I read the paragraph10 and paragraph11 carefully and quickly. however I have some question [questions]on it .
first in paragraph10 author used [uses]punctuation marks like (—). I have never have never [去掉]been taught punctuation. The dash is longer than the hyphen I only know [加個句號.]A punctuation mark (—) used in writing and printing. Why author used dash in the article and what is the dash [dash’s]function. I look it up in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary with this question . [用逗號,]which say [says]that ‘1 the - punctuation mark that can be used to separate parts of a sentence Compare hyphen.’and ‘2 a long sound or flash of light which is used with dots to send messages in Morse (code)’.
In paragraph 11.there is a sentence that confuses me. ’a narcissistic showoff get up and leave the room when the conversation shifted from his accomplishments.’ In his opinion ,Without him the earth can not running[run]. This is ridiculous! I suggest him to seek [suggest that he seek]the aid of a psychiatrist