- visor n.
面頰, 帽舌, 盔甲
vt.(用臉盔, 護目鏡等)遮護
1. a piece of armor plate (with eye slits) fixed or hinged to a medieval helmet to protect the face
2. a brim that projects to the front to shade the eyes
同義詞:bill, peak, eyeshade, vizor
the the the
面頰, 帽舌, 盔甲
vt.(用臉盔, 護目鏡等)遮護
3.1H處理器類型:Motorola 160 160
基本資料Dragon gboard gboard
基本資料Dragon gboard Modem
基本資料Dragon gboard gboard
基本資料Dragon gboard Modem
基本資料3.5.2H處理器類型:Motorola Dragon gboard
基本資料the the the
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