



一發而不可收拾 (yī fā ér bù kě shōu shí)



示例:他心中惡念越積越重,終有一日堤防潰決,~,只有盼他善念滋長,惡念漸消,方能入於證道之境。 ★金庸《神鵰俠侶》第三十回

絕對指壞事 貶義詞




A hair get out of hand


如果政府沒有介入,流向那些被認為肯定不會破產的大銀行的擠兌風波,會 不可收拾

If it had failed to do so, the flight to institutions deemed "too big to fail" would have become a gadarene rush.

有很多的苗頭,如果不加以注意的話,經濟狀況就會 不可收拾

Many signs seem to have emerged, and if we're not vigilant, the economic situation will be difficult to rein in.

我對你的景仰之情猶如滔滔江水連綿不絕,又如黃河之水眾多 不可收拾

For you my admiration like a river in an unbroken line, and as the the yellow river water flooding and get out of hand.

每當感恩節的時候兄弟總想對你說一句埋藏在心底很久的話:我對你的感謝猶如滔滔江水連綿不絕,我對你的尊敬猶如黃河泛濫 不可收拾

Whenever the time thanksgiving brothers always want to say to you a long time, then buried in the bottom of my heart: Ithank you like the endless rolling river, I have respect for you just like the yellow river flooding situation as out of control.

我是天津的,上老年大學的幾年裡學會了攝影,獲了幾個市級和全國的小獎,便 不可收拾

I am tianjin, on in old-age university's several years have learned the photography, have attained several city levels andthe national small prize, but then round beyond redemption.

1997亞洲金融危機之後,為了拉動經濟成長,韓國政府放寬了公寓轉讓限制,此舉雖然成功搞活韓國房地產市場,卻助長了房地產投機,從此 不可收拾

After the 1997 asian financial crisis, in order to stimulate economic growth, the korean government relaxed the restrictionof the apartment, although the success of this invigorating korean real estate market, has fueled real estate speculation,has since branched out of control.

如果投資者開始拋售美國資產,美元的這種下跌勢頭本來可能會 不可收拾,但美聯儲(fed)果斷拯救貝爾斯登(bearstearns),改變了人們對美國未來利率走勢的預期,重振了市場信心。

That decline could have become self-sustaining if investors had begun to dump us assets, but the decisive rescue of bearstearns by the federal reserve shifted expectations about future us interest rates and restored confidence.

當然,可能此時的諸葛老先生經驗閱歷還不夠豐富的原因,老先生並沒把其罵人的才能全部發揮出來,但隨著老先生年齡的增長,其罵人的功力也隨著變得日益強大(那簡直是猶如滔滔江水, 不可收拾)。

Surely, mr zhuge didn't give totally play to his abusive ability at that time for lacking rich experiences, but following hisriseing age, the it was getting stronger day by day. ( It virtually seemed like torrential and irremediable river water)


