripod
陶鼎 Pottery Ding-Tripod
釉陶長頸瓶 Glazed Vase with Long Neck
釉陶雙耳壺 Glazed Hu- Jar with Double Ears
釉陶雙耳壺 Glazed Hu- Jar with Double Ears
釉陶壺 Glazed Hu-Jar
三彩罐 Tricolor (Sancai) Guan-Jar
瓷罐 Porcelain Guan-Jar
青釉執壺 Green-Glazed Hu-Jar
開片瓷瓶 Porcelain Cracked Glaze Vase
缽 Bo-Bowl
青花瓷豆 Blue and White Dou Stem Bowl
四足盤 Plate with Four feet
扦瓶 Qian Vase
長頸瓶 Vase with Long Neck
鐵龍瓶 Vase with Black Dragon Design
天球瓶 Celestial Globe Vase
青花瓷盤 Blue and White Plate
瓷罐 Porcelain Guan-Jar
扦瓶 QianVase
六棱扦瓶 Hexagonal Qian Vase
高頸小扦瓶 Small Qian Vase with Long Neck
青銅(鐵)器 Bronze and Iron Wares
銅鼎 Bronze Ding-Tripod
銅鼎 Bronze Ding-Tripod
銅鼎 Bronze Ding-Tripod
銅鼎 Bronze Ding-Tripod
銅鼎 Bronze Ding-Tripod
銅鬲 Bronze Li-Tripod
銅鬲 Bronze Li-Tripod
銅罍 Bronze Lei
銅舟 Bronze Boat-Shaped Vessel
銅壺 Bronze Hu-Jar
陳逆簠 Fu-Vessel with Chenni inscription
銅劍 Bronze Sword
銅劍 Bronze Sword
銅劍 Bronze Sword
銅鼎 Bronze Ding-Tripod
銅戈 Bronze Ge-Dagger Axe
銅帶鉤 Bronze Belt Hook
銅鼎 Bronze Ding-Tripod
三齒耙 Harrow with Three Teeth
銅勺 Bronze Spoon
銅盆 Bronze Basin
銅雙耳壺 Bronze Hu-Jar with Double Ear
雙耳扁腹壺 Bronze oblate Hu-Jar with Double Ear
熏爐 Bronze censer
日有熹銅鏡 Bronze Mirror with Riyouxi Inscription
日光鏡 Bronze Sunshine Mirror
螭紋鏡 Bronze mirror with Hornless Dragon Pattern
洗 Bronze Xi-Basin
匜 Bronze Yi-Ladle
木瑟弦捺 Post Heads of Wood Se-Instrument
鎏金銅佛 gilt Bronze Buddha Statue
貨幣、錢範 Coins and Coin Moulds
刀幣 Knife Money
鑄范 Cast Mould
布幣 Spade-shaped Money
蟻鼻錢 Ant Nose Coin
“五銖”方孔圓錢 “Wu Zhu” Round Coin with Square Hole
“開元通寶”方孔圓錢 “Kai Yuan Tong Bao”Round Coin with Square Hole
“太平通寶”方孔圓錢 "Tai Ping Tong Bao" Round Coin with Square Hole
“淳化元寶”方孔圓錢 "Chun Hua Yuan Bao" Round Coin with Square Hole
“鹹平元寶”方孔圓錢 "Xian Ping Yuan Bao"Round Coin with Square Hole
“淳化元寶”方孔圓錢 “Chun Hua Yuan Bao”Round Coin with Square Hole
“祥符元寶” 方孔圓錢 "Xiang Fu Yuan Bao"Round Coin with Square Hole
“天禧通寶”方孔圓錢 “Tian Xi Tong Bao”Round Coin with Square Hole
“明道元寶”方孔圓錢 "Ming Dao Yuan Bao"Round Coin with Square Hole
“皇宋通寶”方孔圓錢 "Huang Song Tong Bao" Round Coin with Square Hole
“治平元寶”方孔圓錢 "Zhi Ping Yuan Bao"Round Coin with Square Hole
“熙寧重寶”方孔圓錢 "Xi Ning Zhong Bao" Round Coin with Square Hole
“崇寧重寶”方孔圓錢 "Chong Ning Zhong Bao"Round Coin with Square Hole
“政和通寶”方孔圓錢 "Zheng He Tong Bao" Round Coin with Square Hole
“宣和通寶”方孔圓錢 "Xuan He Tong Bao"Round Coin with Square Hole
“建炎通寶”方孔圓錢 "Jian Yan Tong Bao"Round Coin with Square Hole
“洪武通寶”方孔圓錢 "Hong Wu Tong Bao"Round Coin with Square Hole
“順治通寶”方孔圓錢 "Shun Zhi Tong Bao"Round Coin with Square Hole
“雍正通寶”方孔圓錢 "Yong Zheng Tong Bao"Round Coin with Square Hole
“乾隆通寶”方孔圓錢 "Qiang Long Tong Bao" Round Coin with Square Hole
印章 Seals
銅璽 Bronze Imperial Xi
詔板 Bronze Imperial Rescripts
劉祖私印 Seal with Scripts of“Liu Zu Si Yin”
“有未難名只自知”印 Seal with scripts of “You Wei Nan Ming Zhi Zi Zhi”
“紙窗竹屋燈火青熒”印 Seal with scripts of “Zhi Chuang Zhu Wu Deng Huo Qing Ying”
邕洲氏書畫印 Seal with scripts of “Yong Zhou Shi Shu Hua Yin”
“封護”印 Seal with scripts of “Feng Hu”
玉印 Jade Seal
“桃花源里人家”印 Seal with scripts of “Tao Hua Yuan Li Ren Jia”
碑石刻 Inscriptions on Stone Tablets and Rock
“白鶴樓”石刻 Inscriptions of “Bai He Lou”
“大槐安境”石刻 Inscriptions of “Da Huai An Jing”
“洗耳”石刻 Inscriptions of “Xi Er”
“峰丫嶺”石刻 Inscriptions of “Feng Ya Ling”
“雲岫”石刻 Inscriptions of “Yun Xiu”
“柱史丁公祠”碑刻 Inscriptions of “Zhu Shi Ding Gong Ci”
“羲皇上人”碑刻 Inscriptions of “Xi Huang Shang Ren”
柱史丁公石祠記”碑刻 Inscriptions of “Zhu Shi Ding Gong Ci Ji”
四首”碑刻 Inscriptions of “Ti Shao Bin Ding Xian Fu Gong Zu Shi Ci Si Shou”
“祭文”碑刻 Inscriptions of “Ji Wen”
“遊覽諸公留題”碑刻 Inscriptions of “You Lan Zhu Gong Liu Ti”
祠堂歌”碑刻 Inscriptions of “Jiu Xian Shan Ye Ding Xian Fu Xian Sheng Ci Tang Ge”
“山中即事”碑刻 Inscriptions of “Shan Zhong Ji Shi”
“送丁先生藏主山中”碑刻 Inscriptions of “Song Ding Xian Sheng Cang Zhu Shan Zhong”
“寄題”碑刻 Inscriptions of “Ji Ti”
“仰止坊”石刻 Inscriptions of “Yang Zhi Fang”
“山高水長”石刻 Inscriptions of “Shan Gao Shui Chang”
“詠聯”石刻 Inscriptions of “Yong Lian”
碑記”碑 Inscriptions of “Chi Jian Hu Guo Wan Shou Guang Ming Si Bei Ji”
寺碑記”碑刻 Inscriptions of “Chong Jian Da Hu Guo Wan Shou Guang Ming Si Bei Ji”
“重修五蓮山寺記”碑刻 Inscriptions of “Chong Xiu Wu Lian Shan Si Ji”
其他 Others
丹土城址 Site of Dantu Town
齊長城 Great Wall of Qi
牌孤城 Site of Paigu Town
九仙山大佛 Large Buddha Statue on Jiuxian Mountain
望海樓 Wanghai Tower
護國萬壽光明寺 Huguo Wanshou Guangming Temple
柱史丁公祠與仰止坊 Stone Ancestral Temple of Dinggong and Yangzhifang Site
編後 Postscript