1. a platform built out from the shore into the water and supported by piles; provides access to ships and boats
同義詞:pier, wharfage, dock
1. provide with a wharf
2. store on a wharf
3. discharge at a wharf
4. come into or dock at a wharf
同義詞:moor, berth
5. moor at a wharf
water at at
Renhuai City
Historical Evolution Renhuai as early as the Shang and Zhou Dyna...
Historical Evolution Physical Geography -
簡介皇后鎮皇后鎮(Queenstown),又譯“昆士敦”或“昆斯敦”,位於紐西蘭的瓦卡蒂普湖(Lake Wakatipu)北岸...
簡介 基本信息 酒鄉之旅 自然資源 歷史由來 -
皮克碼頭(Peake’s Wharf)夏洛特城必到的景點還有皮克碼頭(Peake’s Wharf),在這裡有各具特色的手工藝品商店,別具風味的各式餐廳,以及環港旅行的大小船隻和修建別致的木板散步道。 ...
Geographic Region Geography Should the city located in east - ce...
Geographic Region The Resource Profile -
to berth,wharf, hence the name "dagger... boats to berth,wharf, hence the name...
Xiantao By By Historical Evolution -
Mawei District
Historical Evolution in the first year of the reign of (758), Re...
Historical Evolution Physical Geography -
Chongming Island
Historical Evolution 1300 years ago Tang Wu De period, Chongming...
Historical Evolution Economic Overview