現代商務統計學 特色及評論
Authorship: Authors are well known, highly regarded and respected in the field.
Complete Integration of Microsoft Excel Coverage: This edition focuses on utilizing the latest version of Microsoft Excel to perform statistical analyses. Step-by-step instructions and screen captures are included Throughout the text.
Problem-Scenario Approach: The discussion and development of each technique is presented in an application setting, with the statistical results providing insights to decisions and solutions to problems.
Fantastic Examples and Exercises: The authors have always been well known for their excellent problems. More real data examples and exercises have been added to this edition. The use of real data enables students to learn about not only statistical methodology, but also the application.
Methods and Applications Exercises: The end-of-section exercises are split into these two problem categories. The "Methods" exercises require students to use the formulas and make the necessary computations. The "Applications" exercises require students to use the chapter material in real-world situations.
Notes and Comments: This feature is designed to give the student additional insights about the statistical methodology and its application. The feature includes warnings or limitations about the statistical methodology, recommendations for application, and other matters.
Self-Test Exercises: Completely worked-out solutions for certain exercises are provided in an appendix at the end of the book. Students can attempt the self-test exercises and immediately check the solution to evaluate their understanding of the concepts presented in this chapter.
Chapter-Ending Computer Cases: Includes cases that emphasize managerial use and interpretation of statistics.
現代商務統計學 內容簡介
This new edition provides a brief introduction to business statistics that balances a conceptual understanding of statistics with the real-world application of statistical methodology. The latest version of Microsoft Excel is integrated throughout the text, showing step-by-step instructions and screen captures to enhance student learning. The authors have been writing market-leading business statistics textbooks for over 20 years. This new edition contains the same student learning features that have made ASW products best-sellers for years; features such as the problem-scenario approach, and real-world examples that introduce statistical techniques.
這本精練的商務統計入門教材將概念理解與方法套用有機結合。最新版本的Excel貫穿全書始終,step-by-step 的說明以及掃描的圖表增加了學生使用本書學習的樂趣。本書作者有20多年編寫商務統計教材的經驗。本書原名《Contemporary Business Statistics with Microsoft Excel》。
現代商務統計學 本書目錄
1. Data and Statistics.2. Descriptive Statistics: tabular and Graphical Methods.
3. Descriptive Statistics: Numerical Methods.
4. Introduction to Probability.
5. Discrete Probability Distributions.
6. Continuous Probability Distributions.
7. Sampling and Sampling Distributions.
8. Interval Estimation.
9. Hypothesis Testing.
10. Comparisons Involving Means.
11. Comparisons Involving Proportions.
12. Regression Analysis.
13. Statistical Methods for Quality Control.
A. References and Bibliography.
B. Tables.
C. Summation Notation.
D. Answers to Even-Numbered Exercises. E. Solutions to Self-Test Exercises. F. Excel Functions and the Function Wizard.
現代商務統計學 作者介紹
David R. Anderson, University of Cincinnati Dennis J. Sweeney, University of CincinnatiThomas A. Williams, Rochester Institute of Technology